
Death, from which there is no refuge or escape

هو الموت ما منه ملاذ ومهرب

1. Death, from which there is no refuge or escape
When a person is laid in his grave, another mounts

١. هُوَ المَوتُ ما منهُ ملاذٌ وَمهربُ
متى حُطَّ ذا عن نَعشهِ ذاكَ يَركبُ

2. We see with the eye of certainty, it is a fact
Over it a child, a grown up and an old have passed

٢. نُشاهدُ ذا عَينَ اليَقينَ حَقيقَةً
عَلَيهِ مضى طِفلٌ وَكهلٌ وَأَشيَبُ

3. Yet our souls are in denial, as if
We reject what we know as certain

٣. وَلكن عَلى الرانِ القُلوبُ كَأَنَّنا
بِما قد عَلمناهُ يَقيناً تُكذِّبُ

4. We hope for hopes and wish for their fruits
While loss is closer than what we wish for

٤. نُؤَمِّلُ آمالاً وَنرجو نِتاجَها
وَعلَّ الرَدى مِمّا نُرَجّيهِ أَقرَبُ

5. And we build towering castles in the air
Though we know we will die and they will ruin

٥. وَنَبني القصورَ المُشمخِرّاتِ في الهَوى
وَفي عِلمِنا أَنّا نَموتُ وَتَخرَبُ

6. And we strive to gather wealth, legally and sinfully
While the far and the near will contain it

٦. وَنَسعى لِجَمعِ المالِ حِلّاً وَمَأثَماً
وَبِالرَغمِ يَحويهِ البعيدُ وَأَقرَبُ

7. We are questioned about it inwardly and then outwardly
And how we spent it and from where it was earned

٧. نُحاسَبُ عنهُ داخِلاً ثمَّ خارجاً
وَفيمَ صَرَفناهُ وَمن أَينَ يُكسَبُ

8. In it a contented inheritor is happy
While another plays in it wretchedly

٨. وَيَسعدُ فيه وارِثٌ مُتَعَفِّفٌ
تَقِيٌّ وَيَشقى فيه آخرُ يَلعَبُ

9. And the first regret to appear to a squanderer
Is when hardship intensifies and the soul is seized

٩. وَأَوَّلُ ما تَبدو نَدامةُ مُسرِفٍ
إِذا اِشتَدَّ فيهِ الكَربُ وَالروحُ تُجذَبُ

10. He fears the book of reckoning and wishes
If only he could return to the world, but it's an impossible wish

١٠. وَيُشفِقُ من وَضعِ الكتابِ وَيَمتَني
لَو ان رُدَّ لِلدّنيا وَهَيهات مَطلَبُ

11. And every organ will testify to his deeds
Nothing is hidden from the Almighty

١١. وَيشهدُ مِنّا كلُّ عُضوٍ بِفِعلهِ
وَليسَ عَلى الجَبّارِ يَخفى المُغَيَّبُ

12. When it is said, "You knew, so what did you do?"
And everything is recorded in the book

١٢. إِذا قيلَ أَنتُم قد عَلِمتُم فَما الذي
عَمِلتُم وَكلٌّ في الكِتابِ مُرَتَّبُ

13. "And what did you earn in youth and in health?
When your breaths in it are counted?"

١٣. وَماذا كَسَبتُم في شَبابٍ وَصِحَّةٍ
وَفي عُمرٍ أَنفاسُكُم فيه تُحسَبُ

14. Oh, I wonder what we will say and how we
Will respond, when the matter then is most difficult

١٤. فَيا لَيتَ شِعري ما نَقولُ وَما الَّذي
نُجيبُ بهِ وَالأَمرُ إِذ ذاكَ أَصعَبُ

15. To God we complain of the hardness in our hearts
And the preacher of death laments everyday

١٥. إِلى اللَهِ نَشكو قَسوَةً في قُلوبِنا
وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ واعِظُ المَوتِ يَندُبُ

16. And how many dear ones and companions, God,
We bid farewell to their graves as tears pour

١٦. وَلِلَّهِ كم غادٍ حَبيبٍ وَرائحٍ
نُشَيِّعهُ لِلقَبرِ وَالدَمعُ يُسكَبُ

17. A brother, intimate or refined, diligent
In advising people and he persists

١٧. أخٍ أَو حميمٍ أو تَقيٍّ مُهذَّبٍ
يُواصِلُ في نُصحِ العِبادِ وَيَدأَبُ

18. Dust pours over him as if he is
An enemy, though affection burns inside

١٨. نَهيلُ عَليهِ التُربَ حَتّى كَأنَّهُ
عَدوٌّ وفي الأَحشاءِ نارٌ تَلَهَّبُ

19. He quenched a grave, and abundant grace rains
Upon the son of Ahmed, the evening reciter

١٩. سَقى جدثاً وارى ابنَ أحمدَ وابِلٌ
منَ العَفوِ رَجّاسُ العَشِيّاتِ صَيِّبُ

20. Forgiveness and success and pleasure bring him down
He is encircled by elixir and drinks

٢٠. وَأَنزَلَهُ الغُفرانُ وَالفَوزُ وَالرِضى
يُطافُ عَليهِ بِالرَحيقِ وَيَشربُ

21. He was a joy in the chests of gatherings
Eyes would gaze at him and hearts would awe

٢١. فَقد كانَ في صَدرِ المَجالسِ بَهجةً
بهِ تُحدِقُ الأَبصارُ وَالقَلبُ يَرهبُ

22. Sometimes you see him warning and cautioning
The consequences sins bring and attract

٢٢. فَطوراً تَراهُ مُنذِراً وَمُحَذِّراً
عَواقِبَ ما تَجني الذُنوبُ وَتَجلُبُ

23. And sometimes reminding with blessings
And sometimes enticing to the abode of bliss

٢٣. وَطَوراً بِآلاءِ مُذكِّراً
وَطَوراً إلى دارِ النَعيمِ يُرَغِّبُ

24. He was not distracted from this by trade or travel
Yes, he was passionate in building glory through generosity

٢٤. وَلم يَشتَغِل عَن ذا بِبَيعٍ وَلا شِرا
نَعَم في اِبتِناءِ المَجدِ لِلبَذلِ يَطرَبُ

