1. I was kept awake by persistent flashes of lightning
Whenever it shone brightly, I wept copiously
١. أَرِقتُ لِبَرقٍ ناصِبٍ يَتَأَلَّقُ
إِذا ما هَفا ظَلَّيتُ بِالدَمعِ أَشرَقُ
2. When it flashed, I could not control the flow of tears
That filled my heart as it pounded rapidly
٢. إِذا ناضَ لَم أَملِك سَوابِقَ عَبرَةٍ
تَحُمُّ لَها الأَحشاءُ وَالقَلبُ يَخفُقُ
3. I extended my gaze to its gleam that dispelled
The gloom, dreariness and desolate emptiness
٣. أَمُدُّ لَهُ طَرفي وَمِن دونِ وَمضِهِ
خُبوتٌ وَأَحقافٌ وَبَيداءُ سَملَقُ
4. In the wastelands where ghosts howled
The wolves were startled and scattered in panic
٤. وَمَجهَلَةٍ لِلجِنِّ في عَرَصاتِها
عَزيفٌ يُراعُ الذِئبُ مِنهُ وَيَفرَقُ
5. I guessed where it might strike
Perhaps in the gardens of glory, generously pouring forth
٥. أُرَجِّمُ فيهِ الظَنَّ أَينَ مَصابُهُ
عَسى في رِياضِ المَجدِ يَهمي وَيَغدَقُ
6. The fountains of the lights of guidance in its pastures
Are guidance and support for the seeker of guidance and virtue
٦. مَنابِعُ أَنوارِ الهُدى في عِراصِها
لِباغي الهُدى وَالفَضلِ هديٌ وَمَرفِقُ
7. It is the dwelling place of glorious kings
Among the eminent in magnificent glory, holding sway
٧. وَمَوطِنُ أَملاكٍ غَطاريفَ سادَةٍ
لَهُم عُنصُرٌ في باذِخِ المَجدِ مُعرِقُ
8. When they descend, they are ferocious lions
When they alight, they are copiously flowing seas
٨. إِذا نازَلوا كانوا لُيوثاً عَوابِساً
وَإِن نَزَلوا كانوا بُحوراً تَدَّفقُ
9. Indeed, whoever is a servant of the glorious one, his pride
Is no wonder, even if he transcends the stars in honor
٩. أَجَل مَن يَكُن عَبدُ العَزيزِ فَخارَهُ
فَلا غَروَ لَو فَوقَ الكَواكِبِ يُعتِقُ
10. He is the greatest blessing from God to the world
And His mercy, and God is the Grantor of success
١٠. هُوَ النِعمَةُ الكُبرى مِنَ اللَهِ لِلوَرى
وَرَحمَتُهُ وَاللَهُ جَلَّ المُوَفِّق
11. With him, God has given them a new life
When before him they were hands of captives torn apart
١١. بِهِ اللَهُ أَعطاهُم حَياةً جَديدَةً
وَهُم قَبلَهُ أَيدي سَبا قَد تَمَزَّقوا
12. An authority for them in their religion and livelihood
Guiding them to the truth and speaking with the truth
١٢. قِوامٌ لَهُم في دينِهِم وَمَعاشِهِم
إِلى الحَقِّ يَهديهِم وَبِالحَقِّ يَنطِقُ
13. Whoever seeks refuge in him, pledged to him,
Will be guided aright, otherwise he will stray from the true religion
١٣. فَمَن يَعتَصِم مِنهُ بِحَبلٍ وَذِمَّةٍ
وَإِلّا مِنَ الدينِ الحَنيفِيِّ يَمرُقُ
14. Has not the definitive Scripture commanded us
To obey him rightly, and not split apart?
١٤. أَلَيسَ أَتى في مُحكَمِ الذِكرِ أَمرُنا
بِطاعَتِهِ حَقّاً وَلا نَتَفَرَّقُ
15. It says: "Obey God, then the Messenger"
This is an established text, clear and unequivocal
١٥. فَقالَ أَطيعوا اللَهَ ثُمَّ رَسولَهُ
كَذاكَ وَلِيَّ الأَمرِ نَصٌّ مُحَقَّقُ
16. Say to the people of Kuwait and Hail
Who say "We believe in the Book", do you speak truthfully?
