
The lights of Islam shone brightly through you,

تلألأت بك للإسلام أنوار

1. The lights of Islam shone brightly through you,
Just as your destiny made happiness flow.

١. تَلَألَأَت بِكَ لِلإِسلامِ أَنوارُ
كَما جَرَت بِكَ لِلإِسعادِ أَقدارُ

2. He who wisely ordains all things
Chooses what good He desires.

٢. إِنَّ الَّذي قَدَرَ الأَشيا بِحِكمَتِهِ
لِما يُريدُ مِنَ الخَيراتِ يَختارُ

3. If a servant's intention is sincere to God,
Its effects in the universe will undoubtedly show.

٣. وَالعَبدُ إِن صَلُحَت لِلَّهِ نِيَّتُهُ
لا بُدَّ يَبدو لَها في الكَونِ آثارُ

4. It's a wondrous secret God wanted to reveal
When you came, though many mysteries remain obscure.

٤. سِرٌّ بَديعٌ أَرادَ اللَهُ يُظهِرُهُ
لَمّا أَتَيتَ وَكَم في الغَيبِ أَسرارُ

5. Through you, the Lord of the Throne made His wisdom manifest
As He made the veil lift before the flash lit the flintstones.

٥. وَحِكمَةٌ بِكَ رَبُّ العَرشِ أَظهَرَها
كَالنورِ واراهُ قَبلَ القَدحِ أَحجارُ

6. Discordant desires were united through you,
And fires blazed between them before you came.

٦. تَأَلَّفَت بِكَ أَهواءٌ مُفَرَّقَةٌ
تَأَجَّجَت بَينَهُم مِن قَبلِكَ النارُ

7. So after God guided them,
After hardship and estrangement they again became brethren in faith.

٧. فَأَصبَحوا بَعدَ تَوفيقِ الإِلهِ لَهُم
بَعدَ الشَقا وَالجَفا في الدينِ أَخبارُ

8. Say to those who are adorned with words of righteousness
That a name, if deeds don't match, is disgraceful.

٨. قُل لِلَّذينَ بِلَفظِ الرُشدِ قَد نُبِزوا
الاِسمُ إِن لَم يُطابِق فِعلَه عارُ

9. Your ignorance of God led you astray
To think no supporters of Islam can be found.

٩. أَرداكُم ظَنُّكُم بِاللَهِ مِن سَفَهٍ
أَن لَيسَ يوجَدُ لِلإِسلامِ أَنصارُ

10. You saw obedience to the Turks as obligatory
Because in your eyes they adorned the Holy House.

١٠. رَأَيتُمُ طاعَةَ الأَتراكِ واجِبَةً
لِأَنَّهُم عِندَكُم لِلبَيتِ عُمّار

11. As if you never saw what the innocence of Ammar disclosed,
Your insights about it are confused and your sights blurred.

١١. كَأَنَّكُم لَم تَرَوا ما في بَراءَةَ أَم
زاغَت بَصائِرُكُم عَنها وَأَبصارُ

12. Just as to them association and unbelief are dear,
And whether good or evil, they are prone to both.

١٢. كَذلِكَ الشِركُ وَالكُفرُ العَظيمُ لَهُم
فيهِ وَفي الشَرِّ إِقبالٌ وَإِدبارُ

13. To them the Quran's decrees would oppress the Caliph,
So they opposed it with their own forged traditions.

١٣. وَعِندَهُم أَنَّ أَحكامَ الكِتابِ بِها
عَلى الخَليفَةِ أِجحافٌ وَإِضرارُ

14. Doubtless with their innovations they are infidels,
Is it ignorance of their state, or following whims and deceits intoxicating?

١٤. فَخالَفوها بِأَوضاعِ مُلَفَّقَةٍ
وَهُم بِأَوضاعِهِم لاشَكَّ كُفّارُ

15. When the Turkish dogs stirred trouble amongst you,
You danced though no defenders of the faith stood guard.

١٥. فَلَيتَ شِعري أَذا جَهلٌ بِحالِهِمُ
أَمِ اِتِّباعُ الهَوى وَالغَيِّ خَمّارُ

16. Why follow not an Imam whose sole purpose
Is to aid Muslims and make Islam manifest?

١٦. لَمّا عَوَت أَكلُبُ الأَتراكِ بَينَكُمُ
رَقَصتُمُ حينَ لا لِلدّينِ أَنصارُ

17. Abdul Aziz, for whose rule the regions yearn,
The branch from the Prophet and the brilliant stars of early times.

١٧. هَلّا اِتَّبَعتُم إِماماً جُلُّ مَقصَدِهِ
لِلمُسلِمينَ وَلِلإِسلامِ إِظهارُ

18. We used to pass the dead and envy them
When affairs were ruled by the wicked before him.

١٨. عَبدُ العَزيزِ الَّذي اِشتاقَت لِرُؤيَتِهِ
وَعَهدِِهِ في فَسيحِ الأَرضِ أَمصار

19. Now the times are good under his reign,
As the strings of guidance and faith are strummed.

١٩. فَرعُ الأَئِمَّةِ مِن بَعدِ الرَسولِ وَهُم
لِوائِلٍ في قَديمِ الدَهرِ أَقمارُ

