1. I stood at the abode of Layla which strong winds
Had changed, erasing its familiar features.
١. وَقَفتُ عَلى دارٍ لِميَّةَ غَيَّرَت
مَعالِمَها هوجُ الرياحِ النَواسِف
2. My eyes poured tears like scrolling lines
Of poetry, so copious and successive.
٢. فَأَسبَلَتِ العَينانِ دَمعاً كأنهُ
جُمانٌ وَهى من سلكِهِ مُتَرادِف
3. I asked about the cause of our separation, though
I knew the muteness of its walls and stones.
٣. أُسائِلُها عَن فَرطِ ما بي وَإِنَّني
بِعُجمَةِ أَحجارِ الدِيارِ لَعارِف
4. For our past days were white, intimate, like the gatherings
Of friends, concealing what is indecent to disclose.
٤. لِعَهدي بِها بيضٌ أَوانِسُ كَالدُمى
غَرائِرُ عَمّا لا يحلُّ صَوادِفُ
5. When the fox cried out, the branches of the withered lotus
Swayed, and they swayed with it the singing doves.
٥. إِذا ما سَحَبنَ الأَتحمِيَّ تَمايَلَت
غُصونُ النَقا مالَت بِهنَّ الرَوادِف
6. Among them the scarves flutter as if they were
A rod, bending to the ground from the weight.
٦. وَفيهِنَّ مِقلاقُ الوِشاحِ كَأنَّها
قَضيبٌ إِذا ماسَت من البانِ وارِفُ
7. Oh would that I knew where his tomb was,
Though distance and description stood between us.
٧. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ مِنّي مَزارُها
وَقد حالَتِ الصُمّانُ دوني وَواصِف
8. By day I walk the land silent and brooding
At night, my heart burns with embers in my chest.
٨. أَظَلُّ نَهاري أَنكُتُ الأَرضَ واجِماً
وَفي كَبدي بِاللَيلِ تُحمى المَراصِفُ
9. I struggle throughout the pain of absence trying
To restrain my passion, though windswept plains reveal it.
٩. وَأَجهدُ يومَ البَينِ أَن يَظهَرَ الهَوى
وَقد أَعلَنَتهُ الساجِماتُ الذَوارِفُ
10. And if my intention is to visit his grave,
My heart flutters anxiously in anticipation.
١٠. وَإِنّي وَإِن كانَت إِلى الغَورِ نِيَّتي
لَفي الرَبرَبِ النَجدِيِّ لِلقَلبِ شاغِفُ
11. I say to a caravan determined to cross the deserted land
On she-camels whose curves sway with their walk:
١١. أَقولُ لِرَكبٍ يَمَّموا قُلَّةَ الحِمى
عَلى شَدقَميّاتٍ طَوَتها التَنائِف
12. Stop and tell me of the meadows of Ramah,
If clouds have rained down there, pouring out sorrows.
١٢. قِفوا حَدِّثوني عَن أَجارِعِ رامَةٍ
عَسى أَنبَجَسَت فيها السَحاب العَواطِفُ
13. And have the meadows of Layla’ echoed with sound since we left?
Have anthems replayed in them?
١٣. وَهل أَمرَعَت أَجراعُ لَعلَع بَعدَنا
وَهل رُدِّدَت فيها اللُحونُ الهَواتِفُ
14. It has watered plateaus after desire faded,
As the rain of beneficence soaked the highlands.
١٤. سَقى هَضَباتٍ بعدَ ما وانَ في الحِمى
من المُزنِ ثَجّاحُ العَزاليِّ واكِف
15. And it poured generosity in the meadows - every parasite
Was routed, and routed again likewise.
١٥. وَجادَ رُبوعاً بِاللِوى كلُّ مُطفِلٍ
أَجشُّ هَزيمٍ وَدقُهُ مُتَرادِفُ
16. So I have a dwelling between the encampments of her tribe
Too difficult for exchanging messages to reach.
١٦. فَلي سَكنٌ ما بَينَ مُلتَفِّ دَوحِها
يَعزُّ عَليهِ أَن يَطولَ التَقاذُف
17. It remains overlooking me when I decide to leave,
Gazing at me while tears pour profusely.
١٧. يَظَلُّ إِذا أَضمَرتُ لِلبَينِ نِيَّةً
يُرامِقُني وَالدَمعُ هامٍ وَذارِفُ
18. O my friend, I bid farewell to pleasures, and my hopes
In his land were destroyed, and the covenants.
