
Make for yourself among your people a doctrine

اجعل لنفسك بين قومك مذهبا

1. Make for yourself among your people a doctrine
Good you will find it by your standard

١. اجعل لنفسك بين قومك مذهبا
حسنا تجده لقدرك المقياسا

2. Ensure sovereignty and contentment among its people
Who lived among them with grace and consolation

٢. ضمن السيادة والرضى في أهله
من عاش فيهم بالصنيع وواسى

3. And seriousness is the best that honors an ambitious one
And jest is the easiest that demolishes a foundation

٣. والجد أمثل ما يوقر طامحاً
والهزل أسهل ما يدك أساسا

4. And inquire from the fathers about their sons
For lineage was by its nature penetrating

٤. واستطلع الآباء في أبنائهم
فالعرق كان بطبعه دساسا

5. And clarify excuses from one who makes excuses
For the free man is from weighing matters and founding

٥. وتبين الأعذار من مستعذرٍ
فالحر من وزن الأمور وساسا

6. And there is perhaps a hidden flaw behind your back
Upon which an enemy unleashed a sword

٦. ولرب عيب خلف ظهرك غامض
وعليه سلط شانئ نبراسا

7. So if the voices of evildoers rise up then beware
The barking of dogs alerts the guards

٧. فإذا علا صوت الأراذل فانتبه
نبح الكلاب ينبه الحراسا

8. Matters have become hard even though I have advised and even if
Casting reason aside has become reason today

٨. قست الأمور وقد نصحت وإن يكن
نبذ القياس اليوم بات قياسا

9. Perhaps some will awake from their slumber
And we see on the face of the earth people

٩. فعسى يفيق البعض من غفواتهم
فنرى على وجه البسيطة ناسا