
Suns of truthfulness rose in the ascendant of good fortune,

شموس من التحقيق في طالع السعد

1. Suns of truthfulness rose in the ascendant of good fortune,
Dispelling the darkness of jest and seriousness.

١. شُموسٌ مِنَ التَحقيقِ في طالِعِ السَعدِ
تَجَلَّت فَأَجلَت ظُلمَةَ الهَزلِ وَالجَدِّ

2. Decisive verses from the Book as if they are
With the necks of the people of deviation, swords that behead.

٢. قَواطِعُ مِن آيِ الكِتابِ كَأَنَّها
بِأَعناقِ أَهلِ الزَيغِ مُرهَفَةُ الحَدِّ

3. When an impartial and just person recites them,
He says they are the clear truth without denial.

٣. إِذا ما تَلاها مُنصِفٌ وَمُحَقِّقٌ
يَقولُ هيَ الحَقُّ المُبينُ بِلا جَحدِ

4. And a biased invalidator turns away from them,
Imitating the opinions of men without critique.

٤. وَيَصدُفُ عَنها مُبطِلٌ مُتَعَسِّفٌ
يُقَلِّدُ آراءَ الرِجالِ بِلا نَقدِ

5. He attributes the sayings of the Messenger and his actions
To his misguided opinion and destructive doctrine.

٥. يَجُرُّ أَقاويلَ الرَسولِ وَفِعلَهُ
إِلى رَأيهِ الغاوي وَمَذهَبهِ المُردي

6. Enough for them is he who never ceased to be devoted
To supporting guidance and religion, the most generous Mahdi.

٦. كَفاناهُمُ مَن لَم يَزل مُتَجَرِّداً
لِنَصرِ الهُدى وَالدينِ أَكرِم به مَهدي

7. Salman, whose virtues of glory
Traveled the path of the wind in the valley and plain.

٧. سُلَمانُ مَن سارَت فَضائِلُ مَجدِهِ
مَسيرَ مَهبِّ الريحِ في الغَورِ وَالنَجدِ

8. What the falconer said is a sign of his ignorance
And a marker of the falsehood of belief and purpose.

٨. وَما قالَهُ الصَقّارُ آيةُ جَهلهِ
وَعُنوانُ بُطلانِ العَقيدَةِ والقَصدِ

9. Had he been reasonable, he would have become a questioner
Of the people of knowledge and investigation from every seeker of guidance.

٩. وَلَو كانَ ذا عَقلٍ لأَصبحَ سائِلاً
أُولي العِلمِ وَالتَحقيقِ مِن كلِّ مُستَهدي

10. So he spoke with knowledge when he uttered
Otherwise he saw silence is better, so he did not speak.

١٠. فَقالَ بِعِلمٍ إِذ تَفَوَّهَ قائِلاً
وَإِلّا رَأى الإِمساكَ خَيراً فَلَم يُبدِ

11. By your life, piety is not by wearing a turban
Nor is leaving it, so take the path of the rightly guided.

١١. لَعَمرُكَ ما التَقوى بِلُبسِ عِمامَةٍ
وَلا تَركِها فَاِسلُك سَبيلَ أُولي الرُشدِ

12. Rather, it is an issue inside a person, and by God a concern
On which the permissibility in religion and doctrine revolves.

١٢. وَلكِن بِجَوفِ المَرءِ وَاللَهِ مُضغَةٌ
عَلَيها مَدارُ الحَلِّ في الدينِ وَالعَقدِ

13. So be someone who stands at prohibitions, preventing
A soul that weeps for what destroys it.

١٣. فَكُن واقِفاً عِندَ المَحارِمِ زاجِراً
عَنِ البَغيِ نَفساً تَستَبيكَ لما يُردي

14. And take the right path and walk the first
Of the messengers and the honorable progeny, the people of glory.

١٤. وُخُذ يُمنةً وَاٍسلُك الأُولى مَضَوا
مِنَ الرُسلِ وَالآلِ الكِرامِ أُولي المَجدِ

15. And beware embarking on speech as a judge
Of permissibility and prohibition without effective proof.

١٥. وَإياكَ وَالإِقدامَ بِالقَولِ حاكِماً
بحلٍّ وَتَحريمٍ بِلا حُجَّةٍ تُجدي

16. For you will become wandering in the land of misguidance
And on the Day of Gathering, you will be turned away from the eternal Paradise.

١٦. فَتُصبِحَ في بيدِ الضَلالَةِ هائِماً
وَتُصدَفَ يَومَ الحَشرِ عَن جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ

17. And my advice to you is not to read letters from a scholar
Among you, for it is clear abandonment that brings destruction.

١٧. وَنَهيُكَ أَن تُقرا رَسائِلُ عالِمٍ
لَدَيكُم فَخِذلانٌ لكُم واضِحٌ مُردي

18. Are there not in it verses of truth that are decisive
That indicate the intended matter from the servant?

١٨. أَلَيسَ بها آياتُ حقٍّ قَواطِعاً
تَدلُّ عَلى الأَمرِ المُرادِ منَ العَبدِ

19. And sayings of the best of messengers and his companions,
And people of advice and knowledge from every seeker of guidance?

