1. The face of religion has brightened and victory has smiled,
So whoever has made a vow, his vow is now due.
١. تَهَلَّلَ وَجهُ الدينِ وَاِبتَسَم النَصرُ
فَمَن كانَ ذا نَذرٍ فَقَد وَجَبَ النَذرُ
2. The eloquent preacher has fulfilled his promise from the pulpit of glory,
Proclaiming, "Praise be to God for His feat!"
٢. وَوافى خَطيبُ العِزِّ في مَنبَرِ العُلا
يُنادي أَلا لِلَّهِ في صُنعِهِ الشُكرُ
3. We are true to the promise of God,
And His delaying it is so the reward may be greater.
٣. وَإِنّا عَلى وَعدٍ مِنَ اللَهِ صادِقٍ
وَتَأخيرُهُ إِيّاهُ كَي يَعظُمَ الأَجرُ
4. God has wisdom in the twists of fate,
Baffling intellects and tiring thoughts.
٤. وَلِلَّهِ في طَيِّ الحَوادِثِ حِكمَةٌ
يَحارُ بِها عَقلٌ وَيَعيا بِها فِكر
5. He assays some people who have His acceptance
And destroys others who have His wrath.
٥. يُمَحِّصُ أَقواماً لَهُم عِندَهُ الرِضى
وَيَمحَقُ أَقواماً لَهُم عِندَهُ التَبرُ
6. When the Lord of the Throne decrees misfortune upon someone,
Neither recited verses nor vows will avail him.
٦. إِذا خَطَّ ذو العَرشِ الشَقاءَ عَلى اِمرىءٍ
فَلَن تُغنِهِ الآياتُ تُتلى وَلا النُذرُ
7. As for what has befallen the people of Hail,
You have brought it upon yourselves, so censure your whims!
٧. وَإِلّا فَفيما قَد جَرى أَهلَ حائِلٍ
عَلَيكُم لَكُم لَكُم مِن غَيِّكُم وَالهَوى زَجرُ
8. The Imam of the Muslims called you long ago
To your senses, but you turned a deaf ear.
٨. وَقِدماً إِمامُ المُسلِمينَ دَعاكمُ
إِلى رُشدِكُم لكِن بِآذانِكُم وَقرُ
9. The Imam's clemency and pardon rescued you
When the torrent reached peril and the sea raged.
٩. تَدارَكَكُم حِلمُ الإِمامِ وَعَفوُهُ
وَقَد بَلَغَ السَيلُ الزُبى وَطَما البَحرُ
10. You awoke from it, thanks to a Bestower of bounty;
Is there any gratitude to be found in you?
١٠. فَأَصبَحتُمُ عَنهُ بِنَجوَةِ مُنعِمٍ
عَلَيكُم فَهَل يُلفى لَدَيكُم لَهُ شُكرُ
11. Do not show ingratitude for a paired blessing,
For if blessings are unappreciated, they become sin and captivity.
١١. فَلا تَكفُروها نِعمَةً مُقرنِيَّةً
فَإِن كُفِرَت كانَت هِيَ الغُلُّ وَالأَصرُ
12. How many favored ones have been warned by a people who lie in wait!
Their wickedness of character and treachery destroyed them.
١٢. فَكَم خُوِّفَ النَعماءَ قَومٌ تَرَبَّصوا
فَأَرداهُمُ خُبثُ الطَوِيَّةِ وَالغَدرُ
13. Were it not for piety and forgiving you,
Your dwellings would be ravaged, with cold and abandoned ruins.
١٣. فَلَولا التُقى وَالصَفحُ عَنكُم لَأَصبَحَت
مَنازِلُكُم يَشتو بِها الرُبدُ وَالعَفر
14. He is the Generous King, the Vanquisher,
The biting blades are His, and the deadly first attacks.
١٤. هُوَ المَلِكُ الوَهّابُ وَالضَيغَمُ الَّذي
لَهُ العَزَماتُ الشُمُّ وَالفَتكَةُ البِكر
15. He is the Sublime King whom none can withstand
When He unleashes His might against one with unkempt hair.
١٥. هُوَ المَلِكُ السامي الَّذي سَطَواتُهُ
تُبيحُ حِمى مَن كانَ في خَدِّهِ صَعرُ
16. With an army whose abundant horses darken the sun,
Leaving the wolf and eagle to praise Him after the encounter.
١٦. بِجَيشٍ يُغيبُ الشَمسَ عِثيرُ خَيلِهِ
وَيَحمَدُهُ بَعدَ اللِقا الذِئبُ وَالنَسرُ
17. As if the flaring of lightning in its folds
Were the dazzling lightning, the rumbling thunder and the roaring threats.
١٧. كَأَنَّ اِشتِعالَ البيضِ في جَنَباتِهِ
سَنا البَرقَ وَالرَعدَ الهَماهِمُ وَالزَجرُ
18. With steadfast resolve, when the night of turmoil foams,
Its dawn shines from His spears.
