
The heights of glory are forbidden to all but you,

منال العلى إلا عليك محرم

1. The heights of glory are forbidden to all but you,
And all praise of others is deplored.

١. مَنالُ العُلى إِلّا عَلَيكَ مُحَرَّمُ
وَكُلُّ مَديحٍ في سِواكَ يُذَمَّمُ

2. There is no glory but what you have comprehended,
No merit but you are foremost in it.

٢. وَلا مَجدَ إِلّا قَد حَوَيتَ أَجَلَّهُ
وَلا فَضلَ إِلّا أَنتَ فيهِ المُقَدَّمُ

3. Whoever believes other than what His scripture dictates,
You have no doubt they sin.

٣. وَمَن يَعتَقِد غَيرَ الذي جاءَ نَصُّهُ
لَكُم في كِتابِ اللَهِ لا شَكَّ يَأثَمُ

4. Have you not followed the path of Muhammad?
Though it has nearly faded and perished and crumbled.

٤. أَلَستُم أَقمتُم مَيلَ نَهجِ مُحمدٍ
وَقَد كادَ يَعفو أَو يَبيدُ وَيَهرمُ

5. The martyred infant will come on Judgement Day
As a witness, by this stone, this station, and Zamzam.

٥. سَيَأتي قَتيلُ الطَفِّ في الحَشرِ شاهِداً
بِهذا وَحِجرٌ وَالمَقامُ وَزَمزَمُ

6. Tomorrow you adorned the House of God, as
The true, revered, mighty faith ascended its stones.

٦. غَداةَ كَسَوتُم كَعبَةَ اللَهِ وَاِعتَلى
بِأَبطَحِها الدينُ القَويمُ المُعَظَّمُ

7. No shrine or path to polytheism remains
But it is erased and demolished.

٧. وَلَم يَبقَ فيها قُبَّةٌ أَو ذَريعَةٌ
إِلى الشِركِ إِلّا وَهيَ تُمحى وَتُهدَمُ

8. What great deeds, when mentioned, humble
The glories of passed or future kings!

٨. مَعالٍ مَتى تُذكَر تَصاغَرَ عِندَها
مَعالي مُلوكٍ أُخِّروا أَو تَقَدَّموا

9. There is no glory but fearing God and piety,
No pride but the Law wherein you excel.

٩. فَلا مَجدَ إِلّا خَشيَةُ اللَهِ وَالتُقى
وَلا فَخرَ إِلّا الشَرعُ فيهِ المُقَدَّمُ

10. So take comfort, Abd al-Aziz ibn Faysal,
In spoils called and which in reward are a prize.

١٠. لِيَهنِكَ يا عَبدَ العَزيزِ بنَ فَيصَلٍ
مَغانِمُ تُدعى وَهيَ في الأَجرِ مَغنَمُ

11. When a misguided soul rends the Muslims,
You are death, ruin, his destined doom.

١١. إِذا شَقَّ أَمرَ المُسلِمينَ مُضَلِّلٌ
فَأَنتَ لَهُ المَوتُ الزُؤامُ المُحَتَّمُ

12. You rode out to meet him at dawn with regiments
In which death's arrows were randomly loosed.

١٢. دَلَفتَ لَهُ قَبلَ الشُروقِ بِفَيلَقٍ
أَحَمَّ الرَحى فيهِ المَنايا تُقَسَّمُ

13. You gave them a lethal, bitter drink mixed
With death and venom in their mouths.

١٣. فَأَسقَيتَهُم سُمّاً زُعافاً يَشوبُهُ
بِأَفواهِهِم بِالمَوتِ صابٌ وَعَلقَمُ

14. Their corpses became food for wild beasts,
And their bones piles for vultures.

١٤. تَظَلُّ بِهِ غُرثُ السِباعِ نَواهِلاً
وَعِقبانُهُ مِنها وُقوعٌ وَحُوَّمُ

15. As it was with the people of Hail one day,
When they strayed from the path of righteousness, or were blind,

١٥. كَما قَد جَرى يَوماً عَلى أَهلِ حائِلٍ
وَقَد صُرِفوا عَن مَنهَجِ الرُشدِ أَو عَموا

