1. For Allah I have a workshop being refined
As if it were the sun on the horizon of elevation
١. للهِ منّي مصْنَعٌ يُجْتَلى
كأنّهُ الشمسُ بأفْقِ العُلا
2. Its heat can be borne when opened
The viewer attained through it what he hoped for
٢. طيقانيَ الغُرُّ إذا فُتِّحَتْ
نالَ بِها المُبْصِرُ ما أمَّلا
3. The Master of mankind renewed me as Joseph
So my value was honored through him and became high
٣. أبْدَعَني موْلَى الورى يوسُفٌ
فعَزَّ مِقداري بهِ واعْتَلا
4. Renewing the commended ancestors
What had been neglected before him
٤. مُجَدِّداً للسّلَفِ المُرْتَضى
مِنْ قَبْلِه ما كان قدْ أغْفَلا
5. So my workshop and the garden beneath it
For Allah what an elevation and what beauty
٥. فمَصْنَعي والرّوضُ من تحتِه
للهِ ما أعْلى وما أجْمَلا
6. No wonder the flower of the hillside was pleasing
For its rain clouds bestow generosity when laden
٦. لا عجَبٌ أن راقَ زهْرُ الرُبى
فجودُه الغيثُ مَتى أمْحَلا
7. Thus beneath it the staff of the full moon
Is inclined in prostration of thanks
٧. لذاكَ قُضْبُ الدّوْحِ من تحتِه
لسَجْدَةِ الشّكْرِ تُرى مُيَّلا
8. And if the morning breeze blows through it
It carries the best praise with which it was laden
٨. وإن سَرى فيهِ نسيمُ الصَّبا
منْ حمدِهِ أهْدى الذي حُمّلا