1. O Wunah and her yearning from my conscience
From the heat of my passion she came alive, oh woe
١. يا ونة ونيتها من ضميري
من حر وَجدي صحت يا ويلاه
2. Wunah who was in a faraway land
With no friend to treat her with his medicine
٢. ونة صويبا في بلاد بعيدة
وَلا من صديق يعالجه بدواه
3. They attacked him with cavalry squadrons
The poor one saw death with his eyes
٣. حاموا عليه معسكرين الحوافر
مسكين شاف الموث بيعيناه
4. Wunah was struck, between life and death
And parted from her beloved since the days of his youth
٤. وَنة طريحا عالج البين وَالنيا
وَفارق حبيبه من زَمان صِباه
5. No female camels yearn like her, their longing
Censuring the skin of their cheeks as they moan
٥. وَلا خلوج النُوق مثلي حنينها
عابو جلد حوارها تَنعاه
6. Copious tears ulcerate their eyelids
From above the cheeks they dug channels
٦. غَزير دَمع العين قرح جفونها
من فُوق وَجنات الخُدود قَناه
7. My wounded cheeks, my teary eyes from crying
Where blood mixes with their tears
٧. جرح خدودي دَمع عيني مِن البُكا
من حيث أَنو مختلط بِدماه
8. If she fell asleep and slumber forgot her
On the eyelid wakefulness remained
٨. إِن نامَت النوام وَانستر نومها
عالدوم طرف العين في يقظاة
9. No female gazelles, like her, cry their wailing
For their brother, when fate took him
٩. وَلا خنست البدوان مثلي عويلها
على خيها يُوم الزَمان خَذاه
10. Fortune betrayed, deceitful traitor, the young man
Still tossing like a grain husk
١٠. خان الدَهر غرار غدار بِالفَتى
عالدوم يتقلب مثل حرباه
11. The white nights do not come, a quarter is blackness
When time itself is against him
١١. بيض الليالي ما تجي ربع سودها
هذا إِذا كان الزَمان مَعاه
12. O fire of my heart, everything I say you extinguish
The air in my ribs flares up intensely
١٢. يا نار قَلبي كُل ما قول تنطفي
يَهب لَها جوا الضُلوع لظاة
13. If people do not blame me for companionship
And if the heart is silent, its affliction grows
١٣. أَنا إِن لمت قالون الأَنام رفاقته
وَان سكت القَلب زاد بَلاه
14. Lamenting abundantly does not benefit the loser
Even if he cuts his hands in regret
١٤. وَلا ينفَع الخسران كثر المَلامة
لَو أَنَ قطع بِالندم يَداه
15. As the knives have tested me, O people
Like those the people have always examined
١٥. كما بالع السكين يا ناس صابني
مثل من قديم الناس تتمعناه
16. But patience is always best, my friend
Buckets of water to extinguish its embers
١٦. أَما الصَبر أَفضل دايم الدُوم وارم
دَلواً بلي وَمكتكتات رشاه
17. O can it be the nights will become accustomed to us
And the cane stalk wraps around us
١٧. يا هل تَرى يتعود فينا الليالي
وَبصير من قصب الغَزال عَباه
18. And we are brought maidens in safety and purity
What the sorrowful heart hopes for
١٨. وَتلمنا حوران بالأَمن وَالصَفا
هَذا الَّذي قَلب الحَزين يَرجاه
19. O can it be we will enjoy seeing our country
After this sadness, O woe
١٩. يا هل تَرى نَحظى بشوف بلادنا
مِن بَعد هَذا الحُزن يا ويلا
20. And see the meadows and our hearts rejoice
And see a group of Druze together
٢٠. وَنشاهد الخلان وَتفرح قُلوبنا
وَنشوف جَمع من الدروز سواه
21. We ask the leader of the faith from the rest of the scholars
Who were confused and today woke up
٢١. نطلب قطاع الدين من ساير المَلا
اللي هفي وَاليوم حل وَفاه
22. And we treat well those who were good to us from the scholars
As for the wicked, leave them to their wickedness
٢٢. وَنحسن لمن أَحسَن الينا مِن المَلا
أَما الرَدي خَليه في ردواه
23. A day must come when the sorrowful one chirps
And his trivial sadness lifts from his heart
٢٣. لا بُد من يُوم الحَزينة تزغرد
وَتجلي عَن القَلب السَخيف صَداه
24. Except, O messenger pigeons, deliver my message
Greet Ihya and the children with him
