1. The days have journeyed with the exultation of the blithe,
And clothed youth after that ripeness.
١. سَفَرَ الزَمانُ بِغُرَّةِ المُستَبشِرِ
وَكُسي شَباباً بَعدَ ذاكَ المَكبَرِ
2. And its outskirts were perfumed with its fragrance,
Until we thought the soil was gray with ambergris.
٢. وَتَأَرَّجَت أَرجاؤُهُ بِشَذائِهِ
حَتّى لَخِلنا التُربَ شيبَ بِعَنبَرِ
3. In Taibah the lanterns of guidance shone,
Between my master's garden and the pulpit.
٣. وَتَأَلَّقَت في طيبَةٍ سُرُجُ الهُدى
ما بَينَ رَوضَةِ سَيِّدي وَالمِنبَرِ
4. And before that they shone in Mecca,
When it was sanctified from all spuriousness of the slanderer.
٤. وَتَأَلَّقَت مِن قَبلِ ذاكَ بِمَكَّةٍ
إِذ قُدِّسَت مِن كُلِّ رِجسٍ مُفتَرِ
5. And its flags were made anew,
And the forms of prohibition faded from it.
٥. وَتَجَدَّدَت مِن جُدَّةٍ أَعلامُهُ
وَتَقَشَّعَت مِنها رُسومُ المُنكَر
6. The fountains of guidance flowed in Yanbu,
This is happiness, oh how glorious!
٦. وَجَرَت يَنابيعُ الهُدى في يَنبُعٍ
هذي السَعادَةُ يا لَها مِن مَفخَرِ
7. With the openings of the God-aided one for His religion,
A king descended from generous stock.
٧. بِفُتوحِ مُؤتَمَِ الإِلهِ لِدينِهِ
مَلِكٍ تَسَلسَل مِن كَريمِ العُنصُرِ
8. If only those who inhabit the earth and are gone
From the people of Badr and the Enlightened Baqi could see!
٨. لَيتَ الذي سَكَنَ الثَرى مِمَّن مَضى
مِن أَهلِ بَدرٍ وَالبَقيعِ المُنوِرِ
9. Look upon your work in Medina and that
To which every disheveled dusty one inclines.
٩. اِنظُروا صَنيعَكَ في المَدينَةِ وَالتي
يَهوي إِلَيها كُلُّ أَشعَثَ أَغبَرِ
10. So they may witness that the virtues were divided
By merit between the foremost and the late.
١٠. كَي يَشهَدوا أَنَّ الفَضائِلَ قُسِّمَت
بِالفَضلِ بَينَ مُقَدَّمٍ وَمُؤَخَّرِ
11. And it would delight them, your revival of the Law
Which before you was like the soul of a choking man.
١١. وَيَسُرَّهُم إِحياؤُكَ الشَرعَ الذي
قَد كانَ قَبلَكَ مِثلَ روحِ مُغَرغِرِ
12. You have enslaved the mighty kingdom,
And fortune is preferred over the intercessor of the Gathering.
١٢. عَبَّدتَ لِلمُلكِ العَزيزِ تَقاؤُلاً
وَالفَألُ تُؤثَرُ عَن شَفيعِ المَحشَرِ
13. A hidden pearl was in its concealment,
Before your good fortune, a wisdom that did not appear.
١٣. سِرٌّ بَدبعٌ كانَ في إِخفائِهِ
مِن قَبلِ سَعدِكَ حِكمَةٌ لَم تَظهَرِ
14. And virtues you were suited to spreading,
Yet the ignorant did not sense its mystery.
١٤. وَفَضائِلٌ كُنتَ الخَليقَ بِنَشرِها
وَتَرى الغَبِيَّ بِسِرِّها لَم يَشعُرِ
15. Or did they not know that your share among them
Was like cheap metal before them in the assembly?
١٥. أَوَ ما عَلِموا بِاَنَّ حَظَّكَ فيهِمُ
كانَ الزَغيمَ لَدَيهِمُ في المَحضَرِ
16. You, if you bare the claws of wrath,
From it every stubborn lion would become like a fox.
١٦. أَنتَ الذي إِن تُبدِ ناجِذَ غَضبَةٍ
مِنها تَثَعلَبَ كُلُّ لَيثٍ قَسوَرِ
17. So thank your God and hold back His wrath,
From which every stubborn lion would be defeated.
