
The doves departed from a land filled with yearning

راحت به العيس عن أرض بها شجن

1. The doves departed from a land filled with yearning
Seeking refuge in a home where it could settle

١. راحَت بِهِ العِيس عَن أَرض بِها شجن
يَؤُمّ داراً بِه فيها لَه سَكَنُ

2. Until another homeland called it from its home
And its heart was torn, pledged to both places

٢. حَتى إِذا وَطنٌ ناداهُ عَن وَطَن
وَقَلبه بهما صَبٌّ وَمُرتَهَنُ

3. It woke from the first separation with confidence
And turned from the ways of the other, content

٣. أَضحى من الفُرقَةِ الأولى عَلى ثِقَة
وَحالَ عَن سنَن الأُخرى بِه سَنَنُ

4. So it did not settle on a spring or trace
And neither of the two homelands did it choose as home

٤. فَلا أقام عَلى عَين وَلا أَثَر
وَلا من الوطنَين اختاره وَطنُ