
Time is not one to heed the complaints of those who reproach it,

هو الدهر لا يصغي إلى من يعاتبه

1. Time is not one to heed the complaints of those who reproach it,
No matter how grand their ambitions and desires.

١. هوَ الدَهرُ لا يُصغي إلى مَن يُعاتِبُه
وَلو عَظُمَت هِمّاتهُ وَمَآربُه

2. Each day it wages a new attack,
Leaving the club with its companions lamenting.

٢. لهُ كلَّ يَومٍ غارَةٌ بعدَ غارَةٍ
بِها يَترُكُ النادي تَرِنُّ نَوادِبُه

3. It dims the radiance of every mighty ancient hero,
As the unique brilliant gem's necklace fades over time.

٣. وَيَعتامُ مِنا كلَّ أَبلَجَ ماجِدٍ
كَما اِعتامَ عِقدَ الجَوهَرِ الفَردِ جالِبُه

4. We have lost the ally of honorable deeds, the son of Qasim,
Pure of character, upstanding in his ways.

٤. رُزئنا حَليفَ المُكرَماتِ اِبنَ قاسمٍ
جَميلَ المُحَيّا طاهِراتٍ مَذاهِبُه

5. We have lost a man whose enemies cannot feel secure from his might,
Nor can his manners be contained by his companions.

٥. رُزِئنا فَتىً لا يَأمَنُ الضِدُّ بَأسهُ
وَلا يَحتَوي أَخلاقَهُ مَن يُصاحِبُه

6. We have lost the springtime of humanity, whose branches bloomed,
When the horizon was covered in dust and its sides grew dark.

٦. رُزِئنا رَبيعَ الناسِ تَندي بَنانَهُ
إِذا اِغبَرَّ وَجهُ الأُفقِ وَازورَّ جانِبُه

7. He mounted the heights of glory with determination,
And noble lineage that birthed his like.

٧. سَما فَاِمتَطى شُمَّ المَعالي بِعَزمَةٍ
وَأَصلٍ كَريمٍ أَنجَبَتهُ مَناسِبُه

8. He made those beyond reach bow, not to be driven back,
Nor would Indian steel succeed against his blows.

٨. اَناخَ بهِ من لَيسَ يُدفَعُ بِالقَنا
وَلا بِحَديدِ الهِندِ تَسطو مَضارِبُه

9. If he had faced the bitterest foe, his family
Would have defended him with their swords.

٩. فَلَو كانَ من خَصمٍ أَلَدَّ لَدافَعَت
مَناياهُ عنهُ بِالسُيوفِ أَقارِبُه

10. If he could be ransomed with souls and immeasurable wealth,
His aspirations would not diminish against him.

١٠. وَلوكان يُفدى بِالنُفوس وَما عَلا
من المالِ لم تَعزِز عَليه مَطالِبُه

11. But when one's time runs out, fate prevails,
And death overcomes even the staunchest men.

١١. وَلكِن إِذا تَمَّ المَدى نَفَذَ القَضا
وَكلُّ أَبيِّ الضَيمِ فَالمَوتُ غالِبُه

12. I say to the one who informed me, deafening my hearing,
"Do you really speak the truth or are you lying?

١٢. أَقولُ لِناعيهِ وَقد صَمَّ مِسمَعي
أَحَقّاً تَقولُ الصِدقَ أَم أَنتَ كاذِبُه

13. You have declared dead a man who never did wrong in life,
Rather, his virtues and nobility were his achievements."

١٣. نَعَيتَ اِمرَءً ما قارَفَ الدَهرَ سَوءَةً
نَعم لِلمَعالي وَالعَوالي مَكاسِبُه

14. The heavens watered him with forgiveness and pardon,
Its clouds raining down acceptance upon him.

١٤. سَقاهُ منَ الغُفرانِ وَالعَفوِ وابِلٌ
تَزُفُّ إِلَيهِ بِالرِضاءِ سَحائِبُه

15. My condolences, O family of Abdul Rahim, for through
Good condolences may the bereaved find reward.

١٥. عَزاءً بَني عَبدِ الرَحيمِ فَإِنَّما
بِحُسنِ العَزا يَستَوجِبِ الأَجرَ كاسِبُه

16. You are the sons of the best of peoples in their most charitable times,
When even the tallest palm trunks bow down low.

