1. You were granted success as a traveler in love and intimacy,
Yet you refused to seize glory and victory.
١. وُفِّقتَ مُرتَحِلاً في الوِردِ وَالصَدرِ
وَأُبتَ مُغتَنِماً بِالعِزِّ وَالظَفَرِ
2. Gifts especially bestowed on you by the Generous Lord,
Out of His bounty, unattainable by mankind.
٢. مَواهِبٌ خَصَّكَ المَولى الكَريمُ بِها
مِن فَضلِهِ لَم تَكن في قُدرَةِ البَشَر
3. God has great plans for you, which will make you
A master of nomads and settled folk alike.
٣. لِلَّهِ فيكَ عِناياتٌ سَتَبلُغُها
تُرى بها سَيِّداً لِبَدوِ وَالحَضَرِ
4. Indeed good fortune's visions have shone upon you
Since childhood with the auspicious one.
٤. إِنَّ السَعادَةَ قَد لاحَت مَخايِلُها
عَلَيكَ مِن قَبلِ ذا في حالَةِ الصِغَرِ
5. From it your name was derived when you were our joy,
So you and it came to be according to destiny.
٥. مِنها اِسمُكَ اِشتُقَّ إِذ كُنتَ السُعودَ لَنا
فَجِئتَ أَنتَ وَإِيّاها عَلى قَدَرِ
6. Those who marched evilly in the night
Were punished by God's whip at dawn.
٦. إِنَّ الذينَ سَروا في لَيلِ بَغيِهِم
مُنوا بِسَوطِ عَذابِ اللَهِ في السَحَر
7. They thought you overlooked them and were patient
With their ignorance as if it were dignity.
٧. ظَنّوا تَغاضِيَكُم عَنهُم وَحِلمَكمُ
عَن جَهلِهِم أَنَّهُ ضَربٌ مِنَ الخورِ
8. Don't they know their doom, that lions though dormant
Are belittled by the despised enemy in pretense?
٨. أَما دَرَوا وَيلَهُم أَنَّ الأُسودَ لها
إِغضاءُ مُستَصغِرٍ لِلضِدِّ مُحتَقِرِ
9. But when lions wake the provoker becomes
Prey between the claws and fangs.
٩. لكِن إِذا أَصحَرَت كانَ المُهيجُ لها
فَريسَةً بينَ نباِ اللَيثِ وَالظُفُر
10. O son of the rightly guided, protectors of the faith, you
Advise us as the scripture dictates.
١٠. يا بنَ الهداةِ حُماةِ الدينِ إِنَّ لكُم
نُصحاً عَلَينا كَما قَد جاءَ في السُوَرِ
11. Advice, if not supported by politics,
Won't be safe from harm.
١١. وَالنُصحُ إِن لَم يَكُن رَأيٌ يُؤَيِّدُهُ
مِنَ السِياسَةِ لَم يُؤمَن مِنَ الضَرَرِ
12. Knowledge, if not aided by reason,
Puts its owner in jeopardy.
١٢. وَالعِلمُ إِن لَم يَكُن عَقلٌ يُؤازِرهُ
فَإِنَّ صاحِبَهُ مِنهُ عَلى خَطرِ
13. So it is that kingship has pillars and foundations
Which support it since olden times:
١٣. كَذاكَ لِلمُلكِ أَوتادٌ وَأَعمِدَةٌ
هُنَّ القِوامُ لهُ مِن سالِفِ العُمُرِ
14. Revelation, the sword, and wise resolution.
The insight of the experienced with vision.
١٤. الوَحيُ والسَيفُ وَالحَزمُ الحَصيفُ كَذا
رَأيُ المُحَنَّكِ بِالتَجريبِ ذي البَصَرِ
15. Consider the past: how much light emerged
From the bitterness of fruit!
١٥. وَقِس عَلى ما مَضى باقي الزَمانِ فَكَم
نَورٍ تَفَتَّقَ عَن مُرٍّ مِنَ الثَمَرِ
16. The commoners will not obey you sincerely
Unless you mix reward with intimidation.
١٦. إَنَّ الرَعِيَّةَ لا تُصفيكَ طاعَتَها
حَتّى تَشوبَ لها التَرغيبَ بِالحَذرِ
17. The free man is satisfied with favours,
The servile is limited by the threat of the blade.
١٧. فَالحُرُّ يَكفيهِ أَن تُسدي إِلَيهِ نَدىً
وَذو اللامَةِ حدَّ الصارِمِ الذَكرِ
18. Evil is deterred before the act, so admonish
Its speaker, words being the coolness of deeds.
١٨. وَالسوءُ يُزجَرُ قَبلَ الفِعلِ قائِلهُ
إِنَّ المَقالَ بَريدُ الفِعلِ فَاِعتَبر
19. Do not take evil lightly in its beginnings,
How many fires were sparked by a flint's spark!
١٩. لا تَحقِر الشَرَّ نَزراً في بِدايَتِهِ
كَم أَحرَقَ الزَندُ يَوماً حُرجَةَ الشَجَرِ
20. Do not feel secure with one you have betrayed,
Enmity is an unamendable wound.
