1. I implored God pleadingly for support,
So He granted me the weakest of what I asked for and said, “Here you are.”
١. سألت الله مبتهلاً مناكا
فأضعف ما سألت وقال هاكا
2. And placed in your hands the kingdom when
The Turks began to desecrate and violate.
٢. ورد على يديك الملك لما
غدا بالترك ينتهك انتهاكا
3. So you are for the Lord of this kingdom a sword -
Whenever He is wronged, you retaliate.
٣. فأنت لرب هذا الملك سيف
إذا ما نابه خطب نضاكا
4. The ministry in Bukhara refused anyone
But you, just as it had refused all but your father before you.
٤. وقد أبت الوزارة في بخارى
سواك كما أبت الا أباكا
5. And since I was disappointed by the minister,
He would fill it with men until they overwhelmed you.
٥. وكان الصدر مذ أخنيت منه
يمج رجاله حتى احتواكا
6. The King spared you from it only
To test those besides you with what He tested you.
٦. وما اخلاك منك الملك الا
ليبلو من عداك بما بلاكا
7. They were not of benefit without you to a poor man,
Nor were they of benefit without you to anyone else.
٧. فما أغنوا غناءك في فقير
وهل يغني غناءك من عداكا
8. You were a sheathed sword on the day of peace,
But when war flared up, you were unsheathed.
٨. وكنت السيف أغمد يوم سلم
فلما شبت الحرب انتضاكا
9. Against the enemies you were most resolute
And decisive, more than their own swords.
٩. وقد كانت على الاعداء أمضى
واقضى من سيوفهم رقاكا
10. If the men of the world rose to contend
With what burdened you, they would not match your singing.
١٠. ولو نهضت رجال الارض طرا
بما كلفت ما أغنوا غناكا
11. You did with some of your words every deed,
And with your pardoning my view, you ennobled me.
١١. فعلت ببعض قولك كل فعل
ونبت بعفو رأين عن ظباكا
12. You nurtured the young foal of the udder of knowledge as a child,
So you surpassed people in the cradle by your embrace.
١٢. غذيت بدر ضرع العلم طفلا
ففقت الخلق في المهد احتناكا
13. You have never been destroyed by drinking deadly poison,
Nor harmed by eating poisonous food.
١٣. فلا شرب الطلا ألهاك يوما
ولا بيض الطلا عما عناكا
14. If the worries of kingdoms are nights of distress,
The dawn of your opinion or your making them dissipate.
١٤. وان غم الممالك ليل خطب
جلاه صبح رأيك أو سناكا
15. So overlook the misstep of the wrongdoer
If you advance in a war that is your misstep.
١٥. فافسح من خطا الخطي قدما
إذا أقدمت في حرب خطاكا
16. And forgive the downpour of drops generously
If its pouring should strike your ear.
١٦. واسمح من ملث القطر جودا
إذا ما صاب صيبه نداكا
17. Your lips were never opened or pressed together in a day
Except by your hands closing or spreading.
١٧. وما انفتحت بلا شفتاك يوما
ولا انضمت على نشب يداكا
18. The sea lagged behind your supply
When you marched, so we did not call it your brother.
١٨. تأخر عن مداك البحر لما
جريت فلم نسميه أخاكا
19. The stars in Al-Muzannah did not race you
When they sped - they sped your supply, but did not speak of you.
١٩. وما جاراك صوب المزن لما
جرى وجرى نداك ولا حكاكا
20. Rather, the clouds understood and prostrated
On the earth’s face to you when they saw you.
٢٠. ولكن الغمام عنى سجودا
على وجه الثرى لك اذ رآكا
21. You are too precious to compete
And too high in rank to be emulated.
٢١. فأنت أجل قدرا ان تجارى
وأرفع رتبة من أن تحاكى
22. You attained the sky though it was lofty
On the branch of glory in the land you developed.
٢٢. وقد سامى السماء وماس زهوا
على فرع السها بلد نماكا
23. So welcome it and whoever is in it, protecting
Yourself from all who sought you.
٢٣. فأهلوه ومن فيه وقاء
لنفسك من جميع من ابتغاكا
24. For it is a paradise for you, so seize it,
And they are for you a paradise from what you have prepared.
٢٤. فها هو جنة لك فاغتنمها
وهم لك جنة مما دهاكا
25. I almost console the two dear ones
By joining them, longing for that embrace.
٢٥. أكاد إلى العزيزيين أعزى
لالحاقي بهم نفسي اشتباكا
26. If I let your glance flow in my heart,
I would see evidence of that as I see you.
٢٦. فلو أجريت لحظك في فؤادي
رأيت دليل ذاك كما أراكا
27. I worship God - I chose no house
The length of days but yours to rise in.
٢٧. أعبد الله لا خيرت بيتا
مدى الايام الا في علاكا
28. How many hands you gave me authority over
Such that I do not see for them release!
٢٨. فكم لك من يد قلدتنيها
فلست أرى لها عني انفكاكا
29. You clothed me in robes of honor
And placed my feet atop the highest abode.
٢٩. ولو حملت ما حملتنيه
شمام لما استطاع به حراكا
30. It is enough for me that you raised my heel -
By your raising it, it reached the highest abode.
٣٠. وقد ألبستني أثواب عز
وقد أوطأت أخمصي السماكا
31. Neither did the days debase glory for you
Nor did the Omnipotent take back what He granted you.
٣١. فحسبك من علا أعليت كعبي
برفعكه فقد بلغ السماكا
32. My poetry spread everywhere in the land
And settled when it saw you, not missing you.
٣٢. فلا حطت لك الايام مجدا
ولا ارتجع المهيمن ما حباكا
33. You were resolute in purpose until
You prevented me, staying seeking your approval.
٣٣. سرى كل السرى في الارض شعري
وخيم اذ رآك فما خطاكا
34. Had my state at nights not been limited,
I would not have journeyed on from protecting you.
٣٤. وكنت على النوى صممت حتى
منعت فبت مبتغيا رضاكا
35. You named two matters to me - it suffices me
To prefer one of them when I choose that.
٣٥. ولو لم تقتصر حالي الليالي
لما أزعت سيرا عن حماكا
36. Even if you do not make the star my sandal
Or the Milky Way my footstool,
٣٦. وقد سميت لي أمرين حسبي
ببعضهما إذا آثرت ذاكا
37. Leave what you wish for us and lower -
For ourselves and what you possessed are your ransom.
٣٧. وإن لم ترض لي بالنجم نعلا
ولا خط المجرة لي شراكا
38. I never disdained your generosity, but
Your affection’s devotion sufficed me from craving.
٣٨. فدع ما ترتضيه لنا وخفض
فانفسنا وما ملكت فداكا
39. Had asking the sea’s permission been possible,
It would ask your permission and withdraw.
٣٩. وما استنكفت من جدواك لكن
كفاني بذل ودك عن لهاكا
40. So I do not desire any sea but your supply,
Nor camp except in your pathway.
٤٠. ولو كان استماح البحر خلقا
لامك يستميحك وانتحاكا
٤١. فلا يممت غير نداك بحرا
ولا خيمت إلا في ذراكا