١٦. فَأَنتُم بَنو الأَقوامِ عِندَ حُلومِهِم
تَخِفُّ من الطَودِ الأَشَمِّ أَخاشِبُه

17. You are the sons of glorious honor, which lit up
The horizon of all regions with its stars.

١٧. وَأَنتُم بَنو المَجدِ الصُراحِ الذي بهِ
أَنارَت بِأُفقِ المَكرُماتِ كَواكِبُه

18. If you are youthful in your years, your wisdom
Surpasses those whose heads are white with experience.

١٨. وَإِن كُنتُمُ أَحداثَ سنٍّ فَحِلمُكُم
أَنافَ على من طالَ فيها تَجارِبُه

19. I hope that you will succeed him,
By upholding a glory built up through his virtues.

١٩. وَإِنّي لأَرجو أَنَّكُم تَخلُفونَهُ
بِإِعلاءِ مَجدٍ شَيَّدَتهُ مَناقِبُه

20. Keeping his memory alive through you, filling the sky,
As the poet composes verses in remembrance.

٢٠. وَيَبقى لهُ ذكرٌ بِكُم يَملأُ الفَضا
وَيَشدو بهِ فَوقَ الغُرَيريِّ راكِبُه

21. So come together, all of you grasping the rope of unity,
And beware any discord that would unravel it.

٢١. فَشُدّوا عِناجَ الإجتماعِ جَميعُكُم
وَإِيّاكُم واشٍ تَدِبُّ عَقارِبُه

22. Beware division, for it only brings
Destruction to homes in its wake.

٢٢. وَإِيّاكُم وَالإِفتراقَ فَإِنَّما
يَجيءُ بِتَخريبِ الدِيارِ عَواقِبهُ

23. You have inherited the legacy of those who established
The foundations of their glory in days of sincerity.

٢٣. لكُم شَلَقَ أَرسَوا قَواعِدَ مجدهِمِ
بِأَيّامِ صِدقٍ يَلفِظُ الماءَ شارِبُه

24. Their virtues are sung of in every land,
Carried from witnesses to the absent.

٢٤. تَغَنّى بها في كُلِّ قُطرٍ حُداتهُ
وَيَنقُلها عن شاهِدِ الحالِ غائِبُه

25. When they are mentioned, heads bow down,
And it is said: "Thus! Let the seeker of glory emulate them."

٢٥. إذا ذُكِرَت هُزَّت رُؤوسُ رُواتِها
وَقيلَ كَذا فَليَسعَ لِلمَجدِ طالِبُه

26. The bones of the Maqaris never complained of drought to their neighbors,
And their waving branches give fruit to those in their shade.

٢٦. عِظامُ المَقاري ما شكا الجَدبَ جارُهُم
وَيُثري بهِم مَن لَوَّحَتهُ سَباسِبُه

27. Is not your father Qasim, whose nobility
Graced the horizons of dew in East and West?

٢٧. أَلَيسَ أَبوكُم قاسِمٌ شَرُفَت بهِ
مَشارِقُ آفاقِ النَدى وَمَغارِبُه

28. And your uncle whom glory scented the sky,
And whose gifts made every land fragrant?

٢٨. وَعَمُّكُمُ مَن عَطَّرَ الأُفقَ مَجدهُ
وَطابَت به في كلِّ قُطرٍ هَبائِبُه

29. This is the lament of Abdullah. As for its composer,
He is purehearted, sincere to friend and critic alike.

٢٩. هوَ النَدبُ عَبدُ اللَهِ أَمّا نِجارهُ
فَصافٍ وفي الأَدنَينِ مَحضٌ ضَرائِبُه

30. Quick to answer the call to dew, beloved
To both visitors and strangers.

٣٠. سَريعٌ إلى داعي النَدى مُتَحَبِّبٌ
إِلى زائِريهِ ما تَغِبُّ وَهائِبُه

31. He aspires to glory but never preoccupies himself
With aught but generosity or defeating a hostile opponent.

٣١. نَجيُّ المَعالي ما يُحَدِّثُ نَفسَهُ
بِغَيرِ النَدى أَو قَهرِ خَصمٍ يُشاغِبُه

32. And may the prayers of the God of the worlds be upon
Muhammad the rightly guiding and trusted, his family

٣٢. وَصَلّى إلهُ العالَمينَ عَلى الذي
أَشاد الهُدى قُرآنهُ وَكتائِبُه

33. And companions, so long as the writer flows his pen.

٣٣. محمدٍ الهادي الأمينِ وَآلهِ
وَأصحابهِ ما نَمَّقَ الطِرسَ كاتِبُه