
They said wine is sin, I said no

وقالوا الخمر إثم قلت كلا

1. They said wine is sin, I said no
There is no sin, O people, in drinking it

١. وقالوا الخمر إثم قلت كلا
فما في شربها يا قوم إثم

2. When I drink it with a beautiful companion
My worries take flight and leave my side

٢. إذا نادمتها ومعى نديم
جميل طار من جنبيّ هم

3. Pass it around to me, pay it no mind
So I may forget those troubles so dire

٣. أديروها عليّ ولا تبالوا
ليطوى ذلك الخطب المهم

4. A stranger I've lived in my own homeland, alone
I have no people among the tribes here

٤. غريبا عشت في وطني فريدا
فما لي في ديار القوم قوم

5. Injustice kept taking away parts of my life
As if I were a criminal meeting his fate

٥. ومرّ الضيم يأخذ من حياتي
كأني جارم يلقاه جرم

6. Yet still I drank the wine of consent
As if its sips were kisses upon my lips

٦. وصهباء الرضاب شربت منها
كأن رضابها في الثغر لثم

7. I drank injustice poured out by life
While this wine is injustice, then more injustice

٧. شربت الظلم تسكبه حياتي
وهذي الخمر ظلم ثم ظلم