١٦. فَقُل لِاُناسٍ بِالكُوَيتِ وَحائِلٍ
يَقولونَ إِنّا بِالكِتابِ نُصَدِّقُ
17. Is this the word of God or the speech of another?
Clarify and ascertain: has the rule been abrogated
١٧. أَهذا كَلامُ اللَهِ أَم قَولُ غَيرِهِ
مِ الحُكمُ مَنسوخٌ أَفيدوا وَحَقِّقوا
18. In the West? Or in India? Let me know
Or in Yemen or what is included in Jilaj?
١٨. في الغَربِ أَم في الهِندِ فيما عَلِمتُمُ
أَمِ اليَمَنِ الأَقصى وَما ضَمَّ جِلَّقُ
19. A leader walking the path of Sacred Law
We pledge allegiance to him, us and you jointly
١٩. إِمامٌ عَلى نَهجِ الشَريعَةِ سائِرٌ
نُبايِعُهُ نَحنُ وَأَنتُم وَنَصدُق
20. Was there ever counted among your fathers and forefathers
A just caliph or guided imam leading aright?
٢٠. وَهَل عُدَّ في آبائِكُم وَجُدودِكُم
خَليفَةُ عَدلٍ أَو إِمامٌ مُوَفَّقُ
21. Are you following their traces, inform us,
Or is this mere fancy and obstinacy?
٢١. فَأَنتُم عَلى آثارِهِ تَقتَفونَهُ
أَبينوا لَنا أَم ذا هَوىً وَتَحَمُّقُ
22. Why then do you refuse to pledge allegiance
To one the Book, verified, decrees?
٢٢. وَإِلّا فَما يَمنَعُكُمُ أَن تُبايِعوا
عَلى ما بِهِ يَقضي الكِتابُ المُصَدَّقُ
23. An imam guiding to righteousness, guiding and guided
Establishing justice among the flock, gentle
٢٣. إِمامَ هُدىً لِلرُّشدِ يَهدي وَيَهتَدي
مُقيمَ سَواءٍ بِالرَعِيَّةِ يَرفُقُ
24. Whoever spends a night renouncing the pledge of allegiance to one
By whom the disjointed community of Muslims was united
٢٤. فَمَن باتَ لَيلاً خالِعاً بَيعَةَ الَّذي
بِهِ لُمَّ شَعثُ المُسلِمينَ المُفَرَّقُ
25. If he dies, his is an ignorant pagan death
If he lives, he is a dissenting apostate
٢٥. فَإِن ماتَ كانَت ميتَةً جاهِلِيَّةً
وَإِن عاشَ فَهوَ المارِقُ المُتَزندِقُ
26. As has come in reports, decisively confirmed
We have no slightest doubt or uncertainty
٢٦. كَما جاءَ في الأَخبارِ نَصّاً مُوَكَّداً
فَلَسنا بِأَدنى شُبهَةٍ نَتَعَلَّقُ
27. Verily all the Muslims today, from Judham and Riyadh
To Syria, unanimously uphold this clear, undisputed position
٢٧. أَما المُسلِمونَ الآنَ مِن جِذمِ رَيدَةٍ
إِلى الشامِ قَولٌ مُحكَمٌ لا مُلَفَّقُ
28. From the furthest outskirts of the sands of Ri'yan
To the farthest parts of Oman, all have realized
٢٨. وَمِن مُنتَهى الرِيعانِ حَتّى تُنيخَها
بِأَقصى عُمانٍ كُلُّهُم قَد تَحَقَّقوا
29. That over the neck of every monotheist
God has enjoined an oath of allegiance to the imam
٢٩. بِأَنَّ لَهُ في عُنقِ كُلِّ مُوَحِّدٍ
مِنَ اللَهِ عَهدٌ بِالإِمامَةِ موثَقُ
30. So I wonder where did your sanity stray
And what deceived you, and what wish enticed you
٣٠. فَيا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ ضَلَّت حُلومُكُم
وَغَرَّكُمُ الغَرّارُ وَالحَظُّ مُخفِقُ
