
Honor the bishop or do not honor him

أكرموا مطران أو لا تكرموه

1. Honor the bishop or do not honor him
The value of poetry is far above praise

١. أكرموا مطران أو لا تكرموه
جلّ قدرُ الشعر عن الثناء

2. For the young man, his brother remains of glory
That which he produced from the inspiration of intelligence

٢. للفتى يبقى من المجد أخوه
وهو ما أصدر من وحي الذكاء

3. A poet immortalized the glory of the Arabs
With lines like sparks of gold

٣. شاعرٌ خلّد مجد العرب
بسطور كشذور الذهب

4. And a literary figure traversed the sea of literature
Swimming above the currents of flame

٤. وأديبٌ جاز بحر الأدب
سابحاً فوق متون الشهُب

5. He has no peer in his pure affection
Hence his people called him the Friend

٥. ما لهُ وده الصافي مثيل
من هنا سمّاه أهلوه الخليل

6. And great is all that is beautiful in him
Like the sweet rhetoric in the noble meaning

٦. وعظيمٌ كل ما فيه جميل
كالبيان العذب في المعنى النبيل