16. Thinking the name Hail meant estrangement -
Aloof from wives, hostile, unbending.

١٦. وَظَنّوا بِأَنَّ الدارَ كَالإِسمِ حائِلٌ
نَفورٌ عَنِ الأَزواجِ جَدّاءُ مُصرِم

17. So you married them to the deaf spears, and they awoke
Brides revealing, far from conception, evil conforming.

١٧. فَأَنكَحتَها صُمَّ الرِماحِ فَأَصبَحَت
كِشافاً بُعيدَ الحَملِ بِالشَرِّ تُتئِمُ

18. How a maiden's face was marred by slaps!
Another rends her clothes in bitter lamentation.

١٨. فَكَم كاعِبٍ حَسناَ تَلطِمُ وَجهَها
وَأُخرى تَشُقُّ الجَيبَ بِالثُكلِ أَيِّمُ

19. How much they were advised, had advice been heard!
How much they were forewarned, had any been reasonable!

١٩. وَكَم نَصَحوا لَو كانَ لِلنُّصحِ مَوضِعٌ
وَكَم عَذَلوا لَو كانَ فيهِم مُحَلَّمُ

20. But they insisted on dissent, so they had
No tools but swords and daggers.

٢٠. وَلكِن أَبَوا إِلّا الشِقاقَ فَلَم يَكُن
لَهُم وَزَرٌ إِلّا حُسامٌ وَلَهذمُ

21. Their leader said "No! Worse than them,
Send to Ibn Talal - he is most wise."

٢١. وَقالَ زَعيمُ القَومِ لا بَل شَقيُّهُم
إِلى اِبنِ طَلالٍ أَرسِلوا فَهوَ أَحزَمُ

22. But when he came, he increased their madness
And they reaped the fruits of their misdeeds, regretting naught.

٢٢. فَلَمّا أَتاهُم زادَهُم مَع خَبالِهِم
خَبالاً وَعُقبى ما أَتَوهُ الَتَنَدُّمُ

23. They thought God would break His promise -
Never! The promise of the Truthful is most binding.

٢٣. وَظَنّوا بِأَنَّ اللَهَ يُخلِفُ وَعدَهُ
وَهَيهاتَ وَعدُ الصادِقِ الوَعدِ أَحكَمُ

24. A conquering soldier said "It is inevitable -
My judgement in the wilderness is decided."

٢٤. وَقَد قالَ جُندي غالِبٌ لا مَحالَةٌ
بِذاكَ قَضائي في البَرِيَّةِ مُبرَمُ

25. Alone in his perfection he approached them,
But in war an army, intrepid and ruthless.

٢٥. أَطَلَّ عَلَيهِم واحِدٌ في كَمالِهِ
وَلكِنَّهُ في البَأسِ جَيشٌ عَرَمرَمُ

26. With sincere youths in battle most honoured,
Of a lineage never tainted by non-Arabs.

٢٦. بِفِتيانِ صِدقٍ في اللِقاءِ أَعِزَّةٍ
لَهُم نَسَبٌ ما شابَهُ قَطُّ أَعجَمُ

27. Pressing on firmly between steadfast and pursuer,
Racing what the swift camels and she-camels outpaced.

٢٧. عَلى ضُمَّرٍ بَينَ الوَجيهِ وَلاحِقٍ
تُعارِضُ ما أَبقى الجَديلُ وَشَدقَمُ

28. Those are the sons of Islam - hail to them!
Most honoured wherever they gather!

٢٨. أُولاكَ بَنو الإِسلامِ حَيَّ هَلاً بِهِم
وَأَكرِم بِهِم أَكرِم بِهِم حَيثُ يُمَّموا

