
Praise be to Allah, the light of truth has shone

الحمد لله صبح الحق قد وضحا

1. Praise be to Allah, the light of truth has shone
And your sale, O people of religion, has profited

١. الحَمدُ لِلّهِ صُبحُ الحَقِّ قَد وَضَحا
وَبَيعُكثم يا أُهَيلَ الدينِ قَد رَبِحا

2. This trade brings no money to fruition
Whoever had insight did not aspire for the like of it

٢. هذي التِجارَةُ لا مالاً يُثَمِّرُهُ
مَن كانَ ذا نَظَرٍ عَن مِثلِهِ طَمَحا

3. This is the clear victory and opening through which
The good fortune of a people has honestly advised the creation

٣. هذا هُوَ النَصرُ وَالفَتحُ المُبينُ بِهِ
جَرَت سَعادَةُ قَومٍ لِلوَرى نُصَحا

4. A people high ambitions preceded them
In the world of existence, neither spirit nor specter

٤. قَومٌ سَمَت لَهُمُ الحُسنى الَّتي سَبَقَت
في عالَمِ الكَونِ لا روحاً وَلا شَبَحا

5. They established the banner of religion and its landmarks were raised
When it had weakened and erased

٥. هُمُ أَقاموا شِعارَ الدينِ وَاِرتَفَعَت
بِهِم مَعالِمُهُ إِذ قَد وَهى وَمَحا

6. So now, pilgrimage servants of God and perform Umrah
And renew gratitude to the Lord who opened

٦. فَالآنَ حُجّوا عِبادَ اللَهِ وَاِعتَمِروا
وَجَدّدوا الشُكرَ لِلمَولى الذي فَتَحا

7. What a great blessing it was
And what a all-encompassing gift

٧. فَيا لَها نِعمَةً ما كانَ أَكبَرَها
وَيا لَها مِنحَةً تَستَغرِقُ المِنَحا

8. In the past, its early ones purified the House
Until the truth prevailed and polytheism was discarded

٨. قَد طَهَّرَ البَيتَ في الماضي أَوائِلُهُم
حَتّى عَلا الحَقُّ وَالإِشراكُ قَد طُرِحا

9. And the Benevolent returned it to them
And Allah chooses and the good end is for whomsoever is righteous

٩. وَقَد أَعادَ لَهُم ذو المَنِّ كَرَّتَهُ
وَاللَهُ يَختارُ وَالعُقبى لِمَن صَلَحا

10. This is an honor for Abd al-Aziz the Chosen that satisfies
Whoever drew near him and whoever parted

١٠. هذا لِعَبدِ العَزيزِ المُرتَضى شَرَفٌ
يَرضاهُ مَن قَد دَنا مِنهُ وَمَن نَزَحا

11. And remember the protectors of guidance and religion, they have
Great merit over whoever performed Hajj or slaughtered

١١. وَاِذكُر حُماةَ الهُدى وَالدينِ إِنَّ لَهُم
فَضلاً عَظيماً عَلى مَن حَجَّ أَو ذَبَحا

12. They are brothers in truthfulness, their whole purpose
Is to establish law, not pride or praise

١٢. أَولاكَ إِخوانُ صِدقٍ جُلُّ مَقصَدِهِم
إِقامَةُ الشَرعِ لا فَخراً وَلا مِدَحا

13. A people who sacrificed themselves for God
Without grieving over whoever died or was wounded

١٣. قَومٌ هُمُ بَذَلوا لِلَهِ أَنفُسَهُم
لا يَأسَفونَ عَلى مَن ماتَ أَوجُرِها

14. The loving amongst themselves, and they are
Lions when war bares its fangs

١٤. أَهلُ التَوادُدِ فيما بَينَهُم وَهُمُ
أُسدٌ إِذا الحَربُ عَن أَنيابِهِ كَلَحا

15. I hope for them success and honor
Since each worker is hostage to what he strove for

١٥. إِنّي لَأَرجو لَهُم فَوزاً وَمَكرُمَةً
إِذ كُلُّ ذي عَمَلٍ رَهنٌ بِما كَدَحا

16. So let this standing in which its balance inclined suffice them
In worldly and otherworldly pride

١٦. فَليَكفِهِم مَفخَراً دُنيا وَآخِرَةً
هذا المَقامُ الذي ميزانُهُ رَجَحا

17. Sincerely intend for God a truthful intention
Upon what is right, as the reconciled have stipulated

١٧. فَأَخلِصوا نِيَّةً لِلَهِ صادِقَةً
عَلى الصَوابِ كَما قَد قَرَّرَ الصُلحا

18. And whoever you have pledged allegiance to
Is a collar round your necks that shone

١٨. وَمَن بَذَلتُم لَهُ بِالعَهدِ بَيتَتَكُم
فَذاكَ طَوقٌ عَلى أَعناقِكُم وَضَحا

19. So advise him and fulfill the obedience that
Became obligatory upon you, for it is a condition in what advised

١٩. فَناصِحوهُ وَأَدّوا طاعَةَ وَجَبَت
عَلَيكُم فَهيَ شَرطٌ في الذي نَصَحا

20. O Imam of guidance, beauty of existence, and O
Branch of the Imams and son of generous masters

٢٠. فَيا إِمامَ الهُدى زَينَ الوُجودِ وَيا
فَرعَ الأَئِمَّةِ وَاِبنَ السادَةِ السُمَحا

21. And O beauty of the people of the world and their ornament
And who through him religion and world prospered

٢١. وَيا جَمالَ بَني الدُنيا وَزينَتَهُم
وَمَن بِهِ الدينُ وَالدُنيا قَد اِبتَجَحا

