1. And perhaps a deprived one's wealth is concealed
Yet to his beard cling two greedy hands
١. ولربَّ محروم تلبد ماله
وله إلى ذقن تغل يدان
2. A disease that afflicts the wealthy, for it is
The desire for more that causes deprivation
٢. مرض يصاب به الغنى فإنما
طلب الزيادة علة الحرمان
3. And perhaps one with plenty will see his earnings dissipate
Nothing remains from one day to the next
٣. ولرب مطعوم تبدد كسبه
لم يبق من يوم ليوم ثان
4. A disease that afflicts the poor, for it is
The cause of scarcity, man's endless greed
٤. مرض يصاب به الفقير فإنما
سبب الخصاصة نهمة الإنسان
5. Between the two lies contentment
Moderation gives comfort to the body
٥. إثنان بينهما توسط قانعاً
إن التوسط راحة الأبدان