١٧. فَاِشكُر إِلهَكَ وَاِرعَهُ غَضبَةٍ
مِنها تَثَغلَبَ كُلُّ لَيثٍ قَسورِ
18. And let the two races thank what security He gave them
After fear more bitter.
١٨. وَليَشكُرِ الثَقلانِ ما أَولَتهُم
مِن أَمنِهِم مِن بَعدِ خَوفٍ أَعسَرِ
19. The Hejaz triumphed over the days with a joy
Not experienced after the Prophet and his companions.
١٩. ظَفِرَ الحِجازُ مِنَ الزَمانِ بِغِبطَةٍ
بَعدَ النَبِيِّ وَصَحبِهِ لَم تُخبَرِ
20. They were secure in their wealth and blood
After they had been prey for the first assailant.
٢٠. أَمِنوا عَلى أَموالِهِم وَدِمائِهِم
مِن بَعدِ ما كانوا لِأَوَّلِ مُجتَري
21. And no more was the youth seized from his home,
While today he spends the night unafraid.
٢١. وَلَطالَ ما أُخِذَ الفَتى مِن بَيتِهِ
وَاليَومَ يُمسي مُصحِراً لَم يَحذَرِ
22. O son of the caliphs and the rightly guided,
Greater than the greatest in ancestry!
٢٢. يَاِبنَ الخَلائِفَ وَالهُداةِ أَولي التُقى
وَاِبنَ الأَئِمَّةِ أَكبَراً عَن أَكبَرِ
23. The thrones of glory succeeded until you came
And built them with youth and sword.
٢٣. ثُلَّت عُروشُ المَجدِ حَتّى جَئتُمُ
فَبَنَيتُموها بِالظُبى وَالسَمهَري
24. A people who conquered the land of the enemy with their horses
And built a heaven above it of eagles.
٢٤. قَومٌ دَحَوا أَرضَ العَدُوِّ بِخَيلِهِم
وَبَنوا سَماءً فَوقَها مِن عِثيَرِ
25. And when the spears were mixed together, their palms
Thrust its points into the chests of the yellow.
٢٥. وَإِذا تَناوَشَتِ الرِماحَ أَكُفُّهُم
رَكَزوا أَسِنَّتَها بِنَحرِ الأَصعَرِ
26. And when the warriors were pressed in a tight
Calamitous spot, you saw their faces like the moon.
٢٦. وَإِذا تَخاطَرَتِ القُرومُ بِمَأزِقٍ
ضَنكٍ رَأَيت وَجوهَهُم كَالأَقمُرِ
27. They took patient endurance as thick armor
Which enriched them beyond any army or amnesty.
٢٧. تَخِذوا مِنَ الصَبرِ الحَصينِ سَوابِغاً
أَغناهُمُ عَن جُنَّةٍ أَو مِغفَرِ
28. And if the face of unjust time frowned,
They laughed with the palm of one unable to pay.
٢٨. وَإِذا تَعَبَّسَ وَجهُ دَهرٍ قاسِطٍ
ضَحِكوا بِفَكِّ إِسارِ كَفّ المُعسِر
29. Or do we not see Abdulaziz son of the exalted ones
Revive the excellent traditions of the mantled one.
٢٩. أَو ما نَرى عَبدَ العَزيزِ اِبنَ الأُلى
أَحيَوا مَآثِرَ سُنَّةِ المُدَّثرِ
30. How he ascended in glory to the apex of highness
Until he almost equaled with it the shining star!
٣٠. كَيفَ اِرتَقى مَجداً إِلى أَوجِ العُلا
حَتّى لَكادَ بِهِ يُحاذي المُشتَري
31. He stripped the kingdoms from their people with resolves
That diminish the resolve of Alexander.
٣١. سَلَبَ المَمالِكَ أَهلَها بِعَزائِمٍ
يُنسي مَضاها عَزمَةَ الإِسكَندَرِ
32. He donned audacity over caution, and verily
Attaining noble qualities is in undertaking danger.
٣٢. لَبِسَ العَجاجَ إِلى الهياجِ وَإِنَّما
نَيلُ المَعالي في رُكوبِ المَخطَرِ
33. The kings joined under his banner jealously
Gazing under the banner like the debased.