31. Why did you not fear a suddenly pouncing beast
As if it had the sharpest talons of predatory birds
٣١. فَهَلّا اِتَّقَيتُم وَثبَةً مُقرِنِيَّةً
كَأَنَّ لَدَيها أَجدَلَ الطَيرِ خِرنِقُ
32. Do not take him beyond his customary forbearance
For he is only a lion if he intends to fulfill his promise
٣٢. فَلا تُخرِجوهُ عَن سَجِيَّةِ حِلمِهِ
فَما هُوَ إِلّا اللَيثُ إِن هَمَّ يَصدُقُ
33. How often has he pardoned one who, if repaid for his crime,
Would have flown away where the ostrich takes flight
٣٣. فَكَم عَفَّ عَمَّن لَو جَزاهُ بِذَنبِهِ
لَطارَ مَعَ العَنقاءِ حَيثُ تُحَلِّقُ
34. Do you not see, if he unleashed against the ones I mentioned
His legions, marching elephants in multitudes overwhelming
٣٤. أَرَيتُكُمُ لَو جَرَّ مَن قَد ذَكَرتُهُ
عَلَيكُمُ يَسوقُ الفَيلَقَ الجَمَّ فَيلَقُ
35. Would you have been anything but morsels for a devourer
Whose hands are joined to rend the gazelle's flanks?
٣٥. أَهَل كُنتُمُ إِلّا لُقَيمَةَ آكِلٍ
لَهُم قَبلَ ما قَرنُ الغَزالَةِ بُشرِقُ
36. Battalions among them are of the progeny of Nahish
Lions against the enemies of Sacred Law, enraged
٣٦. جَحافِلُ فيها مِن سُلالَةِ ناهِسٍ
أُسودٌ على أَعدا الشَريعَةِ حُنَّقُ
37. Long striders in the field of spearing the foe
Stout-hearted when the straits of war are narrow
٣٧. سِراعٌ إِلى الهَيجاءِ عِطاشٌ إِلى الوَغى
إِذا ما حِياضُ المَوتِ بِالمَوتِ تُدهَقُ
38. Among them are the Banu Qahtan, a people with whom
Fathers racing to glory were elevated long ago
٣٨. وَفيها لُيوثٌ مِن صَميمِ هَوازِنٍ
أولئِكَ أَدرى بِالطِعانِ وَأَحذَقُ
39. They emigrated for God, and there they fought jihad
Good tidings to them of glory and prosperity!
٣٩. طِوالُ الخُطا في مَعرَكِ الطَعنِ لِلعِدى
ثِقالٌ إِذا ما مَأزِقُ الحَربِ ضَيِّقُ
40. Among them are valorous Shammir, Harb and others
Tribes who renounced worldly life's meanness
٤٠. وَفيها بَنو قَحطانَ قَومٌ سَما بِهِم
مَعَ العَزمِ آباءٌ إِلى المَجدِ سُبَّقُ
41. They supported the upright religion, and their banner
Flutters with might and victory
٤١. هُمُ هاجَروا لِلَّهِ ثَمَّةَ جاهَدوا
فَبُشراهُمُ لِلمَجدِ وَالخَيرِ وُفِّقوا
42. Among them are horsemen of Subay' ibn 'Amir
Piercing the skulls of foes with Mashrafi swords
٤٢. وَمِن شَمَّرٍ فيها وَحَربٍ وَغَيرِهِم
قَبائِلُ لِلدُّنيا الدَنِيَّةِ طَلَّقوا
43. Among them are the people of Islam, who raised its minaret
During nights when the face of earth was veiled in idolatry
٤٣. وَهُم نَصَروا الدينَ القَويمَ وَأَصبَحَت
لَهُم رايَةٌ بِالعِزِّ وَالنَصرِ تَخفِقُ
44. They are the people of cities, every hero
Spearing on the day of battle, dashing forth
٤٤. وَفيها سَراةٌ مِن سُبَيعَ بنِ عامِرٍ
لِهامِ العِدى بِالمُشرَفِيِّ تُفَلِّقُ
