1. I strived for a matter that exceeded my capacity
And I dressed it up, but fate is shrewder
١. جهدت لأمر خلته مد طاقتي
2. So when it became impossible, I went to seek my companion
But seeking companionship was inauspicious
٢. وكست له لكنما الحظ أكيس
3. So I submitted all matters to God
And protected my face with water that cannot be sullied
٣. فلما تعاصى رحت أسعى لصاحبي
4. And I learned what time has taught
That when destiny speaks, striving becomes mute
٤. فخاب كأن السعي للصحب ينحس
5. And that the children of mankind are of two types: one
Bare, and another who wears whatever he wishes
٥. فسلمت للَه الأمور جميعها
6. And my worldly life was married to poetry
I enjoyed her, but the husband was bankrupt
٦. وصنت لوجهي ماءه لا يدنس
7. So I became a Sufi when my goal was absent
Wandering with what I have, a most excellent escape
٧. وعلمت ما قد علم الدهر أنه
٨. إذا أنطق المقدور فالسعي أخرس
٩. وأن بنى الإنسان صنفان واحد
١٠. عرى وثان كل ما شاء يلبس
١١. وزف إلى الشعر دنياي زوجة
١٢. أمتعها لكنما الزوج مفلس
١٣. فأصبحت صوفيا إذا غاب غايتي
١٤. غويت الذي عندي ونعم المتنفس