
They say the employee is so generous

يقولون الموظف ذو يسارٍ

1. They say the employee is so generous
And that the merchant is so stingy

١. يقولون الموظف ذو يسارٍ
وأن الشح في رجل التجارة

2. They have wronged them both, for when we see
The employee in patched-up clothes in public

٢. لقد ظلموهما فإذا رأينا
الموظف في التقميش فالظهارة

3. It's a facade he's compelled to keep up
While poverty gnaws at him inside

٣. ضرورة مظهر حتم عليه
وباطنه تصليه الحرارة

4. And that's because if he acts rich, we see
His fantasies have obscured the squalor

٤. وذلك إن يسر قذراً رأينا
خيال المال قد غطى القذارة

5. The employee knows the wage of a month
Doesn't increase, not even by a toenail

٥. وقد عرف الموظف رزق شهرٍ
لشهرٍ لا يزيد عليه بارة

6. And he has savored education and civilization
His soul refined, eloquent his speech

٦. وذاق العلم والتمدين صرفاً
غنى النفس مصقول العبارة

7. So if he gives, it's from his basic needs
While the other holds back, fearing loss

٧. فهذا لو يجود فعن كفافٍ
وذاك يشح من خوف الخسارة