١٩. وَأَقوالُ خيرِ المُرسَلينَ وَصحبِهِ
وَأَهلِ النُهى وَالعِلمِ مِن كلِّ مُستَهدي

20. So whoever was once rejecting the likes of this,
Saying the sayings of the Godless people,

٢٠. فَمن كانَ يَوماً نابِذاً مثلَ هذهِ
يَقولُ بِأَقوالِ المَلاحِدَةِ اللُدِّ

21. Then there is nothing after it but misguidance and blindness,
And nothing after it but knowledge that brings destruction.

٢١. فَما بَعدَها إِلّا الضَلالَةُ وَالعمى
وَما بَعدَها إِلّا العُلومُ التي تُردي

22. And you have sincere advice from me, if you accept advice,
And not every advisor is granted success and guidance.

٢٢. وَدُونكَ مِنّي إِن قَبِلتَ نَصيحَةً
وَما كلُّ مَنصوحٍ يُوَفَّقُ لِلرُشدِ

23. Hold on to what is apparent in the decisive text
And the radiant Sunnah from the honest guide.

٢٣. تَمَسَّك بما في مُحكَمِ النَصِّ ظاهِراً
وَبالسُنَّةِ الغَرّا عَن الصادِقِ المُهدي

24. And read the books of Imam Muhammad
And his knowledgeable and critical sons.

٢٤. وَطالِع تَصانيفَ الإِمامِ مُحمَّدٍ
وَأَبنائِهِ أَهلِ الدِرايَةِ وَالنَقدِ

25. For in them is what will extinguish the darkness
With which, from the lights of ignorance, fire is kindled upon fire.

٢٥. فَإِنَّ بها ما يُطفىءُ الغُلَّةَ التي
بِها من أُوارِ الجَهلِ وَقدٌ عَلى وَقدِ

26. They are role models in this time and proof,
And the scale of justice that does not deviate from moderation.

٢٦. هُمُ قُدوَةٌ في ذا الزَمانِ وَحُجَّةٌ
وَميزانُ عدلٍ لا يَميلُ عنِ القَصدِ

27. And say to the son of Qahdan: Restrain yourself, for you are only
Traveling a path of ignorance that keeps extending.

٢٧. وَقُل لابنِ قَهدانٍ رُوَيدَكَ إِنَّما
تَسيرُ عَلى نَهجٍ من الجَهلِ مُمتَدِ

28. He will regret what he said on the day we meet
When the hidden becomes exposed at the place of gathering.

٢٨. سَينَدمِ مِمّا قالَ يومَ مَعادِنا
إِذا اِنكَشَفَ المَستورُ في مَوقِفِ الحَشدِ

29. He had no knowledge, forbearance, or proof,
But he dishes up lies or sets them as snares.

٢٩. وَما كانَ ذا عِلمٍ وَحِلمٍ وَلا حِجىً
وَلكنَّهُ بِالإِفكِ يَلحُمُ أَو يُسدي

30. So do not pay attention to a gang who have collaborated
To find fault with people of virtue and praise opponents.

٣٠. فَلا تَكتَرِث مِن عُصبَةٍ قَد تَوازَروا
عَلى عَيبِ أَهلِ الفَضلِ وَالمَدحِ لِلضِّدِّ

31. They leaned towards the misleading soul and passions
To attain shares of praise and income.

٣١. وَمالوا مَعَ النَفسِ المُضِلَّةِ وَالهَوى
لِنَيل حُظوظٍ مِن ثَناءٍ وَمِن رِفدِ

32. Just as the ignorant speak of them in their state,
Between them there is separation, and this purpose is futile.

٣٢. وَكَيما يَقولُ الجاهِلونَ بِحالِهِم
بِهِم وَلَهُم فَرقٌ وَذا القَصدُ لا يُجدي

33. So ask your Lord for steadfastness and ask Him for protection
That will save you from evil until you are laid in the grave.

٣٣. فَسَل رَبَّكَ التَثبيتَ وَاِسأَلهُ عِصمَةً
تَقيكَ الرَدى حَتّى تُوَسَّدَ في اللَحدِ

34. Had the scholar before us not said what he said,
We would have repaid him in kind without limit.

٣٤. وَلَولا الذي قَد قالَهُ الحَبرُ قَبلَنا
لكِلنا لهُ بِالصاعِ كَيلاً بِلا عَدِّ

35. And this is a hastily written letter
That shifts between pacing and galloping.

٣٥. وَدونَكَها مِنّي عُجالَةَ راكِبٍ
تُراوِحُ ما بَينَ الذَميلِ إِلى الوَخدِ

36. O my God, whoever's worry or joy it is,
The owls of nights and cold lament.

٣٦. وَصَلِّ إِلهي ما هَمي الوَدقُ أَو شَدا
عَلى الأَيكِ نَوّاحُ العَشِيّاتِ وَالبَردِ

37. Upon the Guided Trustworthy Messenger and his progeny,
The people of memorization and seriousness.

٣٧. عَلى المُصطَفى الهادي الأَمينِ وَآلهِ
وَأَصحابهِ أَهلِ الحَفيظَةِ والجِدِّ