
May God bless Amir Abu al-Abbas, the best of kings at Naurouz,

بارك الله للأمير أبي العباس

1. May God bless Amir Abu al-Abbas, the best of kings at Naurouz,
And may He allow his pure sons to enjoy a peaceful and mighty kingdom,

١. بَارَكَ اللهُ لِلأَمِيرِ أَبِي الْعب
باسِ خَيْرِ الْمُلُوكِ فِي النَّيْرُوزِ

2. He is more deserving of it and more generous in it,
Than Afridun or Firuz.

٢. وَأَرَاهُ أَوْلاَدَهُ الْغُرَّ أَجْدَا
داً بِمُلْكٍ نَامٍ وَعِزٍّ عَزِيزِ

3. They have in the new moon a fleeting kingdom,
While we have in you an eternal kingdom.

٣. فَهوَ أَوْلَى بِهِ وبَالْجُودِ فِيهِ
مِنْ ابْرِويزَ وَمِنْ فَيْرُوزِ

4. So welcome the freshness of time with a prominent, dazzling year,
Whose smiling days obey after long stubbornness,

٤. لَهُمُ فِي الْهِلالِ هُرْمُزُروزٍ
وَلَنَا الدَّهْرِ فِيكَ هُرْمُزُرُوزِ

5. The obedience of love.
And fulfill the right of Naurouz in it with an intoxicating cup

٥. فَاقْتَبِلْ جِدَّةَ الزَّمَانِ بِعَامٍ
بَارِزٍ بِاللُّجَيْنِ والإبْرِيزِ

6. Whose drinking is with a goblet and jug,
In which is a colorful engraving by the hand of one

٦. ضَاحِكَاتٍ أَيَّامُهُ طَائِعَاتٍ
طَاعَةَ الْحبِّ بَعْدَ طُولِ النّشُوزِ

7. Whose faults did not resemble the deficiencies of painters.
The sun of his face rose under the darkness of curly hair

٧. وَاقْضِ حَقَّ النَّيْرُوزِ فيه بِكَأْسِ
مُزْعَجٍ سَقْيُهَا بكَأْسٍ وَكُوزِ

8. The color of blond,
From a meadow in which the youths

٨. فِيهِ نَقْشٌ مُلَوَّنُ مِنْ يَدَيْ مَنْ
لَمْ تَشُبْهُ مَعَايِبُ التَّلْوِيزِ

9. Fell short of the perfection of the beauty of the old.
Her bounty complains to the clouds,

٩. طَلَعَتْ شَمْسُ وَجْهِهِ تَحْتِ دَاجِيَ ال
شَعَرِ الْجَعْدِ صِبْغَةَ الشِّيرُوزِ

10. While it remains racing in the plains.
And upon a newcomer of good fortune protected

١٠. مِنْ عُقَارٍ تَرَى الْفَتِيَّةَ مِنْهَا
عَجَزَتْ عَنْ كَمَالِ حُسْنِ الْعَجُوزِ

11. From ill omens and harm, protected.
In Zubaidiyah, famed for its beauty and reservoir of pleasures,

١١. يَشْتَكِي كَرْمُهَا الأُوَامَ لَدَى الْقَطْ
فِ وَمَا زَالَ كَارِعاً في البُزُوزِ

12. And varieties of gems that appear every day
From its hidden treasures,

١٢. وعَلَى مُقْبِلٍ مِنَ السَّعْدِ مَحْجُو
بٍ عَنِ النَّحْس والأَذَىَ مَحْجُوزِ

13. Jasmine that related the chastity of musk,
So smell its perfume with battlements

١٣. بِالزُّبَيْدِيَّةِ الْمُشَهَّرَةِ الْحُسْ
نِ وَحَوْزِ اللَّذَاذَةِ الْمَاحُوزِ

