1. Repeat to me the soft words, repeat them
For you have reminded me, so delight my hearing and increase
١. أَعِد عَلَيَّ حَديثَ المُنحَنى أَعِدِ
فَقَد ذَكَرتَ فَشَنِّف مِسمَعي وَزِدِ
2. It is the talk where its cheerfulness appears
From the heart of every devout, the moss of depression
٢. فَهوَ الحَديثُ الذي تَجلو بَشاشَتُهُ
عَن قَلبِ كُلِّ تَقِيٍّ طِخيَةَ الكَمَدِ
3. It is that which filled the frowning world with its tidings
And the universe was clothed in its new robes
٣. هُوَ الذي مَلَأَ الدُنيا بَشائِرُهُ
وَأَرفَلَ الكَونَ في أَثوابِهِ الجُدُدِ
4. An opening with it, openings to the religion were opened
And before it had complained of the illness of blindness
٤. فَتحٌ بِهِ فُتِحَت لِلدّينِ أَعيُنُهُ
وَقَبلَهُ قَد شَكا مِن عِلِّةِ الرَمدِ
5. So call out to the people in the loudest voice rising
East and west, and in the desert and in the town
٥. فَنادِ في الناسِ أَعلى صَوتِ مُرتَفِع
غَرباً وَشَرقاً وَفي البادي وَفي البَلد
6. Now make pilgrimage, O children of Islam, and perform lesser pilgrimage
God has changed that misery into comfort
٦. الآنَ حُجّوا بَني الإِسلامِ وَاِعتَمِروا
قَد بَدَّلَ اللَهُ ذاكَ البُؤس بِالرَغَدِ
7. So it is an invitation, O children of Islam, all together
India and Egypt, and whoever is in the region of pillars
٧. فَدَعوَةٌ يا بَني الإِسلامِ جامِعَةٌ
هِنداً وَمِصراً وَمن في صُقعِ ذي العَمدِ
8. Take your share of an opportunity that came up
At the end of time that did not occur to an immortal
٨. خُذوا بِحَظِّكُم مِن فُرصَةٍ سَنَحَت
في آخِرِ الدَهرِ لَم تَخطُر عَلى خَلَدِ
9. And awaken aspirations that have long been dormant
And in the morning were about the position of glory wandering
٩. وَأَيقِظوا هِمَماً قَد طالَ ما نَعَسَت
وَأَصبَحَت عَن مَقامِ العِزِّ في صَدَدِ
10. This is your prince, O believers, who has strived
For your righteousness, so answer the caller to righteousness
١٠. هذا أَميرُكُم يا المُؤمِنونَ سَعى
لِرُشدِكُم فَأَجيبوا داعيَ الرَشَدِ
11. This one who the frowning world smiled with
And before him the people were from it in misery
١١. هذا الذي ضَحِكَ الدَهرُ العَبوسُ بِهِ
وَقَبلَهُ الناسُ كانوا مِنهُ في نَكدِ
12. This one who God refreshed the people with
Calling them to guidance when they were guided
١٢. هذا الذي نَعَشَ اللَهُ الأَنامَ بِهِ
يَدعوهُمُ لِلهُدى لَمّا إِلَيهِ هُدي
13. He forgives generously and pardons from his nature
But for the disobedient, he is painful in the liver
١٣. يُغضي سَماحاً وَيَعفو مِن سَجِيَّتِهِ
لكِنَّهُ لِلعُصاةِ السُلُّ في الكَبدِ
14. Rise up standing on the feet of your grandfather
For lethargy is a mount for the incapable, weak one
١٤. قوموا قِياماً عَلى أَقدامِ جِدِّكُمُ
إِنَّ الهُوَينا مَطِيُّ العاجِزِ الوَغِدِ
15. This one struggles with the dear soul and that
With his money and God will bring aid
١٥. هذا يُجاهِدُ بِالروحِ العَزيزِ وَذا
بِمالِهِ وَيَجيءُ اللَهُ بِالمَدَدِ
16. Do not reckon, O children of Islam, that you have
Glory without the consensus of opinion and endurance
١٦. لا تَحسَبوا يا بَني الإِسلامِ أَنَّ لَكُم
عِزّاً بِغَيرِ اِجتِماعِ الرَأيِ وَالجَلَدِ
17. Take the advice of one who cares for your matter
Who did not think of you with embellishment or shackles
١٧. خُذوا نَصيحَةَ مَن يَعنيهِ أَمرُكُمُ
ما ظَنَّ مِنكُم بِتَقريظٍ وَلا صَفَدٍ
