
May it gladden you to have humbled proud empires with your might,

ليهنك أصهار أذلت بعزها

1. May it gladden you to have humbled proud empires with your might,
And broken the noses of the arrogant with blows,

١. لِيَهنِكَ أَصهار أذلّت بِعِزّها
خُدوداً وَجَدّعنَ الأُنوف الرَّواغِما

2. You have united the two lineages of the Banu Hashim through it,
And attained through it the most noble virtues for the most noble,

٢. جَمَعت بِهِ الشَّملَين مِن آل هاشِم
وَحُزتَ بِهِ لِلأَكرَمين المَكارِما

3. Your sons will be tomorrow the House of the Prophet and the heirs of the Caliphate,
Ruling over Persia and the House of Hashim.

٣. بنوك غَداً آلُ النبِيِّ وَوارثو ال
خِلافَةِ وَالحاوون كِسرى وَهاشِما