14. And water from its millstones, and water measured out.
And palm trees whose quality is superior

١٤. وصُنَوفٍ مِنَ الْجَوَاهِرِ تَبْدُو
كُلَّ يَوْمٍ مِنْ كَنْزِهَا المَكْنُوزِ

15. To the chatter of apes and monkeys.
And it has fruits like the eggs of partridges

١٥. يَاسَمِينٌ حكَى قُرَاضَةَ تِبْرٍ
فَتَقُوا طِيبَهُ بِمَرْمَاحُوزِ

16. That emerged from their nests.
And the barren she-camels turned away from it, so they were likened

١٦. يَضْحَكُ الْوَرْدُ عِنْدَهُ بَيْن نِسْرِي
نَ وَبُسْتَانِ لعبهم آيْرُوزِ

17. To snub-nosed veils with pierced pearls.
How much pleasant time has passed in it

١٧. ورِياحٍ مِنَ الرِّياحِين أدَّتْ
نشرَ مِسْكٍ بعَنْبر مَعْرُوز

18. Where we spent nights like Laylat al-Qadr.
Before desires departed from us,

١٨. وبها من حَمَاحمٍ هَامُ رَنْجٍ
مُشْرفات الطُّلَى على سينيز

19. And journeys ended after July.
May He who is pleased with a kingdom

١٩. ومياهٍ يَشْكو الْجَداول أَبْساً
لم تُمَزِّقْهُ حادثاتُ النُّزُورِ

20. That strengthened religion greatly, be pleased.
For he, by God, is in a place of safety,

٢٠. وبنارِنْجِها المَحَمَّلِ تِبْراً
ومياه منْ آسها الْمَجزُوزِ

21. Under protection from destiny, protected.
May God support his kingdom with honest,

٢١. ونخيلٍ ترفَّع النَّوْعُ منها
عن حِوار الأَنْفَالِ والشَّهْرِيز

22. Pure counsel from which the times have gleamed brightly.
By a minister whose opinion is supported, who

٢٢. وبها الطَّلْعُ مثْلُ بِيضِ أَكُفٍّ
بَرَزَتْ من مَخَصَّرات القُزُوز

23. Won the art of administration, the best of gains.
So the treasures of the fathers remain fixed through him

٢٣. وتجافَتْ عَنْها الجُفوفُ فشُبِّهْ
ن كِمَاماً مفَتَّقات الدُّرُوز

24. Renewed each passing day with treasures.
A pen that rules the land, so it is more decisive

٢٤. كَمْ زمانٍ مضَى بها مُسْتَلَذٍّ
لَيْلنُا فيه مثلُ لَيْلِ الحَزِيز

25. Than a sword against enemies, well-honed.
And than an arrow when it snatches life

٢٥. قَبْلَ أَن تَرْحَلَ البوارحُ عنَّا
وتُحَطَّ الرِّحَالُ من تَمَّوز

26. Forcibly, and a twisted fate.
God has ringed Mardawij with a limit

٢٦. رضِيَ الرَّاضِيَ الإِلهُ لمُلْكٍ
عَزَّزَ الدَّينَ أيَّما تعزيز

27. Embedded in people's souls.
How many enemies has he destroyed without being

٢٧. فهوَ بالله في مَحَلِّ أَمانٍ
تَحتَ حِرْزٍ من القَضاء حَريز

28. Reproached, with the thrust of the spear and without being blamed.
And so he continues against every disobedient transgressor