١٨. خَليلَيَّ وَدَّعتُ التَصابي وَقُوِّضَت
مَآربُ لي في رَبعهِ وَمواقِفُ
19. The dawn of old age gave notice in the night of my adversity,
So I turned away, though I regret the night.
١٩. وَأذَّنَ صُبحُ الشَيبِ في لَيلِ لِمَّتي
فَفِئتُ وَلكِني عَلى اللَيلِ آسِفُ
20. It distanced those we delighted in their nearness,
While others passed away, and time brought additional sorrows.
٢٠. وَباعَدَ مَن كُنّا نُسَرُّ بِقُربِهِ
وَآخرُ مَطوِيٌّ عَليهِ اللَفائِفُ
21. Men, eras, and the prime of my youth are gone,
While days with the beloved were redoubled.
٢١. رِجالٌ وَأَوقاتٌ وَشَرخُ شَبيبَةٍ
مَضوا وَزمانٌ بِالحَبيبُ مُساعِفُ
22. So say what you wish to a heart that is cracked
With the sorrow of loss - I speak from experience.
٢٢. فَقُل ما تَشا في مُهجَةٍ قَد تَصَدَّعَت
بِلَوعَةِ مَوتورٍ بِما أَنا واصِفُ
23. I made my nights, when companionship was denied me,
Pages written by centuries of stories.
٢٣. جَعَلتُ سَميري حينَ عَزَّ مُسامِري
دَفاتِرَ أَملَتها القُرونُ السَوالِفُ
24. Sometimes I converse with every worthy scholar
When his call stirs the gentle passions.
٢٤. فَطَوراً أُناجي كُلَّ حَبرٍ مُوَفَّقٍ
إِذا ما دَعا لَبَّت دُعاهُ المَعارِفُ
25. And sometimes it is as if I am with Zuhair and Jarwal,
Or kings of imagination speak to me.
٢٥. وَطَوراً كَأَنّي مَع زُهَيرِ وَجَروَلٍ
وَطَوراً يُناجيني مُلوكٌ غَطارِفُ
26. I consoled myself about all through memories of a people
Whose glory in high deeds was longstanding and singular.
٢٦. تَسَلَّيتُ عَن كُلٍّ بِتِذكارِ عُصبَةٍ
لَهُم في العُلا مَجدٌ تَليدٌ وَطارِفُ
27. With them the night was illumined. They mastered those around them
And those distant - like fortified caves for one in distress.
٢٧. بِها لَيلُ سادوا مَن يَليهِم وَمن نَأى
كُهوفٌ حَصيناتٌ إِذا اِضطُرَّ خائِفُ
28. Welcoming in privation, obeyed in commotion,
Seas that no turbulence could stir.
٢٨. مَطاعيمُ في اللأوى مَطاعينُ في الوغى
بُحورُ نَدىً لا يَجتَويهِنَّ غارِفُ
29. A springtime for people whose homelands had abandoned them
When the calamities of years overwhelmed.
٢٩. رَبيعٌ لِأَقوامٍ جَفَتهُم بِلادُهُم
إِذا اِستَحكَمَت غُبرُ السِنينَ الجَواحِفُ
30. They adopted them out of merit, with no marriage
Or lineage binding them, nor even familiarity.
٣٠. يَعولونَهُم فَضلاً وَلا صِهرَ بَينَهُم
وَلا نَسَبٌ يُدنيهِمُ أَو تَعارُفُ
31. They forgot their own brothers and homes
So many widows lament the nobility of the buried!
٣١. يُنَسّونَهُم أَخدانَهُم وَدِيارَهُم
فَكم أَرمَلٍ في أَدهَمِ الفَضلِ راسِفُ
32. Good fortunes to the proud tribe of Qasim
Whose glories remain long after opponents vanish.
٣٢. لِيَهنِ بَني الشَهمِ الغَضَنفَرِ قاسِمٍ
مَآثِرُ تَبقى ما تَخلَّفَ خالِفُ
33. They are a people of nobility, if you desire it,
But if evil, then dark lions that ravage.
٣٣. أُولاكَ بَنو خَيرٍ لهُ إِن أَرَدتَهُ
وَإِن كانَ شَرّاً فَالأُسودُ الزَوالِفُ
34. I wish them well, but I have a greater attachment
To one who settled in the grave - no emotions beyond.
٣٤. وَلَأيٍ لهُم لكِن لِمَن حلَّ في الثَرى
مَزيدُ اِختِصاصٍ بي وَما ثَمَّ عاطِفُ
35. May God water a grave in which Saib rests,
And join him to success on the Day of Reckoning.
