
I am fire amid the bosom of nights,

أنا بين أحشاء الليالي نار

1. I am fire amid the bosom of nights,
To me is their smoke, and stars are sparks,

١. أنا بين أحشاء الليالي نار
هي لي دخان والنجوم شرار

2. So when the darkness of space shone its dawn,
The horizons and rains prayed through me,

٢. فمتى جلا فجر الفضاء ظلامها
صليت بي الاقطار والامصار

3. Through me the world dreams, and of the good
That is within its ribs, my secrets,

٣. بي تحلم الدنيا وبالخير الذي
لي منه بين ضلوعها اسرار

4. So every kingdom yearns for me
And in every battle there are my signs,

٤. فبكل مملكة علي تلهف
وبكل معركة الي أوار

5. O people, I have not embarked on a journey
Except for the voyages to reveal their mysteries,

٥. يا أهل ما شطت برحلي رحلة
الا لتسفر عني الاسفار

6. I have within the conscience of time a latent secret
That destinies must discover,

٦. لي في ضمير الدهر سر كامن
لا بد أن تستله الاقدار

7. Since he became great, his hands shed the blood of gallantry,
The blood of all that they contained and he is formidable,

٧. حقنت يداه دم المكارم مذ غدا
دم كل ما حوتاه وهو جبار

8. I have adorned it with firmness that has no
Settlement except in the foreheads of mighty lions,

٨. طبعت مزينة منه عضبا ماله
في غير هامات الاسود قرار

9. His views are the whiteness of gazelles and his words
Are meadows and his right hand is a river,

٩. اراؤه بيض الظبا وحديثه
روض الربا ويمينه تيار

10. His eloquent words embraced the wonders of the world
As if it is an ornament and they are bracelets

١٠. ضمت على الدنيا بدائع لفظه
فكأنها زند وهن سوار

11. I endowed him with all gallantry and loftiness
As if they are truly his fences,

١١. خصت به كل المكارم والعلا
فكأنها حقا له أسوار

12. And if sciences obscured their paths
Their people are flags and minarets for it,

١٢. وإذا العلوم استبهمت طرقاتها
فذووه اعلام لها ومنار

13. Their resolves are twigs and the outpouring of their palms
Are clouds, innocence, and their faces are moons,

١٣. عزماتهم قضب وفيض اكفهم
سحب وبيض وجوههم أقمار

14. The seal of leadership crowned them with ministry, among them
A lion whose duskiness the hyenas frequented,

١٤. ختم الرياسة بالوزارة فيهم
أسد له السمر الذوابل زار

15. O you who when the tribes boasted a poet
Poems were bestowed upon his forefathers,

١٥. يا من إذا اطرى القبائل شاعر
صلت على آبائه الاشعار

16. So shoulder the sky, for none is seen
To be your neighbor amongst the lines of stars,

١٦. فازحم بمنكبك السماء فما يرى
لسواك في خطط النجوم جوار

17. And the earth is your kingdom, the world your slave,
Time your servant, and knowledge your abode,

١٧. والارض ملكك والورى لك غلمة
والدهر عبدك والعلا لك دار

18. And people are like wine in his hands,
He made them infatuated, without veil,

١٨. وخلائق كالخمر در فعاله
حبب لهن وما لهن خمار

19. For Muhammad son of Muhammad, hands with which
He brings life to hope and kills misery.

١٩. لمحمد بن محمد كف بها
يحيى الرجاء ويقتل الاعسار