١٨. وَصادِقِ عَزمٍ إِن طَما لَيلُ فِتنَةٍ
تَبَلَّجَ مِنهُ في حَنادِسِها فَجرُ
19. A rider aware of the gravity of feared events,
Knowing that glory lies beyond that rugged danger.
١٩. رَكوبٍ لِما يُخشى مِنَ الخَطبِ عالِمٍ
بِأَنَّ المَعالي دونَها الخَطرُ الوَعرُ
20. Whenever His campaigns are mentioned, none can expose them,
Nor can the full moon outshine them.
٢٠. إِذا ذُكَرَت يَوماً مَغازيهِ لَم يَكُن
لِيَفضَحَها أُحدٌ وَلَم يَخزِها بَدرُ
21. Campaigns in East and West that shake the land,
They are the bright stars on the horizon.
٢١. مَغازٍ لَها في الغَربِ وَالشَرقِ رَجفَةٌ
وَفي أُفُقِ العَيا هِيَ الأَنجُمُ الزُهرُ
22. There were scenes where religion was strengthened and exalted,
Injustice was repulsed and unbelief wiped out.
٢٢. مَشاهِدُ فيها عُزِّزَ الدينُ وَاِعتَلى
وَأُدحِضَ فيها الجَورُ وَاِنمَحَقَ الكُفرُ
23. The witness of the past is a lesson for today,
But hearts filled with hatred and rancor are deaf.
٢٣. وَفيما مَضى لِلشّاهِدِ اليَومَ عِبرَةٌ
وَلكِن قُلوبٌ حَشوُها الغِلُّ وَالوَغُر
24. Whoever is oblivious to what I say
Will be proven true by my eloquent words.
٢٤. وَمَن كانَ عَمّا قُلتُهُ مُتَجاهِلاً
سَتَصدُقُهُ قَولي المُهَنَّدَةُ البُترُ
25. Say to Hussein, while the bowstring is taut:
"Watch out before the back is broken!"
٢٥. فَقُل لِحُسَينٍ دامَ في القَوسِ مَنزَعٌ
أَلا تَرعَوي مِن قَبلِ أَن يُقصَمَ الظَهرُ
26. You frightened the birds of ill omen, thinking they were larks,
But neither tricks nor warnings avail.
٢٦. زَجَرتَ طُيورَ النَحسِ تَحسَبُ أَنَّها
سُعودٌ فَلا طَرقٌ أَفادَ وَلا زَجرُ
27. The fancies of one led astray who makes excuses for himself,
While the wished-for cups are bitter and murky.
٢٧. أَماني مَخدوعٍ يُعَلِّلُ نَفسَهُ
وَمِن دونِ هاتيكَ المُنى المَشرَبُ المُرُّ
28. Blows like the mouths of those in childbirth,
With blood the white camels and red sheep will suckle.
٢٨. وَضَربٌ كَأَفواهِ المُخاضِ مُجاجُهُ
دَمٌ تَمتَريهِ البيضُ وَاللَدنَةُ السُمرُ
29. Awaiting them disastrously, filling the horizon,
Driving terror toward you with its clamor.
٢٩. تَرَقَّب لَها مَلمومَةً تَملَأُ الفَضا
يَسوقُ إِلَيكَ الوَحشَ مِن لَغطِها الذُعرُ
30. The agitated birds of prey circle above them,
Accustomed to receiving tribute from the tribe.
٣٠. تَظَلُّ عَلَيها شُغَّبُ الطَيرِ عُكَّفاً
مُعَوَّدَةً أَنَّ القَبيلَ لَها جَزرُ
31. He directs them with resolve, wisdom and counsel--
The guide of their pasture, not confused or blind.
٣١. يُدَبِّرُها عَزماً وَرَأياً وَمُنصَلاً
مُديرُ رَحاها لا كَهامٌ وَلا غَمرُ
32. The Imam of guidance, Abd al-Aziz, whose glory
Was proclaimed before he had reached the age of ten.
٣٢. إِمامُ الهُدى عَبدُ العَزيزِ الَّذي رَنَت
إِلَيهِ المَعالي قَبلَ أَن تَكمُلَ العَشرُ
33. God, Most Gracious, brought him to us in His subtlety,
When people were astray and evil prevalent.
٣٣. أَتانا بِهِ اللَهُ الكَريمُ بِلُطفِهِ
عَلى حينَ ماجَ الناسُ وَاِستَفحَلَ الشَرُّ
34. Opinions had divided the religion of Muhammad
With no objection to corruption or command of good.
٣٤. وَشَعَّبَتِ الأَهواءُ دينَ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَلَم يَكُ نَهيٌ عَن فَسادٍ وَلا أَمرُ
35. The affairs of the people were administered by one who did not rule them
According to Divine Law, while the licentious feared the devout.
