
He is a man of high morals

وصاحب ماجد خلائقه

1. He is a man of high morals
Who does not hoard money out of fear for tomorrow.

١. وصاحِبٍ ماجد خلائِقه
لا يَذخَر المالَ خائِفاً لغد

2. He is open-faced, gathering all perfections,
And a pillar of strength and honor among the tribe of Asad.

٢. طَليق وَجه جَمِّ المَكارِمِ في الذِّر
وَةِ وَالعِزِّ من بَني أَسد

3. I woke him while the dawn was still hidden
And the night was languid, leaning on its staff.

٣. نبّهتُه وَالصَّباح مُحتَجِب
وَاللَّيلُ واهي الأَطناب وَالعَمَد

4. "Arise my father, you have dozed off from the cup -
Cure the sickness with vigilance!"

٤. قُم بِأَبي أَنتَ قَد رَقَدتَ عَن الكَأ
سِ فَداوِ السَّقامَ بِالسُّهُد

5. So he arose from a slumber that dragged him along,
Trailing a tail back to me, gentle and affectionate.

٥. فَقامَ عَن نَعسة تجاذَبَه
يَجُرّ ذَيلا إِلَيّ ذا أَوَد

6. The night was wakeful and the stars in the horizons
Wandered like scattered pearls.

٦. وَاللَّيلُ يَقظان وَالكَواكِب في ال
آفاقِ حَيرى كَاللُؤلُؤ البَدَد

7. I showed him the cup, deprived of its joy -
He straightened it and barely hesitated.

٧. أَريتُه الكَأس بَعد بَهجَتِها
مَسلوبَةً فَاِستَوى وَلَم يَكَد

8. The perfumer anointed it with his hand
And steadied it with his fingers.

٨. وَقامَ طَيّابُها فَأَسرَجَها
بِكَفّه وَاِستَقَلّها بِيَد

9. Then he topped it off with water and it was disturbed,
Bubbling and foaming with froth.

٩. ثُم عَلاها بِالماءِ فَاِضطَربَت
وَطَيَّرَت بِالحباب وَالزَبَد

10. Until the decanters hovered over their cups
As a father bends over his son.

١٠. حَتّى الأَباريق فَوق أَكؤُسِها
كَما اِنحَنى والِد عَلى وَلَد

11. So it seemed to me like the water of rain clouds -
Oh, how cool its memory is to my inner self!

١١. فَخِلتُ فيها ماءَ السَّحاب إِذاً
يا بَردَ تذكاره عَلى كَبدي