
I have written prolifically, yet none is capable

كثرت تواليفي وما من قادر

1. I have written prolifically, yet none is capable
Of my wakefulness, refinement, or production,

١. كثرت تواليفي وما من قادرٍ

2. Except a youth like me, though of what use is he
As long as he follows my path?

٢. سهري وتنقيحي ولا إخراجي

3. The hands loathe to extend to him, though
If given, would lead to ascension.

٣. إلا فتى مثلي وما الجدوى به

4. Literature whose wellspring produces useful waters—
The thirsty arts are sated by its gushing fount.

٤. ما دام سياراً على منهاجي

5. If I had pursued my methods elsewhere
I’d have filled my coffers with ransoms of gold.

٥. كره الأيادي أن تمد له على

6. A land in which the man of letters lives destitute—
His production from wealth and taxes.

٦. من ولو أدته للمعراج

7. If one buys my book with a word
Of thanks, I say my harvest was honest.

٧. أدب تفجر منه نبع نافعٌ

٨. عطشى الفنون بمائه الثجاج

٩. لو في سوى مصر اتخذت مذاهبي

١٠. لملأت من ذهب الفدى أخراجي

١١. بلد به يحيا الأديب مضيعاً

١٢. إنتاجه من ثروة وخراج

١٣. من يشتري مني الكتاب بلفظة

١٤. من شكره فأقول صح نتاجي