
God willed that you shall gain ascendancy,

أبى الله إلا أن تكون لك العقبى

1. God willed that you shall gain ascendancy,
You will rule the East and West by God's decree,

١. أَبى اللَهُ إِلّا أَن تَكونَ لَكَ العُقبى
سَتَملِكُ شَرقَ الأرضِ بِاللَهِ وَالغَربا

2. Your enemies intended for you what God repelled,
It sufficed them when you were content with your Lord.

٢. أَرادَ بِكَ الأَعداءُ ما اللُ دافِعٌ
كَفا كَهُمُ لَمّا رَضيتَ بهِ رَبّا

3. They replaced your blessings with disbelief, condemning
Their souls to desolation - how foolish were they!

٣. هُمُ بَدَّلوا نُعماكَ كَفراً وَبَوَّءوا
نُفوسَهُم دارَ البوارِ فَما أَغبى

4. A fledgling that foolishly confronted the falcons,
Became easy prey, clutched in their talons.

٤. بُغاثٌ تَصدَّت لِلصُّقورِ سَفاهَةً
فَأَضحَت جُزافاً في مَخالِبِها نَهبا

5. They intended to divide the Muslims out of malice,
So my Lord poured discord upon them.

٥. أَرادوا شِقاقَ المُسلِمينَ شَقاوَةً
فَصَبَّ الشَقا رَبّي عَلى أَهلِهِ صَبّا

6. They ignited a fire and became its fuel,
They brandished a sword and fell by it.

٦. هُمُ أَضرَموا ناراً فَكانوا وَقودَها
وَهُم جَرَّدوا سَيفاً فَكانوا بِهِ خَدبا

7. Their leader called them to righteousness,
Saying: come to the scripture and reproach.

٧. دَعاهُم إِلى الأَمرِ الرَشيدِ إِمامُهُم
وَقالَ هَلُمّوا لِلكِتابِ وَلِلعُتبى

8. It was not weakness but compassion,
Hoping repentance would erase their sins.

٨. وَما كانَ مِن وَهنٍ وَلكِن تَحَنُّناً
عَلَيهِم رجا أَن تَمحو التَوبَةُ الذَنبا

9. Not hasty or reckless was he in managing them,
But prudent like one who seeks the love of the beloved.

٩. وَما كانَ بِالنَزقِ العَجولِ وَإِنَّما
يُدَبِّرُهُم تَدبيرَ مَن طَبَّ مَن حَبّا

10. Yet they insisted on discord and deemed
Themselves mighty warriors against Islam.

١٠. فَلَمَّا أَبَوا إِلّا الشِقاقَ وَأَصبَحوا
عَلى شيعَةِ الإِسلامِ في زَعمِهِم إِلبا

11. The cub of the jungle turns to attack them,
His roar strikes fear before the clash.

١١. تاهُم سَليلُ الغابِ يَصرُفُ نابُهُ
زَماجِرُهُ قَبلَ اللِقا تُرعِبُ القَلبا

12. His ambitions are endless unless his goal is met,
Though the task ahead seems formidable.

١٢. لَهُ هِمَمٌ لا تَنتَهي دونَ قَصدِهِ
وَلَو كانَ ما يُبقيهِ في نَفسِهِ صَعبا

13. With an army driving beasts and birds before it,
Not a bustling den remained nor a flock taking wing.

١٣. بِجَيشٍ يَسوقُ الطَيرَ وَالوَحشَ زَجرُهُ
فَلَم تَرَ وَكراً عامِراً لا وَلا سِرباً

14. And battalions of the most valiant warriors
Answering the call to arms at every battle.

١٤. وَجُردٍ عَلَيها كُلُّ أَغلَبَ باسِلٍ
إِذا ما دُعي في مَعرَكٍ لِلقَنا لَبّى

15. The dust darkened the sky during the onslaught,
You would think the stars were falling in the night.

١٥. فَعادَ غُبارُ الجَوِّ بِالنَقعِ قاتِماً
تَظُنُّ اِشتِعالَ البيضِ في لَيلِهِ شُهبا

16. They became carrion for beasts to devour,
Preyed on one day, abandoned the next.

١٦. وَأضحَوا هَدايا لِلسِّباعِ تَنوشُهُم
تَنوبُهُمُ يَوماً وَتَعتادُهُم غِبّا

17. The birds of the air gained lodging and food,
And the beasts of the wild were summoned from their lairs.

١٧. وَراحَتِ لِطَيرِ الجَوِّ عيشي وَنَقِّري
وَنادي وُحوشاً في مَكامِنِها سُغبا

18. Had he not reined in his steeds against the stragglers,
None would have survived to relay the news.

١٨. وَلَو لَم يُكَفكِف خَيلَهُ عَن شَريدِهِم
لَم آبَ مِنهُم مُخبِرٌ خَبَّ أَو دَبّا