٣٥. وَوَليَ أُمورَ الناسِ مَن لا يَسوسُهُم
بِشَرعٍ وَخافَ الفاجِرَ المُؤمِنُ البَرُّ
36. The dawn broke for the Muslims and his rise illumined them,
Their troubles dispelled and hardship relieved.
٣٦. فَأَسفَرَ صُبحُ المُسلِمينَ وَأَشرَقَت
بِطَلعَتِهِ أَنوارُهُم وَاِنتَفى العُسرُ
37. Given pride instead of humiliation, and security instead of fear,
Hardship transformed into ease after it.
٣٧. وَأُعطوا بُعَيدَ الذُلِّ عِزّاً وَبُدِّلوا
مِنَ الخَوفِ أَمناً وَالشَقا بَعدَهُ اليُسرُ
38. Whenever his armies direct themselves towards a people's abode,
Ruin will be their lot if there is no pardon.
٣٨. مَتى ما تُيَمِّم دارَ قَومٍ جُيوشُهُ
إِذا لَم يَكُن عَفوٌ فَعُمرانُها قَفرُ
39. Is he not the one who drove the routed remnants
To all their hidden lairs by his cunning?
٣٩. أَلَيسَ الَّذي قادَ المَقانِبَ شُزَّباً
إِلى كُلِّ دَغائِلُهُ المَكرُ
40. No length of resistance or fortress availed them,
Nor did sea or land offer escape.
٤٠. فَلَم يُغنِهِ طولُ الدِفاعِ وَحِصنُهُ
وَلَم يُؤرِهِ لَو فَرَّ بَحرٌ وَلا بَرُّ
41. Beneficial and destructive when he gives or withholds,
Not the fierce lion, nor the pelting rains.
٤١. مُفيدٌ وَمِتلافٌ إِذا جادَ أَو سَطا
فَما الأَسَدُ الضاري وَما الوابِلُ الهَمرُ
42. Pursuing the utmost heights of glory--if he attains
A rank below which esteem is rare.
٤٢. طَلوبٌ لِأَقصى غايَةِ المَجدِ إِن يَصِل
إِلى رُتبَةٍ مِنها يَقُل فَوقَها القَدرُ
43. To you, O Commander of the Faithful, Damascus turns her hopes,
And Egypt awaits, looking towards you.
٤٣. إِلَيكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ تَطَلَّعَت
لِتَرعى بَنيها الشامُ وَاِنتَظَرَت مِصرُ
44. The tribes of Yathrib and Mecca call you,
And were it not for respecting the Sacred House, the matter would be concluded.
٤٤. وَناداكَ مُلتَفُّ الحَطيمِ وَيَثرِبٌ
وَلَولا اِحتِرامُ البَيتِ قَد قُضِيَ الأَمرُ
45. What man does not believe you to be his commander?
His faith is futile and his knowledge denied.
٤٥. وَأَيُّ اِمرىءٍ لَم يَعتَقِدكَ أَميرَهُ
فَإيمانُهُ لَغوٌ وَعِرفانُهُ نُكرُ
46. Does not every believer see that sincerely advising and
Obeying you is an obligation, just like ritual prayer?
٤٦. وَهَل مُؤمِنٌ إِلّا يَرى فَرضَ نُصحِكُم
وَطاعَتِكُم حَقّاً كَما وَجَبَ الذِكرُ
47. Whoever dissents from the majority's opinion, his share
Is sin, even if he fasts and prays.
٤٧. وَمَن شَذَّ عَن رَأي الجَماعَةِ حَظُّهُ
وَإِن صامَ أَو صَلّى مِنَ العَمَلِ الوِزرُ
48. After you, every listening assembly is merely
Said when poetry is recited, "How excellent is poetry!"
٤٨. وَدونَكَها وَلّاجَةً كُلَّ مِسمَعٍ
يُقالُ إِذا تُتلى كَذا يَحسُنُ الشِعرُ
49. Through you, honor is proclaimed in every club and gathering.
How not, when you are the supreme pride, above all pride!
٤٩. بِكَ اِفتَخَرَت في كُلِّ نادٍ وَمَحفِلٍ
وَكَيفَ وَأَنتَ الفَخرُ ما فَوقَهُ فَخرُ
50. And salutations to the God of all worlds upon him
With the Fountain and the Exalted Rank when we throng at the Gathering.
٥٠. وَصَلِّ إِلهَ العالَمينَ عَلى الَّذي
لَهُ الحَوضُ وَالزُلفى إِذا ضَمَّنا الحَشرُ
51. Muhammad, the Guide, the Trustworthy, and his Household
And his Companions, for no dawn has shone after their night.
٥١. مُحَمَّدٍ الهادي الأَمينِ وَآلِهِ
وَأَصحابِهِ ما اِفتَرَّ بَعدَ الدُجى فَجرُ