
Content with whatever fate God decrees

رضى بقضاء الله فهو مصيب

1. Content with whatever fate God decrees
And patience for whatever events occur

١. رِضى بِقَضاءِ اللَهِ فَهوَ مُصيبُ
وَصَبراً عَلى الأَحداثِ فَهيَ تَنوبُ

2. My dear friend, dust now shrouds my loved ones
None remains above the dust for me to love

٢. خَليلَيَّ قَد وارى التُرابُ أَحِبَّتي
فَلَم يَبقَ لي فَوقَ التُرابِ حَبيبُ

3. Stop less frequently at the halting places
For what you think is far, is actually near

٣. أَقَلّا وُقوفاً بِالمَنازِلِ أَوقِفا
فَإَنَّ الَّذي تَستَبعِدانِ قَريبُ

4. Were you not told of the occupant of the grave?
Though distant from both groups, he's in clear view

٤. أَلَم تُخبَرا عَن صاحِبِ القَبرِ إِنَّهُ
بِمَرأى مِنَ الأَهلَينِ وَهوَ غَريبُ

5. Both neighbors and friends have despaired of him
Coming and going around him as they please

٥. تَناذَرَهُ الخِلّانُ يَأساً فَأَصبَحوا
لَهُم جيئَةٌ مِن حَولِهِ وَذَهوبُ

6. What life could be pleasant away from the grave?
What life with death could possibly please?

٦. وَأَيُّ نَوى أَنأى مِنَ القَبرِ شُقَّةً
وَأَيُّ بَقاءٍ بِالمَماتِ يَطيبُ

7. Bid peace to the desolate, bending tomb
When the tattooed arrowsman takes aim and shoots

٧. عَلى الجَدَثِ المَهجورِ عوجا فَسَلِّما
سَقاهُ الحَيا الوَسمِيُّ حينَ يَصوبُ

8. Else my streaming eyes, if rain does not fall
South and north winds make flow and ebb

٨. وَإِلّا فَعَيني إِن أَبى الغَيثُ مُزنَةٌ
يَدِرُّ شَمالُ صَوبِها وَجنوبُ

9. When thought of loved ones convulses my heart
Tears mixed with blood pour forth in a flood

٩. إِذا هاجَها ذِكرُ الأَحِبَّةِ أَجهَشَت
وَأَسبَلَ دَمعٌ بِالدِماءِ مَشوبُ

10. My concerns put me to bed as if I were
A watcher over the stars' rising places

١٠. تَأَوينَني هَمّي فَبِتُّ كَأَنَّني
عَلى مُستَقِلّاتِ النُجومِ رَقيبُ

11. As if the meteors' setting between my eyelids
Would from my sight disappear and then show

١١. كَأَنَّ اِطِّلاعَ الشُهبِ بَينَ مَحاجِري
فَمِن ناظِري تَبدو وَفيهِ تَغيبُ

12. It's as if my concerns and the meteors
Were one, and when their fire flared in my chest, a blaze

١٢. كَأَنَّ الدُجى وَالشُهبُ هَمّي
وَنارَهُ إِذا شَبَّ مِنها في الضُلوعِ لَهيبُ

13. My breath fragments, and so I break up the night
Yearning, as a she-camel yearns for her young

١٣. تَقَطَّعُ أَنفاسي فَأَقطَعُ لَيلَتي
حَنيناً كَما حَنَّت رَوائِمٌ نيبُ

14. I say, and my soul and grief intermingled
And my heart from the heat of parting melts

١٤. أَقولُ وَنَفسي وَالأَسى قَد تَمازَجا
وَقَلبِيَ مِن حَرِّ الفِراقِ يَذوبُ

15. I have no equal, for in that I'm incapable
Though for people generally, I'm exemplary

١٥. أَلا مِثلَ لي فَإِنَّهُ لي مُعجِزٌ
وَإِنّي لِأَمثالِ الوَرى لَضَروبُ

16. If I speak of something, it's as if I were it
A marvel how taking similes makes one eloquent

١٦. إِذا قُلتُ في شَيءٍ كَأَنّي كُنتُهُ
وَسِرُّ اِتِّخاذِ المُشبِهينَ عَجيبُ

17. I'm the dead, the bereft, the youth wasted away
After that, what likeness could I possibly attain?

١٧. أَنا المَيتُ وَالثَكلانُ وَالصَبُّ وَالشَجي
فَأَيُّ شَبيهٍ بَعدَ ذاكَ أُصيبُ

18. I'm settled only in a tomb, as if to console me
A wild animal nourished its young within

١٨. وَما سَكَني إِلّا ضَريحٌ كَأَنَّهُ
لِأُنسي بِهِ ظَبٌ أَحَم رَبيبُ

19. I return to lick the dust in it, as if
It were a sweet mouth of youth I adore

١٩. أَعاوِدُ لَثمَ التُرب فيهِ كَأَنَّهُ
لِرَشفي لَهُ ثَغرٌ أَغَرُّ شَبيبُ

20. Ali remained concealed in his burial place
Though the moon must set after it has risen

٢٠. أَقامَ عَلِيُّ في ثَراهُ مُغَيَّباً
وَلِلبَدرِ مِن بَعدِ الطُلوعِ غُروبُ

21. Far from friends, held by a firm tomb
Which sips his breath and is sweetened

٢١. بَعيداً عَنِ الإِخوانِ رَهنَ قَررَةٍ
تَضَوَّعُ مِن أَنفاسِهِ وَتَطيبُ

