1. Between doom and spear and honored lineage
And the resolve of the gallant youth in that cause
١. بَينَ العُلى وَالقَنا وَالمشرَ في نَسَبُ
وَصِدقُ عَزمِ الفَتى في ذلِكَ السَبَبُ
2. None attains glory unless he possesses
A soul yearning for what old age makes unattainable
٢. لا يَبلُغُ المَجدَ إِلّا مَن تَكونُ لَهُ
نَفسٌ تَتَوُقُ إِلى ما دونَهُ الشُهُبُ
3. Generosity, valor, and pardon when able
And humility when misfortune intensifies
٣. جوداً وَبَأساً وَعَفواً عِندَ مَقدِرَةٍ
وَخَفضَ جَأشٍ إِذا ما اِشتَدَّتِ النوَبُ
4. And a stallion who makes the earth seem small under his tread
Before whom the sandy hills and dunes bow down
٤. وَجَحفَلاً تَستَخِفُّ الأَرضَ وَطأتُهُ
تَخُرُّ لِلخَيلِ فيهِ الأُكمُ وَالحَدَبُ
5. To God is the effort of the Imam of Muslims
For he encompasses the traits that elevate ranks
٥. لِلَّهِ سَعيُ إِمامِ المُسلِمينَ فَقَد
حَوى الخِصالَ الَّتي تَسمو بِها الرُتَب
6. Abdul Aziz whom no rising sun matched
On any day, nor will match throughout the eras
٦. عَبدِ العَزيزِ الَّذي لَم تَبدُ طالِعَةً
شَمسٌ عَلى مِثلِهِ يَوماً وَلَم تَجِب
7. What I said is but a drop from the sea of his ambition
Alas, verse and prose cannot enumerate his virtues
٧. ما قُلتُهُ قَطرَةٌ مِن بَحرِ هِمَّتِهِ
هَيهاتَ يُحصي ثَناهُ النَظمُ وَالخَطبُ
8. From the beginning they renewed people's religion for them
With revelation, supported by Indian teak
٨. مِنَ الأَولى جَدَّدوا لِلنّاسِ دينُهُمُ
بِالوَحيِ تَعضُدُهُ الهِندِيَّةُ القُضُبُ
9. They stood by Abu Bakr the Truthful and did not waver
When people and passions were thrown into confusion
٩. قَفَوا أَبا بَكرٍ الصِديقَ ما وَهَنوا
لَمّا دَعا الناسَ وَالأَهواءُ تَضطَرِبُ
10. He repelled them with the spear from where they had come forth
And said, fulfill what is mandated in our canon
١٠. فَرَدَّهُم بِالقَنا مِن حَيثُ ما خَرجوا
وَقالَ أَدّوا الَّذي في شَرعِنا يَجِب
11. While you, whether Bedouin or settled folk
Are only inclined toward what will ruin you
١١. وَأَنتُمُ حينَ لا بَدوٌ وَلا حَضَرٌ
إِلّا لَهُم نَحوَ ما يُرديهِمُ خَبَبُ
12. This one circumambulates the Lord of the Grave bewailing Him
Hoping for salvation when hardship intensifies
١٢. هذا يَطوفُ بِرَبِّ القَبرِ يَندُبُهُ
يَرجو النَجاةَ إِذا ما اِشتَدَّتِ الكُرَبُ
13. While that one invalidates the verses about God's attributes
Deceived into distorting what the scriptures have brought
١٣. وَذا يُعَطِّلُ آياتِ الصِفاتِ وَذا
مُغرىً بِتَحريفِ ما جاءَت بِهِ الكُتُبُ
14. You have taken a stance that would ruin those who take it
And the Arabs have assailed you with the bow of hatred
١٤. قُمتُم مَقاماً يَؤودُ القائِمينَ بِهِ
وَقَد رَمَتكُم بِقَوسِ البِغضَةِ العَرَبُ
15. But whoever helps the Merciful - He will help him
The army of God - though few they overcome many
١٥. لكِنَّ مَن يَنصُرُ الرَحمنَ يَنصُرُهُ
جُندُ الإِلهِ بِهِم لَو قَلَّوا الغَلَبُ
16. You have returned them to the Straight Path, though before you
They had deviated from the way of the Chosen One
١٦. رَدَدتُموهُم إِلى الدينِ القَويمِ وَهُم
مِن قَبلِكُم عَن طَريقِ المُصطَفى نُكُبُ
17. What an excellent minister you have, a shaykh whose words
Are those of God, the Elect, and the Companions
١٧. نِعمَ الوَزيرُ لَكُم شَيخٌ مَقالَتُهُ
ما قالَهُ اللَهُ وَالمُختارُ وَالصَحَبُ
18. His Master has given him light, by which he finds guidance
And God apportions to whom He wills what He grants
١٨. أَعطاهُ مَولاهُ نوراً فَاِستَضاءَ بِهِ
