
Still grieving, for how great is this calamity,

تعز وأنى والمصاب جليل

1. Still grieving, for how great is this calamity,
Let flow the frozen tears in floods continuously.

١. تَعزَّ وَأَنّى وَالمُصابُ جَليلُ
فَخلِّ الدُموعَ الجامِدات تَسيلُ

2. We have lost the leader of virtue, faith and piety,
Yes, his auspicious son is for him a good substitute.

٢. رُزِئنا زِمامَ الفَضلِ وَالدينِ وَالتُقى
نَعم نَجلهُ المَيمونُ منه بَديل

3. The full moons set, and for their setting places yearn,
While this one tours the heavens of glorious deeds.

٣. بُدورُ عُلا هذا هوى لِمَغيبهِ
وَذا في سَماءِ المَكرُمات يَجولُ

4. O you like a full moon whose rising the sun follows,
And a torrential rain after heavy clouds roll.

٤. فَيا لكَ بدراً أَطلعَ الشَمس بَعدهُ
وَثَجّاجَ مُزنٍ أَعقَبَته سُيولُ

5. The worshipper of the Merciful prays for triumph, his Lord,
And the Gardens of Eden whose shade is pleasant and cool.

٥. دعا عابِدَ الرَحمنِ لِلفَوزِ رَبَّهُ
وَجَنّاتُ عَدنٍ ظِلُّهُنَّ ظَليلُ

6. The pure of morals and traits has passed away
With the heights of glory, as a tender foal.

٦. مَضى طاهرُ الأَخلاقِ وَالشِيَمِ التي
بِجِسمِ العَوالي غُرَّةٌ وَحجولُ

7. The sponsor of orphans in every winter
When the lands are beset by turmoil all around.

٧. مَضى كافِلُ الأَيتامِ في كُلِّ شَتوَةٍ
إِذا عَمَّ أَقطارَ البِلادِ مُحولُ

8. The refuge of the world, when the transgressed resorts to him,
Whose people had abandoned him disloyally.

٨. مَضى هَضبَةُ الدُنيا التي يَلتَجي بِها
طَريدُ جِناياتٍ جفاهُ قَبيلُ

9. To whom benevolence returns longing
As the yearning does the returning gazelles.

٩. تُرجَّعُ فيهِ المَكرُماتُ حَنينَها
كَما رَدَّدَت رجعَ الحَنينِ عَجولُ

10. No more wealth of tears and grief after this day,
Even if this does not alleviate the anguish.

١٠. فَلا ذُخرَ بعد اليوم لِلدَّمعِ والأَسى
وَإ كانَ لا يُشفى بِذاكَ غَليلُ

11. How many eyes have shed copious tears,
And how many moans follow the weeping and wailing.

١١. فَلِلَّه كم عَينٌ تَحلَّبَ دمعُها
وَكم زَفرَةٌ إِثرِ البُكا وَعَويل

12. If souls could be ransomed, no matter how precious,
Devoted souls, noble and generous, would pay his ransom.

١٢. فَلو كان يُفدى بِالنُفوسِ وَلو غَلَت
فَداهُ هُمامٌ أَشوسٌ وَنَبيل

13. If any adversary had assaulted him,
Men with spears and swords would defend him.

١٣. وَلَو كانَ مِن خَصمٍ تَنَمَّرَ دونهُ
رِجالٌ بِأَيديهِم قَناً وَنُصولُ

14. When they ascend the mounts of enemies, defeat is not theirs,
Nor a victim for them to slaughter.

١٤. إِذا ما اِعتَلوا قُبَّ الأَياطلِ لم يَكُن
لهُم أَوبَةٌ أَو يُستَباح قَتيلُ

15. But it is a decided decree that afflicts
An exalted king and the lowly commoner.

١٥. وَلكن قضاءٌ مُبرَمٌ يَستَوي به
