
I used to be the eye of guidance from him

وخل كنت عين الرشد منه

1. I used to be the eye of guidance from him
And a listener whenever they mentioned, listening

١. وَخِلٍّ كُنتُ عَينَ الرُّشد مِنهُ
وَمُستَمِعا إِذا ذَكَروا سَميعا

2. He went around in vanity, so I forbade him from it
And I said to him, I see a terrible matter

٢. أَطاف بغَيّة فَنهيت عَنها
وَقُلتُ لَهُ أَرى أَمراً فَظيعا

3. I wanted to guide him until when
He disobeyed my order, I made it clear to everyone

٣. أَرَدتُ رَشادَه حَتّى إِذا ما
عَصى أَمري أَبَيناه جَميعا