1. My glad tidings announced the state of the infallible one
With the life of the chaste and the aid of the oppressed
١. بُشرايَ دالَت دَولَةُ المَعصومِ
بِحَيا العُفاةِ وَنُصرَةِ المَظلومِ
2. With the arrival of Ibrahim, our master Al-Reza
The delegations of good fortune arrived in the best arrival
٢. بِقُدومِ إِبراهيمَ سَيِّدِنا الرَضا
قَدِمَت وُفودُ السَعدِ خَيرَ قُدومِ
3. The seasons greeted his greetings, and from him
The eyes attained the most charming and beautiful
٣. حَيَّت مُحَيّاهُ المَواسِمُ وَالتَقَت
مِنهُ العُيونُ عَلى أَغَرَّ وَسيمِ
4. The living all spoke of his nearness
So they found refreshment and bliss
٤. وَتَحَدَّثَ الحَيُّ الجَميعُ بِقُربِهِ
فَتَرَوَّحوا في نَضرَةٍ وَنَعيمِ
5. The shade said it is as if we are in the meadows
Of Eden through him, and drinking from the breeze
٥. قَالظِلُّ مَمدودٌ كَأَنّا في ذُرى
عَدنٍ بِهِ وَالشُربُ مِن تَسنيمِ
6. And the earth shaking, though its tremors
Are only for the hearts of Rome within it
٦. وَالأَرضُ واجِفَةٌ وَما رَجَفاتُها
إِلّا لِاَنَّ بِها قُلوبَ الرومِ
7. The Psalms testified to it and its wonders
With favor over the prose and the poetry
٧. شَهِدَ الزَبورُ بِها وَلِآلَهُ
فَضلاً عَلى المَنثورِ وَالمَنظومِ
8. The streams of his generosity were sweet, if only
I attained them I would drink like the insane
٨. عَذُبَت مَوارِدُ جودِهِ فَلَو أَنَّني
أورِدتُها لَشَرِبتُ شُربَ الهِيَمِ
9. I attempted to praise him, so I spent a night
That is no wretched night, nor wholesome night
٩. حاوَلتُ مِدحَتَهُ فَبِتُّ بِلَيلَةٍ
ما لَيلُ مَهجورٍ وَلَيلُ سَليمِ
10. The rhymes stick in my hand, so I appease them
With his majesty, yet they flee from composition
١٠. تَبِتُ القَوافي في يَدي فَأَنَسُّها
بِجَلالِهِ فَتَفِرُّ مِن تَنظيمِ
11. It's as if I'm confounded, or that in me
Is some feebleness, though not despicable
١١. حَتّى كَأَنّي مُفحَمٌ أَو أَنَّ بي
عِياً وَذاكَ العَيُّ غَيرُ ذَميمِ
12. And I trusted in his forbearance, so I composed it
Hoping for your life that is no objectionable
١٢. وَلَقَد وَثِقتُ بِحِلمِهِ فَنَظَمتُها
سَعياً لَعَمرُكَ لَيسَ بِالمَذمومِ
13. Praise of the Emir, son of the Caliph, is a divine duty
Like glorification and exaltation
١٣. مَدحُ الأَميرِ اِبنِ الخَليفَةِ قُربَةٌ
لِلَهِ كَالتَكبيرِ وَالتَعظيمِ
14. Tell the one who lauded lineage, putting it first
Praise of the Emir is more deserving to be first
١٤. قُل لِلَّذي شادَ النَسيبُ مُقَدِّماً
مَدحُ الأَميرِ أَحَقُّ بِالتَقديمِ
15. So when you incline towards lineage, a slight
After prayers upon the household of the infallible
١٥. فَإِذا طَرِبتَ إِلى النَسيبِ فَنَفتَةٌ
بَعدَ الصَلاةِ عَلى ذَوي المَعصومِ
16. And when you reach the tents, convey from me
To the tents my greetings and farewells
١٦. وَإِذا بَلَغتَ إِلى الخِيامِ فَبَلِّغَن