45. By the grace of the Imam of Muslims, hearts and passions
Were illumined that were cloaked in discord
٤٥. وَفيها بَنو الإِسلامِ أَعلَوا مَنارَهُ
لَيالِيَ وَجهُ الأَرضِ بِالشِركِ مُغسِقُ
46. If the core of the body becomes sound
Then the health of the body depends on it
٤٦. أولئِكَ أَهلُ المُدنِ مِن كُلِّ باسِلٍ
إِلى الطَعنِ في يَومِ اللِقا يَتَدَلَّقُ
47. This religion was almost destroyed before him
Its people roamed dejected and burdened with woe
٤٧. بِيُمنِ إِمامِ المُسلِمينَ تَأَلَّقَت
قُلوبٌ وَأَهواءٌ غَشاها التَفَرُّقُ
48. But God brought them, in His kindness to mankind
A rescuer, and God is most gentle to His creation
٤٨. إِذا صَلُحَت في داخِل الجِسمِ مُضغَةٌ
فَإِنَّ صَلاحَ الجِسمِ فيها مُعَلَّقُ
49. A youth whose time is two halves: stern then bestowing
By him in this world God debases then grants sustenance
٤٩. لَقَد كادَ هذا الدينُ يَنهَدُّ قَبلَهُ
وَسيمَ بَنوهُ الخَسفَ جَوراً وَأُرهِقوا
50. A youth of determined requests, who does not ignore
The speck of dust, and knocks on the door though shut tight
٥٠. فَجاءَ بِهِ اللَهُ العِبادَ بِلُطفِهِ
غِياثاً لَهُم وَاللَهُ بِالخَلقِ أَرفَقُ
51. When resolved, he does not hesitate due to the warning
Of an advisor or procrastinator hampering him
٥١. فَتىً دَهرُهُ شَطرانِ بَاسٌ وَنائِلٌ
بِهِ اللَهُ في الدُنيا يُهينُ وَيَرزُقُ
52. Rather he proceeds as war boils furiously
Inciting the soul of the brave, provoking it to overflow
٥٢. فَتى طَلِباتٍ لَيسَ يُغضي عَلى القَذى
وَيَقرَعُ بابَ الخَطبِ وَالخَطبُ مُغلَقُ
53. He frustrates the kings of earth in what they seek from him
While if they seek him, it is he who overtakes
٥٣. إِذا هَمَّ لَم يَردُد عَزيمَةَ هَمِّهِ
مَقالُ مُشيرٍ أَو عَذولٌ يُعَوِّقُ
54. When he appears, awe strikes the onlookers
And they bow their necks, glancing furtively
٥٤. وَلكِنَّهُ يَمضي وَلِلحَربِ غَليَةٌ
تَجيشُ لَها نَفسُ الكَمِيِّ وَتَزهَقُ
55. The awe of a king, but religion is his crown
Whoever casts off the garb of piety is most wretched
٥٥. يُفيتُ مُلوكَ الأَرضِ ما يَطلُبونَهُ
لَدَيهِ وَإِن يَطلُبهُمُ فَهوَ يَلحَقُ
56. He is like the sea in times of calm, bountiful
And like the raging sea - say what you will, it drowns
٥٦. إِذا لاحَ أَعشى الناظِرينَ مَهابَةً
فَهُم نُكَّسُ الأَذقانِ وَالطَرفُ يُرمُقُ
57. Numerous praises, but the person is one
Your Lord chooses as He wills to create
٥٧. مَهابَةَ مَلكٍ لكِنِ الدينُ تاجُها
وَمَن يَعرَ مِن ثَوبِ التُقى فَهوَ أَخرَقُ
58. Not like the son of the calf in his foolish opinion
And specious arguments, until they strayed confused
٥٨. وَكَالبَحرِ في حالِ الرِضى فَيضُ كَفِّهِ
وَكَالبَحرِ قُل ما شِئتَ إِن جاشَ يُغرِقُ
59. So at daybreak God's army and partisans struck them
