1. Is it because the suitable mixture became clear
That desire called you and the landmarks misguided you
١. أَمِن أَجلِ أَن بانَ الخَليط المُلائِمُ
دَعاكَ الهَوى وَاِستَجهَلتكَ المَعالمُ
2. So lower your worries upon yourself to gain some comfort
For none attained the ease of living except the submissive
٢. فَخَفِّض عَليكَ الهَمَّ تَحظَ بِراحَةٍ
فَما نالَ خَفضَ العَيشِ إِلّا المُسالمُ
3. And leave your procrastination of wishes for they are
Deceivers that no resolute person listens to
٣. وَدَع عَنكَ تَسويفَ الأَماني فَإِنَّها
خَوادِعُ لا يُصغي إِلَيهِنَّ حازِم
4. And come closer to cutting off raging passion
For honor is nothing but the banners being brought down
٤. وَأَدنِ لِقَطعِ هَوجاءَ ضامِراً
فَما العِزُّ إِلّا أَن تَخُبَّ الرَواسِمُ
5. If a female news bearer senses something from a tale teller
She says fancy has lent it the wings of blessings
٥. إِذا ما أَحسَّت نَبأَةً مِن مُحَدِّثٍ
تَقولُ أَعارَتها الجَناحَ النَعائِم
6. We visit a young man who revived virtues after
A time when they were just withered bones
٦. نَزورُ فَتىً أَحيا المَكارِمَ بَعدَما
مَضى زَمَنٌ وَهيَ العِظامُ الرَمائِمُ
7. Su’ud son of the masters of the world, raised by kings
A kind hearted young man who trembles for the dew
٧. سُعودَ بَني الدُنيا سَليلَ إِمامِها
مَليكاً تَرَبَّتهُ المُلوكُ الأَعاظِم
8. And knows that stinginess destroys glory
A young man who in fright gave the sword its right
٨. فَتىً أَريحِيَّ النَفسِ يَهتَزُّ لِلنَدّى
وَيَعلَمُ أَنَّ البَخلَ لِلمَجدِ هادِمُ
9. If there was nothing left but swords as protectors
A young man who has never spent a night conversing with a flower
٩. فَتىً كانَ يُعطي السَيفَ في الرَوعِ حَقَّهُ
إِذا لَم يَكُن إِلّا السُيوفَ مَعاصِم
10. Nor did beautiful singing women accompany him
But he is passionate about glory, coveting
١٠. فَتىً لَم يَبِت لَيلاً يُسامِرُ مِزهَراً
وَلا تَتَصاباهُ الحِسانُ النَواعِم
11. Matters none other than the brave would dare to face
A young man whose forefathers bequeathed him glory
١١. وَلكِنَّهُ بِالمَجدِ صَبٌّ مُوَلَّعٌ
يَرومُ أُموراً دونَهُنَّ مَقاحِمُ
12. And whose sacrifice and fierce acts are the keys to sublimity
When banners bow to them one day out of dread
١٢. فَتىً أَورَثَتهُ المَجدَ آباؤُهُ الأولى
وَبَذلُ النَدى وَالمُرهَفاتُ الصَوارِمُ
13. Are they not the folk whose mention flew
With their generosity, valor and overwhelming might?
١٣. فَهُنَّ مَفاتيحُ العُلى وَعِمادُها
إِذا سَجَدَت يَوماً لهُنَّ الجَاجِمُ
14. If asked a favor, their palms were rain clouds
But rain poured from them was silver coins
١٤. أَلَيسَ مِن القَومِ الذي طارَ ذِكرُهُم
بِبَذلِ اللُهى وَالبَأسِ وَالجَوُّ قاتِمُ
15. And if they raged, then death was some of their punishment
And the mighty bow to them pleading and begging
١٥. إِذا سُئِلوا المَعروفَ كانَت أَكُفُّهُم
سَحائِبَ لكِن وَبلُهُنَّ الدَراهِمُ
16. The rule is yours by inheritance from your father and by acquisition
And do lionesses give birth to anyone but baby lions?
١٦. وَإِن غَضِبوا فَالمَوتُ بَعضُ عِقابِهِم
وَتُستَلُّ مِنهُ بِالخُضوعِ السَخائِمُ
17. Is not your father Faisal the ingenious
Whose sublimity nurtured him while still toddling?