مِنّي الخِيامَ وَدائِعَ التَسليمِ
17. I yearn for the living encampment which ruined
The tents of monasticism to build the tents of tents
١٧. لَهفي عَلى حَيِّ حَلا قَوَّضوا
خِيَمَ الرُبا لِبِناءِ خَيمِ الخِيِمِ
18. And they went, and if the stars were watchful
They would shame the eyes of comets with winking
١٨. وَمَضَوا وَلَو أَنَّ النُجومَ نَواظِرٌ
عاروا عُيونَ الشُهبِ بِالتَغييمِ
19. And if the eye of the sun were not an elevated eye
They would have raised the shadows of bats on pillars of sand
١٩. وَلَأَنَّ عَينَ الشَمسِ عَينٌ رَفَّعوا
ظُلَلَ العَجاجِ عَلى العِمادِ الكُومِ
20. They clung to the spheres' dresses, remaining
Above the Pleiades, next to the celestial Aldebaran
٢٠. لاثوا مُدَثَّرَةَ السُجوفِ وَظَلّوا
فَوقض الخُدوجِ عَلى شَقيقَةِ ريمِ
21. The moon of beauty set among them, surrounded
By a halo enveloped in stars
٢١. قَمَرُ الجَمالِ فَسَل بِها وَبِخِدرِها
مِن هالَةٍ مَحفوفَةٍ بِنُجومِ
22. I tried the tastes of souls, but I see nothing
Like the riding camels kneading in the innards of the sands
٢٢. جَرَّبتُ لَذّاتِ النُفوسِ فَلا أَرى
كَالرَكبِ يَخبِطُ في حَشى الدَيمومِ
23. Chanting over the remains of their resting abodes
And its hissing instead of chanting
٢٣. مُتَرَنِّمينَ عَلى ذُرى كيرانِهِم
وَصَريرُها بَدلٌ مِنَ التَرنيمِ
24. In every dark tent, the guide cannot be guided
By a known landmark
٢٤. قي كُلِّ طامِسَةِ الصُوى لا يَهتَدي
فيها الدَليلُ بِمَعلَمٍ مَعلومِ
25. The pages of the desert were neglectfully empty
Until he drew its features and my cheek and tattoo
٢٥. كانَت صَحائِفُ قَفرٍ غُفلاً فَقَد
رَسَمَ السُرى وَخَدّي بِها وَرَسيمي
26. Tell the rider: have patience, you must
Protect the Caliph, so stay or get up
٢٦. قُل لِلمَطِيِّ تَجَلُّدي لا بُدَّ مِن
صِنوِ الخَليفَةِ فَاِقعُدي أَو قومي
27. Travel in God's name in my hopes, for
His generosity has guaranteed requests
٢٧. سيري عَلى اِسمِ اللَهِ في اَمَلي فَقَد
ضَمِنَ المَطالِبَ جودُ إِبراهيمِ
28. Travel to a king who is pleased with his riches
A right for the beseecher and the deprived
٢٨. سيري إِلى مَلكٍ رَضىً في مالِهِ
حَقٌّ لِسائِلِهِ وَلِلمَحرومِ
29. The leader of horses as if they are
Lords of the sand or stars of shooting stars
٢٩. القائِدِ الخَيلَ العِتاقَ كَأَنَّها
سيدانَ رَملٍ أَو نُجومِ رُجومِ
30. Among them the birds of prey roam at dawn
And they have the ferocity of an ardent zeal
٣٠. فيها قَتاتُ الطَيرِ يُرتَعُ بِالضُحى
وَلَها اِنقِضاضَةُ لِقوَةٍ يَحمومِ
31. Passion imbued their skin so they took on
The scent of musk dripping from every leather
٣١. نَضَحَ الحَميمُ جُلودَها فَتَضَوَّعَت
فَكَأَنَّ مِسكاً رَشحُ كُلِّ أَديمِ
32. From every rose that swam in a sea of blood
And emerged in red color, which is despised
٣٢. مِن كُلِّ وَردٍ خاضَ بَحراً مِن دَمٍ
فَنَجا بِلَونِ الأَحمَرِ المَذمومِ