20. I say, and the truest words are most sincere,
Whether warning and reminders can benefit you now.

٢٠. كُنّا نَمُرُّ عَلى الأَمواتِ نَغبِطُهُم
مِن قَبلِهِ إِذ تَوَلّى الأَمرَ أَشرارُ

21. Think not these are embellished tales
Told by revelers amidst throngs making merry.

٢١. فَالآنَ طابَت بِهِ الأَيّامُ إِذ أُخِذَت
بِهِ لِأَهلِ الهُدى وَالدينِ أَوتارُ

22. Soon the bells of remorse will toll,
When a deceitful betrayer hands you over for a time.

٢٢. إِنّي أَقولُ وَخَيرُ القَولِ أَصدَقُهُ
إِن كانَ يَنفَعُكم نَذرٌ وَإِنذارُ

23. When the defenders of faith come led by a lion,
Fierce of claw and fang, no prey escapes his grip.

٢٣. لا تَحسَبوها أَحاديثاً مُزَخرَفَةً
يَلهو بِها وَسطَ نادي الحَيِّ سُمّارُ

24. Do not transgress the domains of kings,
Else the houses will be ruined and homes wrecked.

٢٤. لَتَقرَعَنَّ قَريباً سِنَّ ذي نَدَمٍ
غَداةَ يُسلِمُكُم لِلحَينِ غَرّارُ

25. The robe of renunciation should be their garb,
When orators and poets wag tongues in circles of wine.

٢٥. إِذا أَتَتكُم حُماةُ الدينِ يَقدُمُهُم
لَيثٌ هِزَبرٌ لَهُ نابٌ وَأَظفار

26. They heal the wounds of the downtrodden, and none can protect
The tyrannical from their might, nor deter their arm.

٢٦. شَثنُ البَراثِنِ لا تَعدو فَرائِسُهُ
صَيدَ المُلوكِ وَإِلّا تُخرَبُ الدارُ

27. How often he counseled you out of compassion, hoping
That you would thus find guidance, if you had insight.

٢٧. مِنَ الأُولى اَتَّخَذوا الماذي لِباسَهُمُ
إِذا تَشاجَرَ لَدنُ السُمرِ خَطّارُ

28. The most ignorant are those who know not their own worth,
Or are fooled when the battlefield is empty of heroes.

٢٨. الجابِرينَ صُدوعَ المُعتَفينَ وَما
عَنهُم مُجيرٌ لَدى بَغيٍ وَلا جارُ

29. He who builds his abode in the path of the floods
Will surely one day face destruction from the waters.

٢٩. كَم قَد أَعادَ وَأَبدى نُصحَكُم شَفَقاً
لَو كانَ مِنكُم لَكُم بِالرُشدِ أَمّارُ

30. But you were misled by those who bring you no fortune-
Wicked slaves, nomads, and clamoring riffraff.

٣٠. وَأَجهَلُ الناسِ مَن لَم يَدرِ قيمَتَهُ
أَو غَرَّهُ إِن خَلا المَيدانُ إِحضارُ

31. Fortresses will deliver you to ruin,
As it was for him who built the lofty encampment.

٣١. وَمَن بَنى في حَميلِ السَيلِ مَنزِلَهُ
لا بُدَّ يَأتيهِ يَوماً مِنهُ دَمّارُ

32. But your besiegement in the depths of your homes
He also saw as disgrace and belittlement.

٣٢. لكِنَّهُ غَرَّكُم مَن لَيسَ يسعِدُكُم
عَبيدُ سوءٍ وَأَعرابٌ وَصُفّارُ

33. So the protector of truths set fires openly around you,
Sparks of passion to kindle the blaze.

٣٣. إِنَّ الحُصونَ إِلى البَلوى سَتُسلِمُكُم
كَما جَرى لِلَّذي أَعلى سِنِمّارُ

34. The son of the Imam, who his father
Appointed as a shooting star containing a storm.

٣٤. لكِن رَأى حَصرَكُم في قَعرِ دارِكُمُ
فيهِ اِحتِقارٌ لكُم أَيضاً وَإِصغارُ

35. No wonder the cub follows in the footsteps
Of the lion, if the running ground extends far enough!

٣٥. فَأَضرَمَ النارَ جَهراً في جَوانِبِكُم
حامي الحَقائِقِ لِلهَيجاءِ مِسعارُ

36. You've been left as an incomplete image with no hands to grip
Or feet to walk if they march.

٣٦. اِبنُ الإِمامِ الَّذي قَد كانَ أَرصَدَهُ
لَكُم أَبوهُ شِهاباً فيهِ إِعصارُ

37. Repent to Islam, else await a day that will be
Renowned and spoken of in reports!

٣٧. وَالشِبلُ لا غَروَ أَن تَعدو مَسالِكُهُ
مَسالِكَ اللَيثِ لَو يَمتَدُّ مِضمارُ

38. These are the words of one giving sincere advice.
And advice, to the wise, brings recollection.

٣٨. تُرِكتُمُ صورَةً جَذماءَ لَيسَ لَها
كَفٌّ لِبَطشٍ وَلا رِجلٌ إِذا ساروا

39. Then blessings upon the Guide, his followers,
And his companions, as long as birds fly through the air!

٣٩. إِن لَم تُنيبوا إِلى الإِسلامِ فَاِنتَظِروا
يَوماً عَلَيكُم لَهُ ذِكرٌ وَأَخبارُ