وَاللَهُ يَختارُ مَن يُعطي لِما يَهَبُ
19. A care that has encompassed Najd and its inhabitants
Through him, a source of pride for them throughout the ages
١٩. عِنايَةٌ شَمَلَت نَجداً وَساكِنَهُ
بِهِ وَفَخرٌ لَهُم ما اِمتَدَّتِ الحِقَبُ
20. And when the shadow of security diminished
And its banners departed from Najd and treachery spread
٢٠. وَحينَ قَلَّصَ ظِلُّ الأَمنِ وَاِنقَشَعَت
مِن نَجدَ أَعلامُهُ وَاِستَفحَلَ الكَلبُ
21. God brought you as a savior for the people and the lands
A blessed rain after they had suffered drought
٢١. أَتى بِكَ اللَهُ غَوثاً لِلعِبادِ وَلِلـ
ـبِلادِ غَيثاً هَنيئاً بَعْدَمَا جَدبوا
22. You began erasing the verses of misguidance with what
The definitive texts decree - neither falsehood nor lies -
٢٢. فَضَلتَ تَنسَخُ آياتِ الضَلالِ بِما
يَقضي بِهِ النَصُّ لا زورٌ وَلا كَذِبُ
23. Until the channel of religion was set aright and straightened
So praise be to God - no doubt or suspicion
٢٣. حَتّى اِستَقامَت قَناةُ الدينِ وَاِعتَدَلَت
فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ لا رَيبٌ وَلا رِيَبُ
24. And how many noble traits of character you have brought
By which your noble forefathers would be pleased in their graves
٢٤. وَكَم مَكارِمِ أَخلاقٍ أَتَيتِ بِها
يَرضى بِها في الجُثى آباؤُكَ النُجُبُ
25. And remember the tribulation of the sons of Islam - they
Are excellent supporters and a fortress when the war flares up
٢٥. وَاِذكُر بَلاءَ بَني الإِسلامَ إِنَّهُمُ
نِعمَ الظَهيرُ لَهُ وَالناصِرُ الحَدِبُ
26. A people who sacrificed themselves in God's cause
And strove seeking reward, purifying their intentions
٢٦. قَومٌ شَرَوا في سَبيلِ اللَهِ أَنفُسَهُم
وَجاهَدوا طَلَباً لِلأَجرِ وَاِحتَسَبوا
27. Stand near the arrows of the swift she-camel, addressing her
As she is covered by the saddlecloth, shielded by armor
٢٧. قُم أَدنِ مِن ساهِماتِ العيسِ ناجِيَةً
أَدنى تَغشمُرِها الإِرقالُ وَالخَبَبُ
28. She glances at the whip at times, startled
When she sees its shadow or it touches her hind leg
٢٨. كَأَنَّها خاضِبٌ يَحدو سَفَنَّجَةً
وَالدَوُّ شاسِعَةٌ وَالغَيثُ يَنسَكِبُ
29. Take her from the prosperous land, making
Your steadfast grandfather your guide, lest landmarks confuse you
٢٩. تَلاحِظُ السَوطَ أَحياناً وَيُزعِجُها
إِذا رَأَت ظِلَّهُ أَو مَسَّها عَقَبُ
30. Greet Faisal and mention his achievements
And say to him: thus should the noble ones act
٣٠. سُقها مِنَ البَلَدِ المَعمورِ مُتَّخِذاً
دَليلَكَ الجَديَ إِن لَم تَهدِكَ النُصبُ
31. The Imam's sword which his hand grasps
Unfailing in battle - no jesting with its edge
٣١. سَلِّم عَلى فَيصَلٍ وَاِذكُر مَآثِرَهُ
وَقُل لَهُ هكَذا فَلتَفعَلِ النُجُبُ
32. When the Imam draws it for the encounter
It surges forth while the fire of war blazes
٣٢. سَيفُ الإِمامِ الَّذي بِالكَفِّ قائِمُهُ
ماضي المَضارِبِ ما في حَدِّهِ لَعِبُ
33. The chief of the exalted ones - through the faith his glory
And through him the faith is exalted, lineage regardless
٣٣. إِذا الإِمامُ اِنتَضاهُ في مُقارَعَةٍ
مَضى إِلَيها وَنارُ الحَربِ تَلتَهِبُ
34. He who inhabits Dar al-Reaya that was built
On piety and guidance - the noblest of Arabs inhabit it
٣٤. رَئيسُ عُلوى عَلا بِالدينِ مَجدُهُمُ
وَالدينُ يُعلى بِهِ لَو لَم يَكُن نَسَبُ
35. The people of Riyadh gave sincere counsel
For the religion, their advice sincere, without deceit
٣٥. وَمَن بَبَوَّأَ بِالدارِ الَّتي بُنِيَت
عَلى التُقى وَالهُدى أَكرِم بِهِم عَرَبُ
36. So too their brothers - do not forget their merit -