٣٣. نَظَمَ المُلوكُ لِواءهُ فَتَحَدَّبوا
تَحتَ اللِواءِ تَحَدُّبَ المُستَصغَرِ
34. The roaring lion does not bellow in his defense,
And when he yawns he would that he had not opened wide!
٣٤. لا يَزأَرُ اللَيثُ الهِزَبرُ بِجَوِّهِ
وَإِذا تَثاءَبَ وَدَّ لَو لَم يَفغَرِ
35. How he drove the empty ruins ahead in hordes
Leaving the fortresses like a desolate wasteland!
٣٥. كَم قادَها قُبَّ الأَياطِلِ شُزَّباً
تَدَعُ المَعاقِلَ كَاليَبابِ المُقفِرِ
36. Bearing every long-necked one with a mane
And treading the shoulder of the recalcitrant prey.
٣٦. يَحمِلنَ كُلَّ غَضَنفَرٍ ذي لُبدَةٍ
وَيَطَأنَ هامَ الأَصيَدِ المُتَجَبِّرِ
37. Sheltered by the fervor of the battlefield in the fray
Exhausting the back of the blond steed.
٣٧. مُتَفَيِّئاً وَهَجَ السَنابِكِ في الوَغى
مُتَقَيِّلاً ظَهرَ الجَوادِ الأَشقَرِ
38. Steadfast when the afflictions change color,
Alert when they sing his praises, he does not notice.
٣٨. ثَبتٌ إِذا دُهمُ الخُطوبِ تَلَوَّنَت
يَقِظٌ إِذا لَحَنوا لَهُ لَم يَعتَرِ
39. He combined sovereignty, courage, and softness,
A character whose ways whether source or estuary are virtuous.
٣٩. جَمَعَ السِيادَةَ وَالشَجاعَةَ وَالنَدى
خُلُقٌ لَهُ في مَورِدٍ أَو مَصدَرِ
40. So if he bestows you will not find any but a loyalist,
And if he is stern you will not find any but a wretch.
٤٠. فَإِذا حَبا لَم تَلقَ غَيرَ مُمَوَّلٍ
وَإِذا سَطا لَم تَلقَ غَيرَ مُعَفَّرِ
41. And if you look you look upon the finest looking,
And if you hear you hear the most honorable speaker.
٤١. وَإِذا نَظَرتَ نَظَرتَ أَحسَنَ مَنظَرٍ
وَإِذا سَمِعتَ سَمِعتَ أَكرَمُ مُخبِرِ
42. Thoughts struggle with how he attained this height,
Then return frustrated as if they did not think.
٤٢. تَتَخالَجُ الأَفكارُ في كَيفَ اِرتَقى
فَتُرَدُّ حاسِرَةً كَأَن لَم تَفكِرِ
43. A people the cream of whose nobility branched out
And gifted mankind with a gift beyond price.
٤٣. قَومٌ تَفَرَّعَ مِن صَميمِ فَخارِهِم
وَهَبوا البَرِيَّةَ مَوهِباً لَم يُقدَرِ
44. Their virtues have superseded past virtues,
And will supersede what comes in future times.
٤٤. نَسَخَت مَكارِمُهُ المَكارِمُ قَبلَهُ
وَلَسَوفَ تَنسَخُ ما يَجي في الغُبَّرِ
45. So make peace and remain with lasting devotion
To the religion, calling to the paths of greatest peace,
٤٥. فَاِسلَم وَدُم لِلدّينِ رِدءاً ثابِتاً
تَدعو إِلى سُبُلِ السَلامِ الأَكبَرِ
46. And defeat the enemies of God in their rage,
As they drink cups of thick red humiliation.
٤٦. وَتَرُدُّ أَعداءِ الإِلهِ بِغَيظِهِم
يَتَجَرَّعونَ كُؤوسَ ذُلٍّ أَحمَرِ
47. Then prayers upon the Prophet and his family,
The people of the cloak, and his chosen companions.
٤٧. ثُمَّ الصلاةُ عَلى النَبِيِّ وَآلِهِ
أَهلِ الكِساءِ وَصَحبِهِ المُتَخَيَّرِ