19. Say to those rebels shedding the blood of Muslims:
Shame on you, what an evil you have wrought!

١٩. فَقُل لِلبُغاةِ المُستَحِلّينَ جَهرَةً
دِماءَ بَني الإِسلامِ تَبّاً لَكُم تَبّا

20. You rejected God's book when called to it,
Saying: we shall not heed these two scriptures.

٢٠. نَبَذتُم كِتابَ اللَهِ حينَ دُعيتُمُ
إِلَيهِ وَقُلتُم بِالكِتابَينِ لا نَعبا

21. You handed control of your religion to dissidents,
Turning away from the path of Mustafa.

٢١. وَقَلَّدتُمُ أَشقاكُمُ أَمرَ دينِكُم
فَأَصبَحتُمُ عَن شِرعَةِ المُصطَفى نُكبا

22. Yes, God strengthened those who established
A lofty station in religion and faith.

٢٢. نَعَم ثَبَّتَ اللَهُ الذينَ تَبَوَّءوا
مِنَ الدينِ وَالإيمانِ مَنزِلَةً رَحبا

23. They kept the covenant you betrayed,
Remaining true friends since the migration.

٢٣. هُمُ حَفِظوا العَهدَ الذي خُنتُمُ به
فَكانوا لِأَهلِ الدينِ مُذ هاجَروا صَحبا

24. They were honest with God in their oaths and had faith in their leader,
No wavering, no lies.

٢٤. وَهُم صَدَقوا اللَهَ العُهودَ وَآمَنوا
إِمامَهُمُ صِدقاً فَلا لا وَلا كِذبا

25. O leader of guidance, the enemy lies in wait
For any chance to ambush and assault.

٢٥. إِمامَ الهُدى إِنَّ العَدُوَّ إِذا رَأى
لَهُ فُرصَةً في الدَهرِ يَنزو لَها وَثبا

26. He whose friendship is bound by self-interest
Will turn hostile when that interest disappears.

٢٦. وَمَن أَلجَأَتهُ لِلصَّداقَةِ عِلَّةٌ
يَكُن سَلمَهُ مِن بَعدِ عِلَّتها حَربا

27. So hold each person accountable for their crime,
For without punishment, evil is taken lightly.

٢٧. فَعاقِب وَعاتِب كُلَّ شَخصٍ بِذَنبِهِ
فَلَولا العُقوباتُ اِستَخَفَّ الوَرى الذَنبا

28. God ordained penalties to deter
Transgressions that would enrage the Lord.

٢٨. وَقَد رَتَّبَ اللَهُ الحُدودَ لِتَنتَهي
مَخافَتُها عَمّا بِهِ يُغضِبُ الرَبّا

29. If you punish the offender according to his deed,
You have done no wrong, no sin.

٢٩. إِذا أَنتَ جازَيتَ المُسيءَ بِفِعلِهِ
فَلا حَرجٌ فيما أَتَيتَ وَلا ذَنبا

30. Let the sword of aggression be his sacrifice,
And cast into the fire he ignited.

٣٠. فَمَن سَلَّ سَيفَ البَغيِ فَاِجعَلهُ نُسكَهُ
وَمَن شَبَّ ناراً فَاِرمِهِ وَسطَ ما شَبّا

31. Thus order and wisdom are maintained,
And the aggressor deterred from his intent.

٣١. بِذا يَستَقيمُ الأَمرُ شَرعاً وَحِكمَةً
وَيَنزَجِرُ الباغي إِذا هَمَّ أَو هَبّا

32. Show mercy to those who repent,
For the suffering they endured was enough.

٣٢. وَمَن تابَ مِنهُم فَاِعفُ عَنهُ تَفَضُّلاً
فَحَسبُهُمُ ما قَد لَقوا مِنكُمُ حَسبا

33. Some good they did acknowledge before,
But to relapse into sin again would be contemptible.

٣٣. فَقَد حَمدوا في بَعضِ ما قَد مَضى لَهُم
فَإِن رَجَعوا فَالعَودُ لِلذَّنبِ قَد جَبّا

34. For your pardon makes great sins small,
Unless they continue to demand reprisal.

٣٤. فَرُبَّ كَبيرِ الذَنبِ في جَنبِ عَفوِكُم
صَغيرٌ وَلكِن إِن هُمُ طَلَبوا العُتبى

35. You were not meant to use the rod for correction,
You know the sincere from those with malice.

٣٥. وَمِثلُكَ لَم تُقرَع لِتَنبيهِهِ العَصا
عَرَفتَ نَصيحَ القَلبِ مِنهُمُ وَمَن خَبّا

36. And the finest prayer is peace upon the one
Whose love and kinship we seek to honor.

٣٦. وَأَذكى صَلاةٍ مَع سَلامٍ عَلى الذي
نَرى سُؤلَهُ مِنّا المَوَدَّةَ في القُربى