25. If souls could be ransomed, no price too high,
We would ransom souls for what he sought

٢٥. فَلو كان يُفدى بِالنُفوسِ وَما غَلا
لَطِبنا نُفوساً بِالذي كان َيَطلُبُ

26. But when the appointed time ends, fate's decree prevails
And none can escape what God has ordained

٢٦. وَلكِن إِذا تَمَّ المَدى نَفَذَ القَضا
وَما لامرىءٍ عَمّا قَضى اللَهُ مَهرَبُ

27. A brother he was, excellent in assisting me in piety
Through him worries would dissipate and depart

٢٧. أخٌ كانَ لي نِعمَ المُعينُ على التُقى
بهِ تَنجَلي عَنّي الهُمومُ وَتَذهَبُ

28. Sometimes with news of the Messenger and his companions
And sometimes with refined manners that allure and wound

٢٨. فَطَوراً بِأَخبارِ الرَسولِ وَصحبهِ
وَطَوراً بِآدابٍ تَلذُ وَتَعذُبُ

29. My life passed like this, and his life too
Pure, we do not exaggerate or fabricate

٢٩. عَلى ذا مَضى عُمري كَذاكَ وَعُمرهُ
صَفِيَّينِ لا نَجفو وَلا نَتَعَتَّبُ

30. And the situation is just as one past said
Proverbs on people are coined

٣٠. وَما الحالُ إِلّا مِثلُ ما قالَ مَن مَضى
وَبِالجُملَةِ الأَمثالُ لِلنّاسِ تُضرَبُ

31. For every gathering of two friends there is separation
Even if between them life was pleasant and potable

٣١. لِكُلِّ اجتِماع من خَليلَينِ فُرقَةٌ
وَلَو بَينَهُم قَد طابَ عَيشٌ وَمَشرَبُ

32. And after this, there is mustering, dispersal and stopping
A day in which the sinner is clad in humiliation

٣٢. وَمن بعدِ ذا حَشرٌ وَنشرٌ وَمَوقِفٌ
وَيَومٌ بهِ يُكسى المَذَلَّةَ مُذنِبُ

33. When each flees from his father and mother
Like this, not even the mother looks at him, nor the father

٣٣. إِذا فرَّ كلٌّ من أَبيهِ وَأُمِّهِ
كَذا الأُمُّ لم تَنظُر إِلَيهِ وَلا الأَبُ

34. And how many unjust, bite their hands in agony
"Oh my sorrow! Where can I go?"

٣٤. وَكم ظالمٍ يُندي من العَضِّ كَفَّهُ
مَقالتَهُ يا وَيلَتَي أَينَ أَذهَبُ

35. When his creditors divide his deeds among themselves
And it is said to him, "This is for what you used to earn"

٣٥. إِذا اِقتَسَموا أَعمالَهُ غُرَماؤهُ
وَقيلَ لهُ هذا بما كنتَ تَكسِبُ

36. And for him, after he is laden with their burdens and tormented
A scroll to hell is fastened

٣٦. وَصُكَّ له صَكٌّ إِلى النارِ بعدَ ما
يُحَمَّلُ من أَوزارِهِم وَيُعَذَّبُ

37. And how many say, "Woe to us! If only we
Could return to the world remorseful and reverent."

٣٧. وَكم قائِلٍ واحَسرَتا ليتَ أَنَّنا
نُرَدُّ إِلى الدُنيا نُنيبُ وَنَرهبُ

38. While we are not in the abode of bliss but
We were infatuated with a vanishing, fleeting world

٣٨. فَما نحنُ في دارِ المُنى غيرَ أَنَّنا
شُغِفنا بِدُنيا تَضمَحِلُّ وَتَذهَبُ

39. So motivate the steeds of setting forth
To God and the home which will not ruin

٣٩. فَحُثّوا مَطايا الإِرتِحالِ وَشَمِّروا
إِلى اللَهِ وَالدارِ التي لَيسَ تَخرَبُ

40. For the coming is near and the past is distant
And this is the cawing of separation in the lands

٤٠. فَما أَقرَبَ الآتي وَأَبعدَ ما مَضى
وَهذا غُرابُ البَينِ في الدارِ يَنعَبُ

41. My God, bless whom the brush scribbled
Or the ardent lover cooed, the melodious pigeon

٤١. وَصَلِّ إلهي ما هَمى الوَدقُ أَو شَدا
عَلى الأَيكِ سَجّاعُ الحمامِ المُطَرِّبُ

42. Upon the master of masters and all his family
And his companions for as long as stars shine

٤٢. عَلى سَيِّدِ الساداتِ وَالآلِ كُلِّهِم
وَأَصحابِهِ ما لاحَ في الأُفقِ كَوكَبُ