22. Make the people of knowledge your advisors, they have
An opinion which, if turned to, will succeed

٢٢. اِجعَل مُشيرَكَ أَهلَ العِلمِ إِنَّ لَهُم
رَأياً إِذا فالَ رَأيُ المُتَري نَجَحا

23. Whoever's constitution is noble knowledge, he
Is most deserving to attain success and prosperity

٢٣. مَن كانَ ناموسُهُ العِلمَ الشَريفَ فَذا
أَجدِر بِه أَن يَنالَ الفَوزَ وَالفَلَحا

24. No reasonable person disputes that you have
Over the Caliph a clear, manifest merit

٢٤. لا يَمتَري عاقِلٌ في الناسِ أَنَّ لَكُم
عَلى الخَليفَةِ فَضلاً شاعَ وَاِتَّضحا

25. You straightened for them crookedness in their religion
That distant from Mustafa had occurred

٢٥. أَنتُم أَقَمتُم لَهُم مِن دينِهِم عِوَجاً
قَد أَحدَثَتهُ بعيدَ المُصطَفى الطُلَحا

26. Your first ones to us like rain, and your last ones
Have benefited whoever remains and whoever parted

٢٦. كَالغَيثِ أَوَّلُكُم فينا وَآخِرُكُم
قَد عَمَّ مَن قَد بَقِيَ نَفعاً وَمَن بَرِحا

27. Likewise your brothers in religion, they have
Enmity towards those who deviated from righteousness

٢٧. كَذاكَ إِخوانُكُم في الدينِ إِنَّ لَهُم
نِكايَةً في الذي عَن رُشدِهِ جَمَحا

28. They considered their lives cheap in the heat of battle
Fearing not when an event erupted

٢٨. هُم أَرخَصوا في اِحتِدامِ البَأسِ أَنفُسَهُم
لا يَخشَعونَ إِذا ما حادِثٌ فَدَحا

29. Upon them the Merciful made your obedience obligatory
In a clear, eloquent text that came in the Scripture

٢٩. عَلَيهِمُ وَجَّبَ الرَحمنُ طاعَتَكُم
نَصّاً جَلِيّاً أَتىفي الذِكر مُتَّضِحا

30. In what they love and what they hate excluding
What is clear disbelief, its ruling clarified

٣٠. فيما أَحَبّوا وَفيما يَكرَهونَ خَلا
ما كانَ كُفراً بَواحاً حُكمُهُ وَضَحا

31. And they have a right over you to
Gentleness and justice between them you granted

٣١. وَهُم عَلَيكُم لَهُم حَقٌّ بِمَعرِفَةٍ
بِالرِفقِ وَالعَدلِ فيما بَينَهُم سَنَحا

32. And apportion the war booty equally between them
And that you tend to them if their time hardens

٣٢. وَتَعدِلوا قِسمَةً في الفَيءِ بَينَهُمُ
وَأَن تُواسوهُمُ إِن دَهرُهُم كَلَحا

33. This while you are of what I said well-informed
Justice from and in you its fragrance diffused

٣٣. هذا وأَنتُم بِما قد قُلتُ ذو خَبرٍ
وَالعَدلُ مِنكُم وَفيكُم عَرفُهُ نَفَحا

34. Indeed, al-Husayn who showed his enmity
To the Muslims saw the consequence of turmoil hasten

٣٤. إِنَّ الحُسَينَ الذي أَبدى عَداوَتَهُ
لِلمُسلِمينَ رَأى عُقبى الوَغى تَرَحا

35. He roused the crowds and his schemes deluded him
So he failed miserably, routed and rolled in the dust

٣٥. أَزجى الجُموعَ وَغَرَّتهُ مَكائِنُهُ
فَباءَ بِالدُلِّ مَخذولاً وَمُكتَسحا

36. There came to him a people hardy in battle
Who feel no pain from war's afflictions if it flares up

٣٦. أَتاهُ قَومٌ اِشتَدَّ اللِقا صُبُرٌ
لا يَألمونَ شُواظُ الحَربِ إِن لَفَحا

37. So he tasted the tribulation of the deeds he committed
Each soul is fully recompensed by the Lord of the Throne for what it earned

٣٧. فَذاقَ تَنكيلَ ما أَبداهُ مِن عَمَلٍ
كُلٌّ يوَفّيهِ رَبُّ العَرشِ ما اِجتَرَحا

38. This is the recompense of one who blocked people
From the Sacred House, transgressing or jesting

٣٨. هذا جَزاءُ الذي صَدَّ الأَنامَ عَن البَ
يتِ الحَرامِ عُتُوّاً مِنهُ أَو مَرَحا

39. You continue, O Leader of the Muslims, with what
Improves it and benefits the delighted victor

٣٩. لا زِلتُمُ يا إِمامَ المُسلِمينَ بِما
يَسوءُهُ وَيُفيدُ الوامِقَ الفَرِحا

40. And may its good fortune continue forever
In your glory, accompanied by cups of misfortune

٤٠. وَلا يَزالُ مَدى أَيّامِهِ شَرِقاً
بِعِزِّكُم بِكُؤوسِ الغَبنِ مُصطَحِبا

41. Then prayer and peace upon the God
Whose mission was the opener of good

٤١. ثُمَّ الصلاةُ وَتسليمُ الإِلهِ عَلى
مَن كانَ مَبعَثُهُ لِلخَيرِ مُفتَتَحا

42. And upon his family of caves and Companions what
Clouds poured down and their lightning in its clouds flashed

٤٢. وَآلهِ الغُرِّ وَالأَصحابِ ما هَمَلَت
سُحبٌ وَما بَرقُها في جَوزِها لَمَحا