22. On a journey where his provision was but piety
The throngs cannot divert him or lead him astray

٢٢. عَلى سَفَرٍ لا زادَ فيهِ سِوى التُقى
وَلا ظاعِنَ الأَقوامِ عَنهُ يَؤوبُ

23. Misfortune snatched him away from me suddenly
Time takes away and despoils constantly

٢٣. أَخي سَلَبَتنيهِ الخُطوبُ مُشيحَةً
وَما الدَهرُ إِلّا سالِبٌ وَسَليبُ

24. I had hoped his life would add to mine
But fates opposed my hopes aggressively

٢٤. وَكُنتُ أُرَجّي أَن تَزيدَ حَياتَهُ
حَياتي فَشانَتها عَلَيَّ شُعوبُ

25. I had hoped in every calamity he would be there
But destiny said hopes are mendacity

٢٥. وَكُنتُ أُرَجّيهِ لِكُلِّ مُلِمَّةٍ
فَقالَ الرَدى إِنَّ الرَجاءَ كَذوبُ

26. He was quick to respond when called to help
Though many are called but do not reply

٢٦. وَكانَ سَريعاً حينَ يُدعى إِلى النَدا
وَكَم مِن فَتىً يُدعى وَلَيسَ يُجيبُ

27. He brought life to the guest house, letting all know
Its precincts would welcome hospitality

٢٧. وَكانَ حَياً في المَحلِ يَعلَمُ ضَيفُهُ
إِذا أَمَّهُ أَنَّ المَحَلَّ خَصيبُ

28. He had no fault or anything to criticize
Rather, was of pure garb, full of nobility

٢٨. وَلَم يَكُ ذ عَيبٍ وَلا كانَ عائِباً
وَلَكِن نَقِيَّ اللِبسَتَينِ أَديبُ

29. We approved of him since no weakness was found
No seeker of good from him was denied

٢٩. فَتىً هُوَ حَدُّ السَيفِ إِن رُمتَ ضَيمَهُ
وَغُصنٌ لِمَن رامَ السَماحَ رَطيبُ

30. But fate frowned and took his youth away
Eyes and hearts tilted toward him, refracted

٣٠. غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الأَقوامِ لَيسَ بِباسِطٍ
يَداً لِثَوابٍ وَهوَ كانَ يُثيبُ

31. It redoubled my pain and intensified his loss
My consolation from him receded dubiously

٣١. جَميلٌ فَأَمّا وَجهُهُ فَمُنَوَّرٌ
طَليقٌ وَأَمّا صَدرُهُ فَرَحيبُ

32. He's not like one whose era has long passed
Whose memory with us faded and dimmed

٣٢. رُزيناهُ لَمّا لَم يَكُن فيهِ مَطعَنٌ
وَلَم يَكُ راجي الخَيرِ مِنهُ يَخيبُ

33. I say as a mourning dove sang her refrain
And swayed amongst the branches of trees

٣٣. وَأَلوى بِهِ المِقدارُ غَضاً شَبابُهُ
تَميلُ إِلَيهِ أَعيُنٌ وَقُلوبُ

34. I implore the branches, as I'm most adept
At lamentation amongst the skillful singers

٣٤. فَضاعَفَ وَجدي وَاِستَحَرَّ مُصابُهُ
وَوَلّى عَزائي عَنهُ وَهوَ مُريبُ

35. I was made to drink the wine of ardent longing
Its intoxication preoccupies lovers' thoughts

٣٥. وَلَيسَ كَمَفقودٍ تَقادَمَ عَهدُهُ
وَغَطّى عَلَيهِ مَسحَنا وَمَشيبُ

36. One rejoicing at our misfortune was revealed
Though fate's manifestations are myriad

٣٦. أَقولُ وَقَد غَنَّت حَمامَةُ أَيكَةٍ
وَمالَ بِها بَينَ الأَراكِ قَضيبُ

37. So I said: await what destiny will unfold
Since it may bring you sins though yours are abundant

٣٧. أَساجِعَةَ الأَغصانِ نوحاً فَإِنَّني
عَلى النَوحِ مِن بَينِ اللُحونِ طَروبُ

38. We cried seeking reward for our crying
We were patient, and patience is the course of the wise

٣٨. سُقيتُ حُمَيا الشَوقِ فَالهَمُّ سُكرُها
وَأَكثَرُ ما أَلهى المَشوقَ نَحيبُ

39. My lack of composure at misfortunes is not
From frailty, but fate apportions to the doomed

٣٩. وَمُستَبشِرٍ أَبدى السُرورَ لِنَكبَةٍ
أَلَمَّت بِنا وَالحادِثاتُ ضُروبُ

40. Nor is my endurance feigned or hard-hearted
But the way of the noble is ever erect

٤٠. فَقُلتُ اِنتَظِر عُقبى الزَمانِ فَرُبَّما
سَقاكَ ذُنوباً إِن كَفاكَ ذُنوبُ

41. Happy are those who rely solely on themselves!
My Lord, I repent and return unto You

٤١. فَنَحنُ بَكينا نَبتَغي الأَجرَ في البُكا
وَنَحنُ صَبَرنا وَالصَبورُ لَبيبُ

٤٢. وَما جَزَعي لِلحادِثاتِ اِستِكانَةً
وَلَكِنَّهُ لِلهالِكينَ نَصيبُ

٤٣. وَلا جَلَدي عَنهُم سَلُوّاً وَقَسوَةً
وَلَكِنَّ عودُ الأَكرَمينَ صَليبُ

٤٤. فَطوبى لِمَن لَم يُعنَ إِلّا بِنَفسِهِ
وَيا رَبَّنا إِنّي إِلَيكَ أَتوبُ