1. You are the one who taught me,
My master, the kindness of a friend,
١. أنت الذي علمتني
يا سيدي برّ الصديق
2. And left me among youths
Who have no gentle friendship.
٢. وتركتني في فتيةٍ
ما فيهمو برٌّ رفيق
3. After you I have not found among them
Except coldness or filial impiety,
٣. لم ألق بعدك منهمو
إلا الجفاء أو العقوق
4. As though I had never made
With them a solemn covenant.
٤. حتى كأني لم أبت
منهم على عهد وثيق
5. As though they had never seen
In my intimacy an honest companion.
٥. وكأنهم لم يبصروا
في خلّتي الحر الصدوق
6. So they forgot my love and were not roused
By their affection for my yearning heart.
٦. فنسوا هواي ولم يُفق
من ودهم قلبي المشوق
7. They forgot our intimate converse
In the early dawn or at nightfall.
٧. ونسوا طريف حديثنا
عند الصبوح أو الغبوق
8. Would that love had never guided me
One day to that path,
٨. ليت الهوى ما قادني
يوما إلى ذاك الطريق
9. Or would that I had not been deluded
In ignorance by those lightnings,
٩. أو ليتني لم أنخدع
جهلا بهاتيك البروق
10. Rather would that after me there had awakened
One who suffered from my company.
١٠. بل ليتني بعدى الذي
عانيت من صحبي أفيق
11. My Master, if You saw me
You would be startled by my flowing tears,
١١. مولاي لو أبصرتني
لفزعت من دمعي الطليق
12. And my emaciated body would stir You,
As though it were a trembling phantom.
١٢. وشجاك جسمي ناحلاً
وكأنه الطيف الطروق
13. I complain to You, and the oppressed
Complains only to the kindly.
١٣. أشكو إليك وإنما
يشكو المضيم إلى الشفيق
14. So have mercy, my ransom, on a life
Destroyed by deep sorrow,
١٤. فارحم فديتك مهجةً
أودى بها الحزن العميق
15. A grief that slashes the darkness
As though it were the betrayal of a friend.
١٥. حزن يقطع في الحشا
فكأنه غدر الصديق
16. Alas, my heart has not ceased
To be consumed by the timid soul,
١٦. يا ويح قلبي لم يزل
يهفو به الروح الخفوق
17. And memory leads it back
To the days of tender love.
١٧. وتقوده الذكرى إلى
عهد الهوى الغض الرفيق
18. Days when we frolicked in youth
In that graceful life,
١٨. أيام نمرح في الصبا
في ذلك العيش الأنيق
19. Days when we were sated with love
And affection was a cup of wine.
١٩. أيام نسقى في الهوى
والود كأساً من رحيق
20. Those nights left behind them
No beauty that pleases,
٢٠. تلك الليالي لم تدع
من بعدها حسنا يروق
21. No, nor did they leave for us
Except sighing or moaning.
٢١. كلا ولا خلت لنا
إلا الزفير أو الشهيق