33. Or blond which the sun of its forehead covered
With sunset glow, and its sides with the blowing of breeze
٣٣. أَو أَشقَرٍ غَشَّتهُ شَمسُ جَبينِهِ
شَفَقاً وَعِطفاهُ هُبوبُ نَسيمِ
34. Or gray which drank wine until its hide
Lightened its rider with an old inscription
٣٤. أَو أَصهَبٍ شَرِبَ المُدامَ أَديمُهُ
فَأَقَلَّ فارِسَهُ بِرَسمٍ قَديمِ
35. Or dappled which the pages of its skin recorded
So chaos brought its dotted book
٣٥. أَو أَشهَبٍ رَقَمَت قَراطيسُ جِلدِهِ
فَأَتى الوَغى بِكِتابِهِ المَرقومِ
36. Or sorrel which darkness cast its covers
From it over an eyelid flaming with stupidity
٣٦. أَو أَبلَقٍ كَالقَدحِ يَحسِبُ أَنَّهُ
قَد قُلَّدَت مِنهُ الوَغى بِبَريمِ
37. Or bay which the darkness distributed its mantles
From it over a flaming eyelid with ignorance
٣٧. أَو أَدهَمٍ أَرخى الظَلامُ سُدولَهُ
مِنهُ عَلى طِرفٍ أَحَمَّ بَهيمِ
38. The Emir's horses, both are a remainder
From An-Nu'man and Al-Yahmum
٣٨. خَيلُ الأَميرِ أَعدَّها فَكِلاهُما
خَلَفٌ مِنَ النُعمانِ وَاليَحمومِ
39. Oh horses of our master, show me a condition
For you have mixed exertion with relaxation
٣٩. يا خَيلَ مَولانا أَبيني حالَةً
فَلَقَد خَلَطتِ الظَمرَ بِالتَطهيمِ
40. Are you frolicking with the she-camels, pulling
While determination is intense for the brigade?
٤٠. أَمَعَ الأَعِنَّةَ تَمرَحينَ تَجاذُباً
وَعَلى الكَتيبَةِ شِدَّةُ التَصميمِ
41. If you are the deer of meadows then frolic
Or if you are the eagles of the plains then soar
٤١. إِن كُنتِ غِزلانَ الصَريمَةِ فَاِسنَحي
أَو كُنتِ عِقبانَ السَراءِ فَحومي
42. When it raided the borders with warriors
It rose like the rising of a slated new moon
٤٢. لَمّا اِستَهَل بِها الثُغورَ صَوارِخاً
طَلَعَت طُلوعَ العارِضِ المَركومِ
43. The swords in the sheaths- if seen
Their marks are like the sealed imprint
٤٣. تَقَعُ السَنابِكُ بِالصَفا فَتَرى بِهِ
آثارَها كَالطابَعِ المَختومِ
44. The throngs of Romans said when you trampled them
Woe to our white doomed heads
٤٤. قالَت جُموعُ الرومِ حينَ وَطِئتَهُم
وَيلٌ لِبيضِ رُؤوسِنا المَخطومِ
45. Among them the swords of Mashrafiyya gleaming
Promising defeat for the companies with ruin
٤٥. فيها بُروقُ المَشرَفِيَّةِ لُمَّعاً
تَعِدُ الكُماةُ بِجَحفَلٍ مَهزومِ
46. And the Za'abiya, every hanging sword
Is evil to block the gaping wounds
٤٦. وَالزاعِبِيَّةُ كُلُّ صِلِّ مُطرِقِ
شَرِهٍ لِسَدِّ المُهجَةِ المَكتومِ
47. And the swaying banners, as if the hearts of enemies
Taught them swaying with teaching
٤٧. وَالخافِقاتِ كَأَنَّ أَفئِدَةَ العِدى
أَكسَبنَها الخَفَقانَ بِالتَعليمِ
48. And the fluttering, from the coats of mail as if they are
The presentation of wellbeing, returned for finalizing
٤٨. وَالمُسرَداتُ مِنَ الدِلاصِ كَأَنَّها
عَرضُ السَلامَةِ رَدَّ لِلتَحسيمِ
49. And I see you in the brave army and its people