18. There must be a refuge for the Muslims, for it
Freedom, plainness from the palm of an oppressor
١٨. لا بُدَّ مِن مَلجَإٍ لِلمُسلِمينَ لَهُ
حُرِّيَّةٌ طَلقَةٌ مِن كَفِّ مُضطَهِدِ
19. It disputes the aggressor about them and repels him
In word and deed when he plunges into aggression
١٩. تُخاصِمُ المُعتَدي عَنهُم وَتَدفَعُهُ
قَولاً وَفِعلاً إِذا ما لَجَّ في اللَدَدِ
20. And we have probed and encircled the countries but did not
Fall upon with searching this upon anyone
٢٠. وَقَد سَبَرنا وَطَوَّقنا البِلادَ فَلَم
نَقَع مَعَ البَحثِ عَن هذا عَلى أَحَدِ
21. Except upon the one whom God completed his blessings
For the Muslims, for him at the end of time
٢١. إِلّا عَلى مَن أَتَمَّ اللَهُ نِعمَتَهُ
لِلمُسلِمينَ لَهُ في آخرِ الأَبَدِ
22. Abdulaziz, whose rule
Was glory for the religion and open-handedness for the world
٢٢. عَبدِ العَزيزِ الذي كانَت وِلايَتُهُ
لِلدّينِ عِزّاً وَلِلدُنيا اِنبِساطَ يَدِ
23. Branch of the Imams from the highest lineage and in
The core of glory from the highest clan of Udad
٢٣. فَرعِ الأَئِمةِ مِن أَعلى نِزارَ وَفي
جُرثومَةِ المَجدِ مِن اَعلى بَني أُدَدِ
24. They protected souls from what defiles it
And clothed it in piety interwoven with pearls
٢٤. صانوا النُفوسَ عَنِ الفَحشا تُدَنِّسُها
وَأَلبَسوها التُقى مَحبوكَةَ الزَرَدِ
25. And you have seen clearly the goodness of his conduct
And seeing with the eye negates the lies of the envious
٢٥. وَقَد رَأَيتُم عِياناً حُسنَ سيرَتِهِ
وَرُؤيَةُ العَينِ تَنفي زورَ ذي الحَسَدِ
26. None like the one whose action was to bar people from the
Forbidden house without text or precedent
٢٦. لا مِثلَ مَن فِعلُهُ صَدُّ الأَنامِ عَنِ البَ
يتِ الحَرامِ بِلا نَصٍّ وَلا سَنَدِ
27. As if he did not recite what is in the Psalms and what
Is in Surat Al-Hajj regarding one who intended destruction
٢٧. كَأَنَّهُ ما تَلا ما في الزُبورِ وَما
في سورَةِ الحَجِّ فيمَن هَمَّ بِالصَدَدِ
28. And the most honorable of people in status before God
Are the words of the One, the Eternal, those who fear God
٢٨. وَأَكرَمُ الناسِ عِندَ اللَهِ مَنزِلَةً
مَنِ اِتَّقى اللَهَ قَولُ الواحِدِ الأَحَدِ
29. So entrust your matter to the one in whom is your righteousness
O Muslims, and support him fully
٢٩. فَقَلِّدوا أَمرَكُم مَن فيهِ رُشدُكُمُ
يا المُسلِمونَ وَشُدّوا مِنهُ بِالعَضُدِ
30. For he is not the incapable one who hands leadership to whoever
He wants, no, nor the scowling gloomy one
٣٠. فَلَيسَ بِالعاجِزِ المُلقي القِيادَ لِمَن
يَروقُهُ لا وَلا بِالعابِسِ النَكِدِ
31. But he is the fierce lion, if his palms were
Stirred by opposition, he becomes a lion tearing prey
٣١. لكِنَّهُ الأَسَدُ الضِرغامُ إِن صَبَثَت
كَفّاهُ بِالضَدِّ أَضحى اللَيثُ كَالنقدِ
32. So oh You who has power over all things
And who gave to those who wanted without limit
٣٢. فَيا عَزيزاً عَلى الأَشياءِ مُقتَدِراً
وَمَن عَطاهُ لِمَن قَد شا بِلا عَدَدِ
33. Open aid for Abdulaziz the chosen one
With which to protect our religion from an obstinate unbeliever
٣٣. أَتِح لِعَبدِ العَزيزِ المُرتَضى مَدَداً
يَحمي بِهِ دينَنا مِن كافِرٍ حَرِدِ
34. Making the Hejaz and those who stood with him happy
A delightful rain without lightning or thunder
٣٤. يَهني الحِجازَ وَمَن والاهُ باكَرَهُم
غَيثٌ هَنيءٌ بِلا بَرقٍ وَلا رَعَدِ