29. They knew the right of God and His messengers,
And the right of the Muslim leaders they revered.

٢٩. هُمُ عَرَفوا حَقَّ الإِلهِ وَرُسلِهِ
وَحَقَّ وُلاةِ المُسلِمينَ وَعَظَّموا

30. They saw obedience was the only religion
To the one upright in the true Hanifi creed.

٣٠. رَأَوا أَنَّهُ لا دينَ إِلّا بِطاعَةٍ
لِمَن هُوَ بِالديِ الحَنيفِيِّ قَيِّم

31. That is the Commander of the Faithful ibn Faysal,
Leader of guidance, perfecter of glorious deeds.

٣١. وَذاكَ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ بنُ فَيصَلٍ
إِمامُ الهُدى لِلمَكرُماتِ مُتَمِّمُ

32. When they saw the party of God led by
The fearless lion amidst terror approaching,

٣٢. فَلَمّا رَأوا حِزبَ الإِلهِ يَقودُهُ
إِلَيهِم رَبيطُ الجَأشِ في الهَولِ مُقدِمُ

33. They fled quickly, swords bared,
And the Hindu swords decapitating.

٣٣. تَوَلَّوا سِراعاً وَالسُيوفُ شَوارِعٌ
بِأَكتافِهِم وَالسَمهَرِيُّ تُحَطِّمُ

34. Who survived of them, when he hears a call,
Cowers, and dreams of the dead in the night.

٣٤. وَمَن قَد نَجا مِنهُم إِذا سَمِعَ النِدا
يُراعُ وَبِالأَمواتِ في اللَيلِ يَحلُمُ

35. To you, Leader of the Muslims, Dummar came bounding,
Her sorrows folded, stumbling in gloom.

٣٥. إِلَيكَ إِمامَ المُسلِمينَ تَواهَقَت
بِها ضُمَّرٌ تَطوي المَهامِهَ عَيهَمُ

36. She sails when the winds blow strong as if
With the downpour, red canyons churning.

٣٦. تَعومُ إِذا اِشتَدَّ الهَجيرُ كَأَنَّها
مَعَ الدَوِّ مُحمَرُّ الظَنابيبِ أَصلَمُ

37. Remembering chicks in the wasteland of Hardah
With bleating winds and pouring rain.

٣٧. تَذَكَّرُ أَفراخاً بِبَيداءَ حَردَةٍ
وَلِلرّيحِ نَئّآجٌ وَلِلغَيثِ مَسجَمُ

38. She remained conversing with herself - where is relief?
No guide shows the way and the night is dark.

٣٨. فَظَلَّ يُناجي النَفسَ أَينَ مَراحُهُ
وَلا عَلَمٌ يَهديهِ وَاللَيلُ مُظلِمُ

39. She sends you the devotion of a true friend,
Yours loyally, never discontent.

٣٩. تُبَلِّغُكُم مِنّي أَلوكَةَ صادِقٍ
لَكُم مُخلِصٍ في الوُدِّ لا مُتَبَرِّمُ

40. For love of you is closeness to the Guardian,
And advising you an obligation we fulfill.

٤٠. فَحُبُّكُمُ عِندَ المَهَيمِنِ قُربَةٌ
وَنُصحُكُمُ فَرضٌ علَينا مُحَقَّمُ

41. Who does not see this is either heedless
Or puts lies before the revelation.

٤١. وَمَن لا يَراهُ فَهوَ إِمّا مُغَفَّلٌ
وَإِمّا عَلى تَكذيبِهِ الوَحيَ مُقدِمُ

42. I will not forget praise for Faysal ibn Sultan -
What remains of my eulogy will perpetuate his name.

٤٢. وَما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ بنَ سُلطانَ فَيصَلاً
لَهُ ما بَقي مِنّي الثَناءُ المُنَمنَمُ