A heart protected by the mail coat and resolute
٤٩. وَأَراكَ في الجَيشِ اللَهامِ وَأَهلِهِ
قَلباً يُصانُ بُجُؤجُؤٍ وَحَزيمِ
50. And if you singled out against the enemy
You would defeat them with the decisive verses
٥٠. وَلَو اِنفَرَدَت مِنَ الفَوارِسِ لِلعِدى
لَهَزَمتَهُم بِالآيِ مِن حاميمِ
51. Indeed, the Imam saw you in your deeds
Like the moon shining on the night of conjuring
٥١. إِنَّ الإِمامَ رَآكَ في أَعمالِهِ
كَالبَدرِ يَسطَعُ لَيلَةَ التَتميمِ
52. So he cast out the darkness of injustice with you, with justice
Kind to the servants, merciful
٥٢. فَرَمى ظَلامَ الظُلمِ مِنكَ بِنَيِّرٍ
عَدلٍ رَؤوفٍ بِالعِبادِ رَحيمِ
53. Awake, the veil of his assumptions like his certainty
Indeed, knowledge is the result of conjecture
٥٣. يَقِظٍ نِقابُ ظُنونِهِ كَيَقينِهِ
إِنَّ العُلومَ نَتائِجُ التَرجيمِ
54. The tyrants slept negligently unconcerned
With what is intended, while he slept not inattentive
٥٤. باتَ الطُغاةَ عَلى المَضاجِعِ غُفَّلاً
عَمّا يُرادُ وَباتَ غَيرَ نَؤومِ
55. Politics refused to worry for an hour
However it guards the kingdom with concern
٥٥. تأَبى السِياسَةُ أِن يُهَوِّمَ ساعَةً
أَنّى تَحامي المُلكِ بِالتَهويمِ
56. And he is the wise one, adorned by the ignorance of chaos
Indeed, the forbearing one, there, is not forbearing
٥٦. وَهوَ الحَكيمُ يَزينُهُ سَفَهُ الوَغى
إِنَّ الحَليمَ هُنلاكَ غَيرُ حَليمِ
57. Give glad tidings to the orphans of the Muslims, of a father
From whom surrounds the affairs of every orphan
٥٧. بَشِّر يَتامى المُسلِمينَ بِوالِدٍ
مِنهُ يَحوطُ ذِمارَ كُلِّ يَتيمِ
58. And the places of migration with downpours
Of his generosity, reviving the people, solemn
٥٨. وَالمُمحِلاتُ مِنَ البِلادِ بَوابِلٍ
مِن جودِهِ يُحيي الأَنامَ سُجومِ
59. And let it warn the Roman tyrants with a storm
Like locusts from his might, barren
٥٩. وَلتُنذِرِ الرومَ الطُغاةَ بِعاصِفٍ
مِن باسِهِ مِثلَ الدَبورِ عَقيمِ
60. They thought he visited them cloaked
In the armor of the wrath of the two sharp edges
٦٠. ظَنّوا بِهِ قَد زارَهُم مُتَوَشَّحاً
بِنِجادِ عَضبِ الشَفرَتَينِ صَميمِ
61. In the party of Monotheism, he precedes them with the Father
Of majesty's ornaments in the garb of honor
٦١. في عُصبَةِ التَوحيدِ يَقدُمُهُم بِأُب
بَهَةٍ الجَلالِ في حُلى التَكريمِ
62. The glance turns away from him in awe
And is humbled, if not for forbearance, from speaking
٦٢. يَرتَدُّ طَرفُ العَينِ عَنهُ مَهابَةً
وَيَجِلُّ لَولا الحِلمُ عَن تَكليمِ
63. So when we call upon him, the rhetoricians relate to us
Wonders of ululation
٦٣. فَإِذا تَنادَينا بِحَضرَتِهِ رَوَت
عَنّا النُحاةُ غَرائِبَ التَرخيمِ
64. And when they see the course of justice by his order
They understand the certainty of decisiveness and the decisive
٦٤. وَإِذا رَأَو جَريَ القَضاءِ بِأَمرِهِ
فَهِموا يَقينَ الحَزمِ وَالمَحزومِ