With misfortune in which blades flashed brightly
٥٩. مَحامِدُ شَتّى لكِنِ الشَخصُ واحِدٌ
وَرَبُّكَ مُختارٌ وَما شاءَ يَخلُقُ
60. They bit their fingers in regret, but prolonged misery
And anguish did not avail them at all
٦٠. ولا كَاِبنِ عِجلٍ في سَفاهَةٍ رَأيِهِ
وَتَسويلِهِ لِلقَومِ حَتّى تَوَهَّقوا
It is the way of the Bountiful Master to annihilate
٦١. فَصَبَّحَهُم جُندُ الإِلهِ وَحِزبُهُ
بِمَلمومَةٍ فيها الصَفائِحُ تَبرُقُ
62. Those who set out to harm the people of Islam
O brethren! The call of a passionate warner
٦٢. فَأَدمَوا مِنَ العَضِّ الأَصابِعَ نُدَّماً
فَلَم يُغنِهِم طولُ الأَسى وَالتَحَرُّقُ
63. To you, a sincere adviser by nature, not pretending
He wants for you what he desires for himself
٦٣. وَذي عادَةُ المَولى الكَريمِ بِمَن غَدا
يُناوي بَني الإِسلامِ لابُدَّ يَمحَقُ
64. And knows that love in God is strongest
Rally together around the religion of guidance with your imam
٦٤. فَيا مَعشَرَ الإِخوانِ دَعوَةَ صارِخٍ
لَكُم ناصِحٌ بِالطَبعِ لا مُتَخَلِّقُ
65. And be obedient soldiers to him, and you will prosper
Beware division! For it is destruction
٦٥. يَوَدُّ لَكُم ما يَمتَنيهِ لِنَفسِهِ
وَيَعلَمُ أَنَّ الحُبَّ في اللَهِ أَوثَقُ
66. In this world, and ruinous to religion
By God, then by God, there is no god but Him
٦٦. تَحامَوا عَلى دينِ الهُدى مَع إِمامِكُم
وَكونوا لَهُ بِالسَمعِ جُنداً تُوَفَّقوا
67. The oath of one not fabricating or feigning
Nor one ever seeking through my words status
٦٧. وَإِيّاكُمُ وَالإِفتِراقَ فَإِنَّهُ
هُوَ الهُلكُ في الدُنيا وَلِلدّينِ يوبِقُ
68. Or hastening to obtain the religion, though arduous the path
When my soul knew none like him on earth
٦٨. فَوَاللَهِ ثُمَّ اللَهِ لا رَبَّ غَيرُهُ
يَمينَ اِمرىءٍ لا مُفتَرٍ يَتَمَلَّقُ
69. An imam of Islam and people, compassionate
Perhaps we will see from him an Umar-like course
٦٩. وَلا قاصِدٍ يَوماً بِقَولي مَكانَةً
وَلا عاجِلاً لِلدّينَ وَالسَمتُ يَعرُقُ
70. To which the west of the world and the east will be indebted
In him, may we never be deprived of him, imaginations appear
٧٠. لَما عَلِمَت نَفسي عَلى الأَرضِ مِثلَهُ
إِماماً عَلى الإِسلامِ وَالخَلقِ يَشفَقُ
71. By which glory and dominion for Islam will flourish
May the God of all worlds bless the one
٧١. عَسى أَن نَراها سيرَةً عُمَرِيَّةً
يَدينُ لَها غَربُ البِلادِ وَمَشرِقُ
72. By whose lights the cosmos glows and beams
The family and companions as long as a shining
٧٢. فَفيهِ وَلا نَعدَمهُ تَبدو مَخايِلٌ
بِها العِزُّ لِلإِسلامِ وَالمُلكِ يورِقُ
73. Meteor flashes or a ringdove moans enclosed
٧٣. وَصَلّى إلهُ العالَمينَ عَلى الَّذي
بِأَنوارِهِ الأَكوانُ تَزهو وَتُشرِقُ
٧٤. كَذا الآلِ وَالأَصحابِ ما لاحَ بارِقٌ
وَما ناحَ في الدَوحِ الحَمامُ المُطَوَّقُ