٢٤. الا يا حمام الرسل خذلي رِسالَتي
سلم عيحيى وَالولاد مَعاه
25. Greet them a thousand thousand salutations
As many as they walked through the wilderness and wasteland
٢٥. سلم عليهم أَلف أَلف تَحية
عدد ما مشيتوا ببرها وَفلاة
26. And kiss the cheeks of our little daughters
Orphans with no mother or father
٢٦. وَقبل لو جنات الصغار بتاتنا
يَتامى بلا أَما وَلا أَباه
27. And say, your father is in a faraway land
Yearning for you, clinging to life
٢٧. وَقُل أَبوكم في بلاد بعيدة
مُشتاق إِليكُم عايفاً للحياة
28. Crying incessantly since parting from you
Swearing his nights do not pass with dry eyes
٢٨. من فراقكم لليوم باكي موجع
حالف ما يجر الميل في عَيناه
29. Oh my regret, lifelong since your separation
If this was the decree of the Lord of the Throne
٢٩. يا حسرَتي طُول العُمر عافراقكم
إِن كان رب العَرش هَذا قضاة
30. And from there go, Mudam, to our country
Oh how we have drunk its waters
٣٠. وَمِنها عَلة حوران اذهب معمد
لبلادنا ياما شربنا مِياه
31. You will find the council registers open
My Lord, do not be stingy to those who built it
٣١. تلقي دَواوين المناصب مفتحة
يا رب لا تبخل عا من بناه
32. With their quarters they hosted all conditions
With rice, chickens and fragrant coffee
٣٢. بربعاتهم ياما هفوا كل حايل
بعوج المناسف للضيوف قراه
33. Their faces laughing and sweet is their generosity
I ask the Most Generous to honor them
٣٣. وز ودفين وَقهوة عنبرية
ووجوههم تضحك وَحلو نَباه
34. And help the afflicted one with his affliction
They are the sons of Ma'rouf, who's essence is blood
٣٤. أَطلب مِن اللَه الكَريم يعزهم
وَيساعد المبلي عَلى بَلواه
35. It's on the threshing floors their foundation is built
The nobility of horsemen, the courage of ministers
٣٥. ذولي بني مَعروف شرابة الدما
عَلى الحَرايب ساسهم مَبناه
36. How often for them is the spoils of war
How often have they opened the storehouses
٣٦. ذباجة الفُرسان نَطاحة لوزر
ياما لَهُم بِالغانمة عاداة
37. And do not ask for their price or value
How many hungry did they raise in their homes
٣٧. ياما عطوا خاص السَلايل مقفلعه
وَلا يطلبون ثمانها وَغلاة
38. In prosperity, with no years of drought or scarcity
Protecting glory with sword and spear
٣٨. ياما ربي في دارهم كُل جايع
في رَغد وَلا في سنين غلاه
39. How many foreheads have they stained with blood
They inherited the threshing floors from their fathers and ancestors
٣٩. حِماية الزينات بالسيف وَالقَنا
وَكَم عايلا عَالخشم طخيناه
40. By deeds like the sun that does not disappear
From the homes of Hani and Ibn Yasser and others
٤٠. ورثوا الحَرايب من اباهم وَجدهم
بفعل مثل الشَمس ما يغباه
41. And Al Khidr and Al Miqdad do not forget them
These are our pillars and these are our qualities
٤١. مِن دور هاني وابن ياسر وَغيرهم
وَالخضر وَالمقداد لا تَنساه
42. No one resembles us from any scholars
And how many newcomers have they saved
٤٢. هذي دعايمنا وَهذي صفاتنا
ما أَحد يشبهنا بكل مَلاه
43. Who would have been oppressed by mighty kings
After this speech, deliver my message
٤٣. وَكَم دَخيلاً زولوا الضيم عَنهُ
لَو يطلبونو ملوك عزيناه
44. And my words they will understand their meaning
Greet them, my messenger, all of them
٤٤. من عقب هذا القول بلغ رِسالَتي
وَهم كَلامي يَفهموا مَعناه
45. From the devout to the prestigious
Wake, do not trust the Turks
٤٥. سلم عَلَيهم يا رَسولي جَميعهم
من متان للهيات للجاه
46. Whoever trusts the Turks meets disaster without power
And conclude my words with prayers upon the Prophet
٤٦. اصحوا الترك إِياكُم ان تأمنوهم
وَمَن يَأمن الأَتراك جاه بلاه
47. Al Mustafa who will intercede for us tomorrow
٤٧. وَاختم كَلامي بِالصَلاة عَلى النَبي
المصطَفى يشفع لنا غداة