65. How can I prefer praising him? And if I were
The son of Safwan, the orator of Tamim
٦٥. كَم ذا أُفَضِّلُ مَدحَهُ وَلَو أَنَّني
كُنتُ اِبنَ صَفوانٍ خَطيبَ تَميمِ
66. I would be incapable of describing the Emir, truly
My day is a servant for an understood purpose
٦٦. لَعَجِزتُ عَن وَصفِ الأَميرِ وَإِنَّما
يومي الخَديمُ بِمَقصِدٍ مَفهومِ
67. I find praise of him equates an argument
And upon his family like performing Umrah
٦٧. أَجِدُ الثَناءَ عَلَيهِ يَعغدِلُ حَجَّةً
وَعَلى ذَويهِ كَعُمرَةِ التَنعيمِ
68. Indeed, the rhymes are too few for his worth
So the worth of every great one diminishes through them
٦٨. إِنَّ القَوافي ذو تقِلُّ لِقَدر ِهِ
لِيَقِلُّ عَنها قَدرُ كُلِّ عَظيمِ
69. If they are pearls, then they are of my stringing
Or if they are flowers, then they are of my gathering
٦٩. إن كُنَّ دُراً فَهيَ مِن تَنظيمي
أَو كُنَّ زُهراً فَهيَ مِن تَنجيمي
70. And when they claim the lineage of the best tribe
Of Qahtan's descendants and the noblest encampment
٧٠. وَإِذا اِنتَسَبنَ نمينَ أَكَرمَ مَعشَرٍ
مِن آلٍ قَحطانٍ وَأَشرَفِ خيمِ
71. Wandering she-camels feeding wishes
So sometimes they eat my bitter poison
٧١. صَدَفِيَّةٌ كِندِيَّةٌ تَرعى المُنى
فَلَرُبَّما أَكَلَت مُرارَ سُمومي
72. Buried in Ankara with the lost
I extracted it from its poisoned garb
٧٢. دُفِنَت بِأَنقَرَةٍ مَعَ الضَليلِ
فَاِستَخرَجتُها مِن ثَوبِهِ المَسمومِ
73. An Arabian in a non-Arab land
It escaped to my chest from foreignness
٧٣. عَرَبِيَّةٌ في بُقعَةٍ عَجَمِيَّةٍ
فَرَّت إِلى صَدري مِنَ التَعجيمِ
74. Whoever claims sorcery, I by the lawfulness
Of this sorcery, am truly its champion
٧٤. فَمَنِ اِدَّعى السِحرَ الحَرامَ فَإِنَّني
بِحَلالِ هَذا السِحرِ حَقُّ زَعيمِ
75. And to my father Ishaq, our master Ar-Rida
Oh my soul's mother, glory to the worshipped
٧٥. وَإِلى أَبي إِسحاقَ مَولانا الرِضى
يا نَفسُ أُمّي جَلَّ مِن مَأمومِ
76. And take safety in his era for yourself
For the rule of injustice has passed over you
٧٦. وَخُذي أَماناً مِن زَمانِكِ عِندَهُ
فَلَقَد أَجازَ عَلَيكِ حُكمُ ظَلومِ
77. Who can convey from me the news that I
Take refuge in a pillar that is not demolished?
٧٧. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي الخُطوبَ بِأَنَّني
آوي لِرُكنٍ لَيسَ بِالمَهدومِ
78. Wealth slipped from my hand, so how many enviers
Are delighted, and how many friends are worried?
٧٨. فاتَ الغِنى كَفّي فَكَم مِن حاسِدٍ
فَرِحٍ وَكِم مِن صاحِبٍ مَهمومِ
79. So I sought his bounty to bestow wealth upon me
The same for my envier or intimate
٧٩. فَطَلَبتُ جَدواهُ لِيَحدِقَني غِنىً
سَيّانَ فيهِ حاسِدي وَحَميمي
80. And I hoped for his service to serve me the people
And I attain the name of the served servant
٨٠. وَرَجَوتُ خِدمَتَهُ لِيَخدِمَني الوَرى
فَأفوزَ بِاِسمِ الخادِمِ المَخدومِ