١٧. لَكَ المُلكُ إِرثاً مِن أَبيكَ وَمَكسَباً
وَهل تَلِدُ الأشبالَ إِلّا الضَراغِمُ
18. By him we wore the days’ new clothing while it exuded
Comfort and warmth, its harshness melting away
١٨. أَلَيسَ أَبوكَ العَبقَرِيُّ بنُ فَيصلٍ
هُماماً تَرَبَّتهُ العُلى وَهيَ رائِمُ
19. He has whiffs of resolute determination but also gentleness
By which good fortune comes to the rightful and misery to the opponent
١٩. لَبِسنا به الأَيّامَ رَهواً عُبابُها
وَهَبذَت رُخاءً وَهيَ سَخمٌ سَمائِمُ
20. Lenient if clemency has a place while for the pompous fool
There is an inseparable, incurable malady
٢٠. لَه نَفَحاتٌ مِن عِقابٍ وَنائِلٍ
بِها يَسعدُ المَولى وَيَشقى المُقاوِم
21. Ever forgiving of the sinner when he repents
No matter how major his crimes seem to him
٢١. حَليمٌ إِذا ما كانَ لِلحِلم مَوضِعٌ
وَلِلجاهِل المَغرورِ داءٌ مُلازِم
22. And how often for you one day a themed parade enticed
Both Arabs submitted obediently to you as well as foreigners
٢٢. عَفُوٌّ عَن الجاني إِذا جاءَ تائِباً
وَإِن عَظُمَت مِنهُ إِلَيهِ الجرائِم
23. You made the gardens of glory a pilgrimage for people
So they performed hajj but virtues will never cease to attract pilgrims
٢٣. وَكَم لكُمُ يَوما أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلاً
به العَربُ اِنقادت لكُم وَالأَعاجِمُ
24. Going back laden with your booty, riches and war captives
You mastered seizing glory from where it resided
٢٤. جَعَلتُم رِياضَ المَجدِ للنّاسِ مَوسِماً
فَحَجّوا وَما زالَت تُحَجُّ المَكارِم
25. Even if the pages had suppressed it in the folds of enormous tomes
There are men who sacrifice themselves for the sake of not
٢٥. يَروحونَ تَشكو عيسُهُم ثِقل رِفدِهِم
مَغانِمُ مِنكُم وَهيَ فيهِم مَغارِمُ
26. Having to offer the wealth around their necks, sealed treasures, to you
Oh guide, good fortune has singled out
٢٦. وَلِعتُم بِأَخذِ المَجدِ مِن مُستَقَرِّهِ
وَلو كَظَمتهُ في لَهاها الأَراقِمُ
27. Su’ud and no talismans have been tied to him
When the days smiled upon him auspiciously
٢٧. فِداكُم رِجالٌ دونَ أَعناقِ مالهِم
مَغاليقُ أَقفالٍ عَلَيها خَواتِمُ
28. Preempting and ushering in his fortunes
So no matter what role you groom him for he
٢٨. إِمامَ الهُدى إِنَّ السَعادَةَ لاحَظَت
سُعوداً وَلم تُعقَد عَلَيهِ التَمائِمُ
29. Is ripe for your contentment, fate taking its sure course
And it suffices that among all the people on God’s vast earth
٢٩. تَباشَرَتِ الدُنيا به حينَ بَشَّرَت
قَوابلهُ وَاستَقبَلَتهُ المَغانِمُ
30. He had no critics
He cloaked himself with the essence of glory and its due destiny
٣٠. فَمَهما تُرَشِّحهُ لِأَمرٍ فَإنَّهُ
مَليءٌ بِما يُرضيكَ وَالسِنُّ باسِمُ
31. Girded him for magnanimous, unwavering ambitions
Glories from Banu Nizar and Yarub converged upon him
٣١. وَيَكفيكَ مِنه أَنَّهُ لَم يَكُن له
مِنَ الناسِ في الأَرضِ العَريضَةِ لائِم
32. Houses whose pillars are the protection of kings
How many helmets under a mail coif have they split with a spear
٣٢. تَوَشَّحَ بِالمَجدِ الصَميمِ وَشَمَّرَت
بهِ لِاِبتِناءِ المَكرُماتِ العَزائِم
33. And how many chests their sharp swords have pierced where bravery resides
And what is glory if not aspiration and inheritance?
٣٣. تَلاقَت عَليهِ مِن نِزارٍ ويَعرُبٍ
بُيوتٌ لها هامُ المُلوكِ دَعائِم
34. These two combined perfectly in him though he was still tottering
And may the most virtuous prayer and peace be upon him
٣٤. فَكَم فَلَقوا مِن هامَةٍ تَحتَ قَونَسٍ
وَكَم طَعَنوا حَيثُ اللها وَالغَلاصِمُ
35. By whom Hashim was ennobled amongst all worlds
Muhammad is the guide, intercessor, and his family
٣٥. وَما المَجدُ إِلّا هِمَّةٌ وَوِراثَة
وَقد جُمِعا فيه وَذو الضِغنِ راغِمُ
36. And companions no lines of poetry properly eulogized
٣٦. وَأزكى صلاةٍ مع سَلامٍ على الذي
به شَرُفَت بينَ العَوالم هاشِمُ
٣٧. محمدٍ الهادي الشَفيعِ وَآلهِ
وَأَصحابه ما جَبَّرَ الشِعرَ ناظِمُ