1. His eyes are enchanting, as though
Their lids were clothed in brocade.
١. تُلهي العُيونَ رُقومُهُ فَكَأَنَّها
قَد أُلبِسَت ساحاتُها ديباجا
2. A collection of opposites - so in them
You see the fire of anger and pouring rain.
٢. مَجموعَةٌ أَضدادُهُ فَتَرى بِها
نارَ الغَضا وَالوابِلِ الثَجّاجا
3. Two heated tears flowing as though
Speaking of that impassioned lover.
٣. حَرّانُ مُنسَكِبُ الدُموعِ كَأَنَّما
يَحكي بِذاكَ العاشِقَ المُهتاجا
4. His simple land was paved in marble
So glass ran through it and bubbles rose.
٤. دُحِيَت بِسيطَةُ أَرضِهِ مِن مَرمَرٍ
فَجَرى الزَجاجُ بِهِ وَثارَ عَجاجا
5. His heavens reached the sky, though
In place of lamps they made glass.
٥. وَجَلَت سَماوتُهُ السَماءَ وَإِنَما
جَعَلَت مَكانَ النَيِّراتِ زُجاجا
6. Standing on smooth pillars like brides
You'd see fish crowned for them with wreaths.
٦. قامَت عَلى عُمُدٍ جُلينَ عَرائِساً
فَتَرى لَها السمَكَ المُكَلَّلَ تاجا