مَليكٌ عَزيزٌ في الوَرى وَذَليلُ

16. We hope for continued life and health in this world,
Yet this is impossible, if minds were reasonable.

١٦. نُؤَمِّلُ في الدُنيا بَقاءً وَصحَّةً
وَهذا مُحالٌ لَو صَحَونَ عُقولُ

17. In the best of creation, there is an example for people,
Since all of mankind endures calamities and misfortune.

١٧. وَفي سَيِّدِ الكَونَينِ لِلنّاسِ أُسوَةٌ
مُصابٌ به كلُّ الأَنامِ ثُكولُ

18. In life, man is a stranger, a traveller,
And after departure, descent is inevitable.

١٨. هوَ المَرءُ في الدُنيا غَريبٌ مُسافِرٌ
وَلا بُدَّ من بَعدِ الرَحيلِ نُزولُ

19. It irrigated a grave, and the generous clouds
Rained virtues and loftiness copiously.

١٩. سَقى جدثاً وارى المَكارِمَ وَالعُلى
مِنَ العَفوِ رَجّاسُ السَحابِ هَمولُ

20. A downpour, when inherited, softens the soil,
And removes its barrenness, becoming acceptable and fertile.

٢٠. مُلِثٌّ إِذا ما راثَ حَنَّت عِشارُهُ
وَحلَّ عُراهُ أَزيَبٌ وَقَبولُ

21. For the Imam, patience, solace and steadfastness,
Since the outcome of goodly patience is beautiful.

٢١. إِمامَ الهُدى صَبراً عَزاءً وَحسبَةً
فَعاقِبَةُ الصَبرِ الجَميلِ جَميلُ

22. If the mountain of excellence is shaken by misfortune,
It remains under the spears unyielding.

٢٢. فَإِن يَكُ طَودُ الفَضلِ زَعزَعَهُ الردى
وَأَضحى لهُ تَحتَ الرِجامِ مَقيلُ

23. Through you, we find in every loss, a replacement
To overcome tribulations, able and strong.

٢٣. فَفيكَ وَلا نَعدَمكَ من كلِّ فائِتٍ
لنا خلفٌ لِلمُعضِلاتُ حمولُ

24. You who restored this kingdom after it withered,
And its foundations crumbled losing strength.

٢٤. فَأَنتَ الذي مهَّدت ذا المُلكَ بعدَما
تَلاشى وَجُثَّت من قُواهُ أُصول

25. Through you, time regained its youth after old age,
And senility which had afflicted it retreated.

٢٥. وَعادَت بكَ الأَيّامُ غَضّاً شَبابُها
وَقد مسَّها بعدَ الغَيِّ قُحول

26. Who you succeeded did not die, for through you,
He lives again in an unending life.

٢٦. وَما ماتَ من كُنتَ الخَليفَةَ بعدهُ
له بكَ عمرٌ آخرٌ سَيَطولُ

27. Without you, glories would be desolate,
And for those departed, through you remains a path.

٢٧. وَلَولاكَ اَقفَرنَ المَعالي وَلم يَكُن
لها بَعدهُ في الغابِرينَ سَبيلُ

28. You remain in honoured prosperity undiminished,
While difficult is the attempt of the vile to assault you.

٢٨. فَلا زِلتَ في عِزٍّ أَنيقٍ مُسَلَّماً
وَغالَ الذي يَبغي الرَدى لكَ غولُ

29. The most blessed prayers of God and then greetings
Endure, lasting while the early dawn gleams.

٢٩. وَأَزكى صَلاةِ اللهِ ثُمَّ سَلامهِ
يَدومانِ ما ساقَ الغُدُوَّ أَصيلُ

30. My soul is yours to sacrifice, O head of chieftains,
A leader guiding to the paths of salvation.

٣٠. عَلى سَيِّدِ الساداتِ نَفسي فِداؤُهُ
إِمامٌ إِلى طُرقِ النَجاةِ دَليلُ