Wherever they went, they were champions of truth
٣٦. الساكِنينَ بِأَرطاوِيَّةٍ نَصَحوا
لِلدّينِ بِالصِدقِ في نُصحِهِم خَلَبُ
37. I mean by them the partisans of Islam, who reside
In Mubarraz, mobilizing for war on the apostates
٣٧. كَذاكَ إِخوانُهُم لا تَنسَ فَضلُهُمُ
هُم نُصرَةُ الحَقِّ صِدقاً أَينَما ذَهَبوا
38. And mention the achievements of a people whose sole aim
Was jihad against the deviants - not supererogatory acts or spoils
٣٨. أَعني بِهِم عُصبَةَ الإِسلامِ مِن سَكَنوا
مُبايِضاً وَلِحَربِ المارِقِ اِنتَدَبوا
39. They are the people of the township, brethren who have a history
Of righteous deeds hoped to bring one close to God
٣٩. وَاِذكُر مَآثِرَ قَومٍ جُلُّ قَصدِهِمُ
جِهادُ أَهلِ الرَدى لا النَفلُ وَالسَلَبُ
40. God unleashed upon the people of Kuwait through them
The whip of torment, in whose folds lies wrath
٤٠. هُم أَهلُ قَريَةَ إِخوانٌ لَهُم قَدَمٌ
في الصالِحاتِ الَّتي تُرجى بِها القُربُ
41. The beasts of prey gorged until sated, then other packs
Set upon them, one after another in succession
٤١. صَبَّ الإِلهُ عَلى أَهلِ الكُوَيتِ بِهِم
سَوطَ العَذابِ الَّذي في طَيِّهِ الغَضَبُ
42. And the birds peck at the tops of their skulls
As if a drinking-companion sipping the wine of death's rapture
٤٢. طَلَّت سِباعُ الفَلا تَفري تَرائِبَهُم
تَنوبُهُم عُصَبٌ مِن بَعدِها عُصَبُ
43. How many bereaved women slap their cheeks crying:
"Alas if battle could avail!"
٤٣. وَالطَيرُ تَمكو عَلى أَعلى جَماجِمِه
كَأَنَّها شارِبٌ يَهفو بِهِ الطَرَبُ
44. In your accursed name they took ill omens
When in your "salama" lay destruction
٤٤. كَم عاتِقٍ تَلطِمُ الخَدَّينِ باكِيَةً
تَقولُ واحَربا لَو يَنفَعُ الحَرَبُ
45. Such is the vengeance of the Imam of the Muslims upon you
Either repent, or progeny and ancestry will be obliterated
٤٥. تَفاءَلوا بِاِسمِكَ المَنحوسِ طائِرُهُ
بِسالِمٍ فَإِذا في سالِمَ العَطَبُ
46. O people of religion and faith, I owe you
A duty, I see, to advise you sincerely
٤٦. هذا نَكالُ إِمامِ المُسلِمينَ لَكُم
فَإِن رَجَعتُم وَإِلّا اِستُؤصِلَ العِقبُ
47. Hold fast to God's Book, follow the way
Of the Messenger, and let not passions seize you
٤٧. يا شيعَةَ الدينِ وَالإيمانِ إِنَّ لَكُم
عَلَيَّ حَقّاً أَرى نُصحي لَكُم يَجِب
48. And advise the Guardian sincerely, for it is
Incumbent upon you by verses in the Scripture
٤٨. تَمَسَّكوا بِكِتابِ اللَهِ وَاِتَّبِعوا
هَديَ الرَسولِ وَلا تَأخُذكُمُ الشَعبُ
49. The Prophet made their obedience obligatory by textual decree
Even if they take wealth or strike you
٤٩. وَأَخلِصوا نُصحَ والي الأَمرِ فَهوَ لَهُ
شَرطٌ عَلَيكُم بِآيِ الذِكرَ مُكتَتَبُ
50. Unless their command is polytheism and disobedience
There obedience is required - otherwise it is not
٥٠. قَد أَوجَبَ المُصطَفى بِالنَصِّ طاعَتَهُم
لَو أَنَّهُم أَخَذوا لِلمالِ أَو ضَرَبوا
51. But when they aim at reform and make effort
And neither motive nor cause is clear to us
٥١. ما لَم يَكُن أَمرُهُم شِركاً وَمَعصِيَةً
هُناكَ طاعَتُهُم في ذاكَ لا تَجِبُ
52. Then objection or defiance are not warranted
The definitive texts of truth have come urging accord
٥٢. أَمّا إِذا قَصَدوا الإِصلاحَ وَاِجتَهَدوا
وَلا اِستَبانَ لَنا الدّاعي وَلا السَبَبُ
53. Then, blessings upon the Guide and his partisans
And his Companions, as long as the clouds pour rain
٥٣. فَما يَسوغُ اِعتِراضٌ أَو مُنابَذَةٌ
بِذاكَ جاءَت نُصوصُ الحَقِّ تَأتَلِبُ
٥٤. ثُمَّ الصَلاةُ على الهادي وَشيعَتِهِ
وَصَحبِهِ ما هَمى بِالوابِلِ السُحُبُ