٢٨. أَيَّد اللهُ مُلكَه بنَصيحٍ
رازَ منه الزَّمانَ أَذكى مَروز

29. And lowlife rebel, obstinate and defiant.
They planted like locusts the progeny of corruption.

٢٩. بوَزير مؤَيَّد الرَّأْي قَدْ حا
زَ بيُمْن التَّدبير خَيْرَ مَحُوز

30. May God obliterate that planting.
For he is like honey to sincere allies

٣٠. فكنُوزُ الآباءِ ثابتَةٌ منْهُ
كُلُّ يوم مُجَدَّدٍ بكنُوزِ

31. And like a sword upon enemies, subdued.
He has not been vexed by matters, nor has he

٣١. قَلَمٌ يملكُ الوَرَى فهو أَمْضى
من حُسامٍ على الأَعادي جَرُوز

32. Become confused in them like one distraught.
And Ali is likewise, not suspicious

٣٢. ومن السَّهْمِ حينَ يَسْتَلِبُ الْعُمْ
رَ اخْتِطافاً وعاملٍ مَجْلُوزِ

33. In his dealings, nor twisted.
Rather, he calls enemies with an opinion

٣٣. حَتَفَ اللهُ مَرْدَواجَ بحدٍّ
منْهُ في أَنْفُس الوَرَى مَرْكُوز

34. Neither deficient nor distorted.
The cloak of youth is ample upon him

٣٤. كم عَدُوٍّ أَبادَهُ غيْرَ مَقْبُو
نٍ بَمَرْدَى الرَّدَى ولا مَجْنُوز

35. While he has wisdom and judicious perception.
How many enemies spend the night because of him

٣٥. وكذا يَسْتَمرُّ في كُلِّ عاصٍ
وَنَبِيطٍ لهُمْ عُتاةٍ وخُوز

36. On the ground, on an accursed night.
O best of kings in mind and knowledge,

٣٦. غَرُزُوا كالْجَرَادِ نَسْلَ فسادٍ
مَحَقَ الله ذاكَ منْ تَغْرِيزِ

37. Unparalleled, peerless.
You have a servant who prides himself on praising you

٣٧. فهو كالشَّهدِ للنَّصيحِ المُوَالِي
وَكَسَيْفٍ عَلَى العِدَا مَهْزُوزِ

38. Whose clothes are the clothes of old.
The mention of genealogies and description

٣٨. لم يَضقْ بالأُمور صَدْراً ولا أَصْ
بَحَ فيها كحائرٍ مَلْهُوز

39. Under saddles did not tempt him.
From she-camels faster than others, with prominent humps.

٣٩. وعَليٌّ كذاك غَيْرُ ظنِينٍ
في مُراعاتِه ولا مَلْمُوز

40. The verses flowed to you with praise
Neither uncouth nor stunted.

٤٠. بَلْ يُنادِي الأَعْدَاءَ منْهُ برَأْي
غَيْرِ مُسْتَنْقَصٍ ولا مَغْمُوز

41. Between saad and daad and seen
Then manifest zay.

٤١. فَرِداءُ الشَّباب ضَافٍ عَلَيْهِ
وهو ذو حُنْكَة ورأيٍ مَريز

42. My nature is radiant, my words are easy,
Not clouded by the darkness of frustration.

٤٢. كم عدُوٍّ يبيتُ منهُ على صح
حَةِ جسمٍ بلَيْلَةِ الْمَنْكُوز

43. Abundant is his water, coming obediently,
Neither drawn with difficulty nor rationed.

٤٣. يا أَجلَّ المُلوك عَقْلاً وعلْماً
مُفرَدَ السبق غَيْرَ ما مَلْزُوز

44. Poetry returns from him when he competes
With a cleft nose, and a decisive separation.

٤٤. لَكَ عَبْدٌ كَساكَ فاخِرَ مَدْحٍ
رَائِقِ لُبْسُهُ لِبَاسَ الخُزُوز

45. Whoever attempts to weave the like of it
Gleaming pieces snatch it away from that embroidery.

٤٥. لم يَشِنْهُ ذكرُ السَّبَاسِبِ والوَصْ
فُ لعيسِ تَحْتَ الرِّحال جَمُوز

46. The educated poet falls short of the expanse of enclosures
With repeated returns and versifying.

٤٦. من قوافٍ علَى سِواهُ صِعَابٍ
سُبَّقِ الْجَرْي ظاهرات البُرُوز

47. And so nothing compares between withered grass
Whose number exceeds that of a filled well.

٤٧. خَطَرْت نَحْوَكَ القَوَافِي بِمَدْحٍ
غيرِ مُسْتَهْجَنٍ ولا مَكْزُوز

48. I have won against a group of people whom I see
As poets in script and prosody.

٤٨. بَيْن صادٍ وبَيْن ضادٍ وسينٍ
ثُمَّ زايٍ مُبينةِ التَّبْريز

49. They distinguish the diction of others in which
Is defeat, like the plunder of bandits.

٤٩. سائلُ الطَّبْع مُشْرِقُ اللَّفْظ سَهْلٌ