35. Watering their plants in it and their meager ones
They do not fear in it the might of lions
٣٥. يُسيمُ مُثريهُم فيهِ وَمُقتِرَهُم
لا يَرهبونَ بهِ مِن سَطوةِ الأَسدِ
36. So fulfill sincerely an obligation from the sanction of your law
Upon you, which was authentic from Taha without blemish
٣٦. فَأَخلِصوا واجِباً مِن نَصٍّ شَرعِكُمُ
عَلَيكُمُ صَحَّ عن طهَ بِلا فنَدِ
37. Hearing and obeying whom He made ruler over you
The Lord of servants without deception or hatred
٣٧. سَمعاً وَطَوعاً لِمَن وَلّاهُ أَمرَكُمُ
رَبُّ العِبادِ بِلا غِشٍّ وَلا حَقَدِ
38. But if you refuse, then God is his supporter
And God is watching the traitorous betrayer
٣٨. فَإِن أَبَيتُم فَإِنَّ اللَهَ ناصِرُهُ
وَاللَهُ لِلخائِنِ الغَدّارِ بِالرَصَدِ
39. The matter is serious, so be warned of it
Lest folly precede the torrents of flood with cold
٣٩. الأَمرُ جِدٌّ فَكونوا مِنهُ في حَذَرٍ
لا يَسبِقُ الرَشُّ سَيل العَرمِ بِالبَرَدِ
40. Indeed the Imam whom you are charged with
Is more merciful than a pleased parent to a child
٤٠. إِنَّ الإِمامَ الذي أَنتُم بِعُهدَتِهِ
أَحنى مِنَ الوالدِ الراضي عَن الوَلَدِ
41. But he has powers during his anger
More fitting to erase the highest from the body
٤١. لكِن لهُ سَطَواتٌ عِندَ غَضبَتِهِ
أَجدِر بِه تَختَلي الأَعلى مِنَ الجَسَدِ
42. Covering detested things, reddening its towering heights
For it is the rumble like the sea casting forth foam
٤٢. يَغشى الكَريهَةَ مُحمَرّاً بَواسِقُها
لَها أَجيجٌ كَقَذفِ البَحرِ بِالزَبَدِ
43. So oh King lofty in glory, a position
That exhausted passed kings from ancient times
٤٣. فَيا مَليكاً سَما في المَجد مَنزِلَةً
أَعيَت مُلوكاً مَضوا مِن سالِفِ الأَمَدِ
44. Put the subjects first with benevolence and forgiveness
For you are a shield for them from every oppressor
٤٤. أَولِ الرَعِيَّةَ إِحساناً وَمَغفِرَةً
فَأَنتَ رِدءٌ لَها مِن كُلِّ مُضطَهِدٍ
45. For many a night of an oppressed one that he cuts short
After apprehension with praising and wakefulness
٤٥. فَرُبَّ لَيلَةِ مَظلومٍ يُقَطِّعها
بَعدَ التَحَسُّبِ بِالتَسبيحِ وَالسَهد
46. This, while I know your conduct
Is the conduct of justice, but an earnest advisor
٤٦. هذا وَإِنّي عَليمٌ أَنَّ سيرَتَكُم
لَسيرَةُ العَدلِ لكِن نُصحَ مُجتَهد
47. So pardon me, may your time make smooth, my soul and what
My palms have held back of virulence or was from a boy
٤٧. فَاِصفَح وَقتكَ الردى نَفسي وَما مَلَكَت
كَفّايَ مِن نَشَبٍ أَو كانَ مِن وَلد
48. For there is none but you who makes life sweet with him
I have probed the people of my time with the probing of a critic
٤٨. فَلَيسَ إِلّاكَ مَن تَحلو الحَياةُ بِهِ
سَبَرتُ أَهلَ زَماني سَبرَ مُنتَقِدِ
49. And enjoy life safe in the shade of a kingdom
Glory for the people of piety, humiliation for every transgressor
٤٩. وَاِنعَم وَدُم سالِماً في ظِلِّ مَملَكَةٍ
عِزّاً لِأَهلِ التُقى ذُلّاً لِكُلِّ رَدي
50. And pray, my Lord, and send peace always forever
Upon the Intercessor of mankind on the overwhelming day
٥٠. وَصَلِّ رَبّي وَسَلِّم دائِماً أَبَداً
عَلى شَفيعِ الوَرى في المَوقِفِ الصخد
51. And his household of cave and companions all of them
No hearing has rested hearing the voice of the singing bird
٥١. وَآلِهِ الغُرِّ وَالأَصحابِ كُلِّهِمُ
ما اِرتاحَ سَمعٌ لِصوتِ الطّائِرِ الغَرِدِ