43. Brother of war - if war bites him he will not waver
Or feel any pain from its bite.

٤٣. أَخا الحَربِ إِن عَضَّت بِهِ الحَربُ لَم يَكُن
جَزوعاً وَلا مِن مَسِّها يَتَأَلَّمُ

44. Minister of the Leader of the Muslims, who for him
Oppressors in it are subjugated and muzzled.

٤٤. وَزيرَ إِمامِ المُسلِمينَ الذي لهُ
مَشاهدُ فيها مَعطِسُ الفِسقِ يُرغَمُ

45. If a traitor or apostate renounces
His religion for wickedness sown,

٤٥. إِذا ناكِثٌ أَو مارِقٌ مَرَقَت بِهِ
عَنِ الدينِ نَفسٌ لِلشَّقاوَةِ تَرأَمُ

46. Faysal heads with flames kindled to his abode,
Sailing a sea part raging blood.

٤٦. سَما مُشمَعِلّاً فَيصَلٌ نَحوَ دارِهِ
يَخوضُ بِحاراً بَعضُ خُلجانِها دَمُ

47. By order of the Leader of the Muslims, by his opinion -
There is no might but by the Imamate protected.

٤٧. بِأَمرِ إِمامِ المُسلِمينَ وَرَأيِهِ
وَلا عِزَّ إِلّا بِالإِمامَةِ يُعصَمُ

48. And his brothers in God - do not forget their merit!
They are the aid of Islam, and God knows best.

٤٨. وَإِخوانُهُ في اللَهِ لا تَنسَ فَضلَهُم
هُمُ نُصرَةُ الإِسلامِ وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ

49. Tribes among whom are Utayba's men -
Lions, when the fray intensifies they plunge in.

٤٩. قَبائِلُ فيها مِن رِجالِ عُتَيبَةٍ
أُسودٌ إِذا حَميَ الوَطيسُ تَقَحَّموا

50. They risk precious souls in the fray,
But by dying for God they are honoured.

٥٠. يَسومونَ في الهَيجا نُفوساً عَزيزَةً
وَلكِنَّها بِالقَتلِ في اللَهِ تُكرَمُ

51. In war, they are ferocious, relentless warriors,
Harsher on transgressors for God, compassionate.

٥١. وَفي الحَربِ مِن حَرب لُيوثٌ ضَراغِمٌ
أَشِدّا عَلى الباغينَ في اللَهِ رُحَّمُ

52. I did not omit the rest out of ignorance of their right,
Nor inability to articulate their merit.

٥٢. وَلَم أَترُكِ الباقينَ جَهلاً بِحَقِّهِم
وَلا أَنَّني في فَضلِهِم مُتَلَعثِمُ

53. But the names distracted me,
And I had none to clarify them.

٥٣. وَلكِنَّما الأَسماءُ كانَت تَغُرُّني
وَلَم يَكُ عِندي مَن بِذاكَ يُفهِم

54. The Leader of the Muslims' soldiers, who have
The means for every good and righteous deed.

٥٤. جُنودُ إِمامِ المُسلِمينَ الذي لَهُم
إِلى كُلِّ مَعروفٍ مِنَ الخَيرِ سُلَّمُ

55. And pray, my God, whenever dawn gleams
And a sun rises or a constellation appears,

٥٥. وَصَلِّ إِلهي كُلَّما ناضَ بارِقٌ
وَما طَلَعَت شَمسٌ وَما لاحَ مِرزَمُ

56. Upon the Master of Masters, my soul his ransom,
I pray for him perpetually and submit,

٥٦. عَلى سَيِّدِ الساداتِ نَفسي فِداؤُهُ
أُصَلّي عَلَيهِ مُدَّتي وَأُسلِمُ

57. And so his family, of such high station, and his companions -
The elect of the Merciful - they, they!

٥٧. كَذا آلِهِ الغُرِّ الكِرامِ وَصَحبِهِ
هُمُ صُفوَةُ الرَحمنِ مِنّا هُمُ هُمُ