ما تُغَشِّيه ظُلْمَةُ التَّكْزيز

50. With deliberate rhymes and affected meanings
And contrived speech and frustrated frustration.

٥٠. فائضٌ ماؤُه يجيءُ مُطيعاً
غيرَ مُسْتَجْلَبٍ ولا مَنْحُوز

51. They slighted him to catch up with him, but came
To a halt, stunted in ability.

٥١. يَرْجعُ الشِّعْرُ عَنْهُ حِين يُسامِي
هِ بأَنفٍ مُجَدَّعٍ مَحْزُوز

52. Deprived is their nature, so they traveled
A path to it, unauthorized.

٥٢. مَن يَرُمْ نَسْجَ مثْله تَخْتَطفْهُ
لامعاتٌ من ذلك التَّطْريز

53. Strange that fate impedes the strong
From the step of the weak old man.

٥٣. قَصَّرَ الْمُخْلِفُ المُعَلَّمُ عَنْ فَيْ
ض صَيُودٍ مُعاوِدِ التَّكْريز

54. How can one whose heart aches from regret
Contain proper recitation and versification?

٥٤. وكذا لاَ يُقاسُ بَيْنَ خَسِيفٍ
فائضٌ عِدُّهَا بِبِئْرٍ نَكُوز

55. I do not see a contender for them in prose
Or in their seas, having waves.

٥٥. جُزْتُ فيه مَيْدَانَ قَوْمٍ أَراهُمْ
شُعَراءً بالْخَطِّ والتَّجْوِيز

56. I have no share to gain from what is
In their scales, or in their money pouches.

٥٦. يَسْتَمِيزُونَ لَفْظَ غَيْرهمُ في
ه غِلاباً كَغَارة التَّكْليز

57. I have no foothold in their land, not a handspan
In their valley, nor defiance.

٥٧. بقَوَافٍ مَدُوسَةٍ ومَعانٍ
مُخْلِقاتٍ ومَنْطِقٍ مَرْمُوز

58. The jewels of diving are covetous of them
While we have the jewels of sincere old men.

٥٨. وَكَزُوهُ ليَلْحقُوهُ فَآبُوا
بِقَصِيرٍ عنِ المَدَى مَوْكُوز

59. They have cast the legs of greed into a saddle
That diminished their estimation and arrogance.

٥٩. حُرِموا الطَّبْعَ صاغرينَ فَسَارُوا
منْ طَريق إليَهْ غيرِ مَجُوزِ

60. If we feared evil from them, we would stir among them
Like lions in a jungle.

٦٠. عَجَبٌ والقَضاءُ يُقْعِدُ ذا الْقُو
وَةِ عَنْ خُطْوَةِ الضَّعِيفِ الْعَجِيز

61. Then they came to a good side
While we came to a baked side.

٦١. كيف يحوِي التَّجْويدَ صاحبُ قَلْبٍ
مُوجَعٍ من تَأَسُّفٍ مَوْحُوز

62. My soul yearns for it, thrown like a
Full-faced shield, sublimely decorated.

٦٢. لا أَرَى كارعاً لَهُمْ في إناء
لا ولا في بحارِهِمْ ذا نُهُوز

63. So my tears of sorrow flow
The flowing of the water skin's pouring.

٦٣. ليس لي غَلَّةٌ تُحَصَّلُ ممَّا
في موازينهم ولا في قَفيز

64. The misfortunes of my luck have choked me
And my afflictions from my twisted luck.

٦٤. لاَ وَلاَ لي في أَرضهم قَيدُ شِبْرٍ
في وِهادٍ لَهُمْ ولا في نُشُوز

65. My master has seen me standing confused
Like a worried cross-eyed one.

٦٥. دَرَّةُ الغُزْرِ هامِيَاتٌ عَلَيْهِمْ
وَلَنَا دَرَّةُ القَطُوعِ الْعَزُوز

66. So remain, my master, with enduring survival,
Neither troubled nor disturbed.

٦٦. غَرزُوا أَرجُلَ الطَّمَاعَةِ فِي رُكْ
بٍ أَخَسَّتْ مِقْدَارَهُمْ وغُرُوزِ

67. And may happiness in your kingdom remain unabated
And undiminished.

٦٧. لَوْ يكونُ التَّجْويدُ دارَ ثَوَاءٍ
لَمْ يَجوزُوا منها مدى الدَّهْلِيْزِ

68. Surpassing the prestige of every imam
Who conquered glory, undeterred.

٦٨. قُلْتُ إِذْ جُوِّزَتْ بغَيْر انْتِقَابٍ
لَكِ حَظٌّ الْقِنَاعِ فِينا فجُوزي

69. You are, by God, in a position of safety,
Under protection from destiny.

٦٩. فازَ منهم جَمَاعَةٌ بِأُناسٍ
واتِّكَالِي عَلَيْكَ في التَّفْويز

70. May God support your kingdom with honest
Pure counsel, from which the times have gleamed brightly.

٧٠. لَسَتُ أَرْجُو سواكَ بعدَ إلهي
عِنْدَ تَقْصِيدِهِمْ ولا التَّرجِيز

71. By a minister whose view gains victory, who
