1. You clothed us with flowing robes of justice,
While we with praise and gratitude imbue them.
١. أَلبَستَنا العَدلَ أَبراداً مُفَوَّفَةً
وَنَحنُ بِالحَمدِ وَالذِكرى نُوَشِّعُها
2. Time dispraised you, so you revealed yourselves, that we may praise you,
And this is evidence of truth none can refute.
٢. ذُمَّ الزَمانُ فَأَبداكُم لِنَحمَدَه
وَتِلكَ حُجَّةُ صِدقٍ لَيسَ يَدفَعُها
3. You rent the veils of mystery and shone forth,
As lightning rends the clouds that veil its face.
٣. وَشَقَّ حُجبَ خَفاياهُ فَلُحتَ كَما
يَنشَقُّ عَن جَبهَةِ الغَرّاءِ بُرقُعُها