1. He has a pen that white sheep follow
And if war erupts and defeat scatters
١. لَهُ قَلَمٌ تَنقادُ بيضُ الظُبا لَهُ
وَإِن لَقَحَت حَربٌ وَزُرقُ اللَهازِمِ
2. Through it, people knew what will happen
And what is going on in people's minds
٢. بِهِ عَرَفَ الأَقوامُ ما هُوَ كائِنٌ
وَما هُوَ جارٍ في نُفوسِ العَوالِمِ
3. It rose, so for eras, it's the truest editor
And for people and livelihoods, the fairest distributor
٣. عَلا فَهوَ لِلآجالِ ألأَصدَقُ ناسِخٍ
وَناسٍ وَلِلأَرزاقِ أَعدَلُ قاسِمِ
4. When it flows on paper, it drops pearls
With which it decorates its lines, every arranger
٤. إِذا جالَ في القِرطاسِ ساقَطَ لُؤلُؤاً
يَزينُ بِهِ أَسلاكُهُ كُلُّ ناظِمِ
5. And if his roaming mind stayed, it produced letters
That give light to morals with intense dark
٥. وَإِن ظَلَّ ساري الفِكرِ أَطلَعَ أَحرُفا
تُنيرُ النُهى مِنها بِسودٍ فَاحِمِ
6. Some people called it the translator of his conscience
Does an eloquent person need the stars?
٦. دَعاهُ أُناسٌ تُرجُمانَ ضَميرُهُ
وَهَل لِبَليغٍ حاجَةٌ في النَواجِمِ