٣٥. سَقى اللَهُ قَبراً حلَّهُ سَيبَ رَحمَةٍ
وَلَقّاهُ فَوزاً يَومَ تُتلى الصَحائِفُ
36. Indeed Mahmoud of Naqibah was seen to be no reckless soul
When swords were harvesting lives.
٣٦. لَقَد بانَ مَحمودُ النَقيبَةِ لَم يَكُن
بِطائِشِ لُبٍّ وَالسُيوفُ رَواعِفُ
37. And I have, after him, a love of the most glorious Mansur -
A father to the noble ones, and steadfast in covenant.
٣٧. وَلي بَعدَهُ وُدٌّ بِأَروَعَ ماجِدٍ
أَبِيٍّ لِخَلّاتِ الكِرامِ مُحالِفُ
38. When the deluded leader fails in his endeavor
And those who tend livestock despair from want -
٣٨. إِذا الرائِدُ الزَهافُ أَخفَقَ سَعيُهُ
وَضاقَت بِأَربابِ المَواشي النَفانِفُ
39. Thereupon, either a supporter appears, or a reinforcer
To whom the desperate flees, pleading and obedient.
٣٩. هُنالِكَ إِمّا رافِدٌ أَو مُمَوِّلٌ
يَلوذُ بهِ الهُلّاكُ بادٍ وَعاكِفُ
40. So too, if adversity bares its claws
And hearts cower, and fierce minds withdrawal -
٤٠. كَذا الرَوعُ إِن أَبدى نَواجِذَ عابِسٍ
وَخَفَّت حُلومٌ وَاِستُطيرَت شَراسِفُ
41. You will see the visage of Ibn Qasim glow radiantly
While faces around him grim with fear.
٤١. تَرى قَسَماتِ الأَريَحِيِّ اِبن قاسمٍ
تَهلَّلُ نوراً وَالوُجوهُ كَواسِفُ
42. And if it is said Abdullah fulfilled a difficult matter,
A resentful critic will pronounce it a violation.
٤٢. وَإِن قيلَ عَبد اللَهِ وافى لِمُشكَلٍ
تَبَجَّحَ مَضهودٌ وَفاءَ مُخالِفُ
43. Did you not see him generously giving and boldly
Confronting terrors - though they are fears?
٤٣. أَلَم تَرَهُ يُعطي الجَزيلَ مِنَ اللُها
وَيَقتَحِمُ الأَهوالَ وَهيَ مَخاوِفُ
44. So say to one who strives to attain his goal:
"Gently! Glory lies not in heights you can scale."
٤٤. فَقُل لِاِمرىءٍ يَسعى لِيُدرِكَ شأوَهُ
رُوَيدَكَ دونَ المَجدِ فيحٌ صَفاصِف
45. You fell in love with something in the hand of a master;
It is futile! His actions you cannot match!
٤٥. تَعَشَّقتَ أَمراً في كفِّ سَيِّدٍ
فَهَيهاتَ تَأتي فِعلَهُ أَو تُناصِفُ
46. For glory is but a treasure in the forbidden;
Below reaching it are formidable obstacles.
٤٦. فَما المَجدُ إِلّا قُنَّةٌ في مُمَنَّعٍ
وَدونَ اِرتِقاها مُعضِلاتٌ مَتالِفُ
47. And I have verses wandering desolate in the highlands
That tremble when recited by the storytellers.
٤٧. وَدونَكَ أَبياتاً شَوارِدَ في المَلا
تُهَزُّ إِذا تُتلى لَهُنَّ السَوالِفُ
48. Desolate, but for your praise giving them life,
Silent, but for your greatness awakening music.
٤٨. أَوابِدُ إِلّا في مَديحِكَ أُنسُها
نَوفِرُ إِلّا عَن عُلاكَ عَوازِفُ
49. No verse is a finer seal than salawat and peace
Upon the God who multiplies blessings,
٤٩. وَأَسحَنُ خَتمٍ لِلنِّظام إِذا اِنتَهى
صَلاةٌ وَتَسليمُ الإِلهِ المُضاعَفُ
50. And upon the Trustworthy Guide, his family
And companions - as long as pilgrims circle the House.
٥٠. عَلى المُصطَفى الهادي الأَمينِ وَآلهِ
وَأَصحابهِ ما طافَ في البَيتِ طائِفُ