1. He goes about matters as they begin,
And his thoughts show him their ends.
١. يُمضي الأُمور عَلى بَدائهه
وَتُريه فِكرَتُهُ عَواقِبَها
2. So he keeps originating them and bringing them back,
Informing of their present and their absent.
٢. فَيَظَلُّ يُصدِرُها وَيورِدُها
فَيَعُمّ حاضِرها وَغائِبَها
3. When a difficult one becomes harsh and glowing,
Its guide is its undertaker.
٣. فَإِذا أَلمّت صعبَة فحمت
منها المَقادَة كانَ صاحِبَها
4. The independent one in it when it is intertwined
And has crooked upon the days its seeker.
٤. المُستقلّ بها وَقد رَسبَت
وَلَوت عَلى الأَيّامِ طالِبَها
5. You took over the Caliphate when it was erected for you,
So you protected it and prevented its aspect.
٥. سُستَ الخلافة إِذ نَصَبت لَها
فَحميتها وَمنعتَ جانِبَها
6. And you made it just, so it became balanced,
And you satisfied its desirer and its monk.
٦. وَعدلتها بِالحَق فَاِعتَدَلَت
وَوَسِعت راغِبَها وَراهِبَها
7. Generally, you covered its crimes with pardon,
And you watered its demands with help.
٧. عَفواً عممتَ بِه جَرائِمها
وَنَدىً وَرَيتَ بِه مَطالِبَها
8. And when the wars grew violent you sent against them
An opinion that routs its battalions.
٨. وَإِذا الحُروب طَغَت بعثتَ لَها
رَأياً تَفُلّ بِه كَتائِبَها
9. An opinion, when the swords grew, advanced,
A resolve by which its striking places were healed.
٩. رَأيا إِذا نَبت السيوف مَضى
عَزمٌ بِه فَشفى مَضارِبَها
10. It flowed to a sect with its government
And it settled in another its composers.
١٠. أَجرى إِلى فِئَة بِدَولَتِها
وَأَقامَ في أخرى نَوادِبَها
11. And when the afflictions eased and abated,
Its reconcilers calmed its vicissitudes.
١١. وَإِذا الخُطوب تَأثلت ورسَت
هدَّت فَواضِلُه نَوائِبَها
12. Until the turns of fate brought it blessings,
Its battlefields, its striking places.
١٢. حَتّى تَكرّ صروفها نِعَما
مَصارعها مَضارِبَها
13. And when your hand conducted its conscience,
The world displayed for it its attributes.
١٣. وَإِذا جَرت بِضَميره يَده
أَبدَت له الدُّنيا مَناقِبَها