٢٠. لا تَطمَئِنَّ إِلى مَن أَنتَ واتِرُهُ
إِنَّ العَداوَةَ كَسرٌ غَيرُ مُنجَبِرِ
21. If an evil trait appears in a man, it has
Counterparts in him, as we've been told.
٢١. إِن بانَ خَصلَةُ سوءٍ مِن فَتىً فَلَها
نَظائِرٌ عِندَهُ قَد جاءَ في الخَبرِ
22. Treat affliction decisively, before it spreads,
Curing lies between wellness and jeopardy.
٢٢. وَعاجِلِ الداءِ حَسماً قَبلَ غائِلَةٍ
إِنَّ العِلاجَ لَبَينَ البُرءِ وَالخَطرِ
23. Consider Omar: how he banished
Victory without seeing or reports.
٢٣. اِنظُر إِلى عُمَرَ الفاروقِ كَيفَ نَفى
نَصراً بِلا رُؤيَةٍ بِالعَينِ أَو خَبَرِ
24. That was not for a prior sin, but rather
A confidential divine matter.
٢٤. وَلم يَكُن ذاكَ عَن ذَنبٍ تَقَدَّمَهُ
لكِن لِأَمرٍ بِسِرِّ الغَيبِ مُستَتِرِ
25. Rather, for a girl's wish, unknown to him,
Who was no lewd harlot.
٢٥. بَل عَن تَمَنّي فَتاةٍ لَيسَ يَعلَمُها
وَلَم تَكُن مِن ذَواتِ الفُحشِ وَالعَهَرِ
26. Proof that the Imam may act on suspicion
Against one corrupted or prone to evil.
٢٦. هذا دَليلٌ عَلى أَنَّ الإِمامَ لهُ
أَن يُعمِلَ الظَنَّ في مَن بِالفَسادِ حَري
27. So act in your time in a fitting manner,
For this is an age of purity mixed with filth.
٢٧. فَاِعمَل لِوَقتِكَ أَعمالاً تَليقُ بهِ
فَذا زَمانُ اِمتِزاجِ الصَفوِ بِالكَدَرِ
28. O, beauty of the world and its joy,
Son of the exemplars, beauty of books and legends.
٢٨. فَيا جَمالَ بَني الدُنيا وَبَهجَتَهُم
وَاِبنَ الأُولى هُم جَمالُ الكُتبِ وَالسِيَرِ
29. You surpassed kings with ferocity and favour,
Stars are veiled by the radiance of the moon.
٢٩. فُقتَ المُلوكَ بِبَأسٍ في الوَغى وَنَدىً
إِنَّ النُجومَ لِيُخفيها سَنى القَمَرِ
30. Your father Abdulaziz, honourable and generous,
Who honours the white and brown skinned.
٣٠. أَبوكَ عَبدُ العَزيزِ المُرتَضى كَرَماً
وَمُكرِمُ البيضِ وَالعَسّالَةِ السُمُرِ
31. A king of incarnate ferocity and nobility,
Like rain and lion in beneficence and fierceness.
٣١. مَلكٌ تَجَسَّدَ مِن بَأسٍ وَمن كَرَمٍ
كَالغَيثِ وَاللَيثِ في نَفعٍ وَفي ضَرَرِ
32. He guarded the peninsula with an unsleeping eye,
His enemies always anxious.
٣٢. أَرعى الجَزيرَةَ عَيناً غَيرَ راقِدَةٍ
فَلَم يَبِت ضِدُّهُ إِلّا عَلى حَذَرِ
33. While you follow his example faithfully,
Honouring the excellent traditions.
٣٣. وَأَنتَ تَتلوهُ مُستَنّاً بِسُنَّتِهِ
أَكرِم بِها سُنَناً مَحمودَةَ الأَثرِ
34. You satisfied your Lord in war with the rebels,
As you sated your sword with skulls and blood.
٣٤. أَرضَيتَ رَبَّكَ في حَربِ البُغاةِ كَما
أَرضَيتَ سَيفَكَ في اللَبّاتِ وَالنَحَرِ
35. Take these refined proverbs, daughters of thought,
Like pearls threaded with rubies and gems.
٣٥. خُذها اِبنَةَ الفِكرِ أَمثالاً مُهَذَّبةً
كَالتِبرِ فُصِّلَ بِالياقوتِ وَالدُرَرِ
36. They strut proudly among people lost in your praise,
For praises of you are prideful adornment.
٣٦. تَختالُ بَينَ الوَرى تيهاً بِمَدحِكُمُ
إِنَّ المَدائِحَ فيكُم حَليُ مُفتَخِرِ
37. Then blessings and peace be upon the purest
Of mankind and the chosen of Mudar,
٣٧. ثُمَّ الصَلاةُ وَتَسليمُ الإِلهِ عَلى
أَزكى البَرِيَّةِ وَالمُختارِ مِن مُضَرِ
38. And his family, whiter than sheets
Adorned with flowers in their prime.
٣٨. وَآلهِ الغُرِّ وَالأَصحابِ ما صَدَحَت
وَرقاءُ في فَنَنٍ قَد حُفَّ بِالزَهَرِ