Won the art of administration, the best gain.

٧١. وَوَزِيرَيْنِ جَهَّزِانِي بجُودٍ
نَعَّشَانِي بذَلِكَ التَّجْهِيزِ

72. So the treasures of forefathers remain established through him
Renewed each new day with treasures.

٧٢. حِينَ عَيَّ الزَّمانُ عن ذِكْرِ حَظِّي
جَبَرَا فاقَتِي بِجَودٍ وجِيز

73. A pen that rules the lands, so it is more decisive
Than a sharpened sword against enemies.

٧٣. أَنتَ أَدْرَى بالشِّعْر من قائلِيهِ
فاقضِ فِيهِ بالْحَزْم والتَّعْجيز

74. And than an arrow when it snatches away life
Forcibly, and a twisted fate.

٧٤. وكذا العِلْمُ بالمحرَّكِ والسَّا
كِنِ في نَحْوِهِمْ وبالمَهْمُوز

75. God has hemmed in Mardawij with a limit
Embedded in the souls of people.

٧٥. لَيْس إلا الَّذي يَضُمُّهُمُ المَجْ
لِسُ للإِنْتِحالِ والتَّمْييز

76. How many enemies were destroyed by him with no
Reproach, by the thrust of spears and no blame.

٧٦. فَهُمُ فَوْقَ مَنْ يَرَى قَوْلَ حَقٍّ
غيرَ مُسْتَنْكَرٍ ولا مَنْهُوز

77. And so he continues against every insolent
Transgressor and despicable rebel, stubborn and defiant.

٧٧. فأَجِزْنِي بِقَدْرِ علمِكَ بالأَشْ
عار يا خَيْرَ مُنْعِمٍ ومُجيز

78. They planted like locusts the progeny of corruption,
May God obliterate that planting.

٧٨. بِدَنانِيرَ لا أُحَالُ على الْجِهْ
بِذِ فيهَا وَلاَ عَلَى كُتْبِ رُوز

79. For he is like honey to sincere allies
And a sword upon enemies, subdued.

٧٩. وَرَغِيفُ النَّدِّ الَّذي غَصَبُوني
هِ وأَكْرِمْ بِذَاكَ مِنْ مَجْنُوز

80. He is not vexed by matters, nor confused
In them, like one distraught.

٨٠. غَلَبَتْني عَلَيْهِ أَيْدِي نِهَابٍ
نَهزَتْهُ بحَظِّهَا المَنْهُوز

81. And Ali is likewise, not suspicious
In his dealings, nor twisted.

٨١. سَبَقَتْني إليه سَبْقَ ذئابٍ
خاطِفَاتٍ بِهِزَّةٍ وأَزِيزِ

82. Rather, he calls enemies with an opinion
Neither deficient nor distorted.

٨٢. كان خَتْلاً منهم كَخَتل الحَواري
يِ سَيْفِ الله ذِي الرَّدى جُرْمُوز

83. The cloak of youth is ample upon him
While having wisdom and judicious perception.

٨٣. لو خَشِينَا الْبِدَارَ مِنهُمْ لَعِثْنا
فيهِمُ كاللُّيُّوثِ فِي الأَمْعُوزِ

84. How many enemies spend the night because of him
Prostrate on the ground, on an accursed night.

٨٤. ثُمَّ آبوا بجانِبٍ طَيِّب النَّشْ
رِ وَأُبْنا بِجانِبٍ مَخْبوز

85. O finest of kings in mind and knowledge
Unequaled, peerless.

٨٥. لَهْفَ نفسي عليه مُلْقىً كَتُرْسٍ
وافرِ الحَرْف مُشْرفِ التَّفْريز

86. You have a servant who prides himself on praising you
In radiant poetry, in the garb of old.

٨٦. فَدُموعي من التَّأَسُّف تَجْري
جَرْيَ وَفْرَاءَ وافياتِ الخُرُوز

87. The mention of ancestry and description
Under saddles did not tempt him.

٨٧. جَمَزَتْنِي فَوايِتُ الحظِّ منْهُ
وا بلاَئِي منْ حَظِّيَ الْمجمُوز

88. From she-camels faster than others, prominent in their humps.
The verses flowed towards you with praise,

٨٨. قَدْ رَأَى سَيِّدِي وُقُوفِيَ حَيْرا
نَ كَمُصْمِي الرَّمِيَّةِ الْمَنْزُوز

89. Neither coarse nor stunted.
Between saad and daad and seen

٨٩. فابْقَ يَا سَيِّدي بَقاءَ ثَبِيرٍ
غَيْرَ ما مَزْعَجٍ ولاَ مَحْقُوز

90. Then manifest zay.
My nature pours forth, my words are easy,

٩٠. وتَمَلَّ السُّرُورَ سائِرَ مُلْكٍ
غَيْرَ مُسْتَنْقَصٍ ولاَ مَبْزُوز

91. Not clouded by the darkness of frustration.
Abundant is his water, coming obediently,

٩١. تَتَخطَّى مداسَ كلِّ إِمامٍ
قاهرَ العزِّ غَيْرَ مَا مَعزُوز