1. People dispraised you, saying you resemble
The full moon veiled in darkness. God forbid
١. وَعابَكِ أَقوام وَقالوا شَبيهَة
بِبَدر الدُّجى حاشاكِ أَن تشبهي البَدرا
2. That you should be compared to the moon!
If they likened you to the full moon on a perfect night,
٢. لَئِن شَبَّهوكِ البَدر لَيلَة تمِّه
لَقَد قارَفوا الشَّنعاءَ وَاِحتَقَبوا الوِزرا
3. They surely committed a grave sin, bearing awful guilt.
Can a waning moon, half its month gone,
٣. أَيُشبِه بَدر آفِلٌ نِصفَ شهرِه
ضِياءً مُنيراً يَطلُع الشَّهر وَالدَّهرا