1. A radiance from Abdul Hamid's splendor
It is more beautiful than the new dawn
١. طلعةٌ من ضياء عبد الحميد
هي أبهى من الصباح الجديد
2. A radiance of subtleties and arts
I composed it with my masterpieces in my poem
٢. طلعةٌ من لطائفٍ وفنونٍ
خلتُها من بدائعي في قصيدي
3. On his birthday I became very happy
He is the radiance of the happy times
٣. يوم ميلاده أغرُّ سعيدٌ
إنه طلعة الزمان السعيد
4. From his good looks and light of his years
My passion roared with this anthem
٤. من سنا حسنه ونور سناه
صدحت لوعتي بهذا النشيد
5. I almost complained to him of my longing for him
So I sought refuge in The Glorious and The Praiseworthy
٥. كدتُ أشكو إليه شوقي إليه
فتعوذتُ بالحميد المجيد