
When Ja'far appeared at the auspicious hour

ولما بدا جعفر في الخميس

1. When Ja'far appeared at the auspicious hour
Between the bride and groom in the bridal bower

١. وَلِمّا بَدا جَعفَر في الخَمي
سِ بَينَ المطلّ وَبَين العَروسِ

2. He seemed to wear a robe that fortune blessed
Which banished every omen of distress

٢. بَدا لابِسا بهما حُلّة
أُزيلَت بِها طالِعات النحوسِ

3. When midst his friends, the lords of high degree
The flower of men, most gen'rous, brave and free

٣. وَلمّا بَدا بَينَ أَحبابه
وُلاةِ العُهود وَعزّ النفوسِ

4. He shone a moon 'mid lesser moons around
A sun with gleaming rays of glory crowned

٤. غَدا قَمراً بَينَ أَقمارِهِ
وَشَمساً مكلَّلَة بِالشموسِ

5. Now with joy's torch the wedding feast he graced
Now grieved when mirth gave place to sorrow's waste

٥. بِإيقاد نار وَإِطفائِها
وَيَومٍ أَنيق وَيَومٍ عَبوسِ