
Poetry is but a yearning and a question

إنما الشعر رغبة وسؤال

1. Poetry is but a yearning and a question,
And a hope to which hopes draw near,

١. إنّما الشّعْرُ رغبةٌ وسُؤالُ
ورجاءٌ تدْنو بهِ الآمالُ

2. So if you fulfill every intention,
And attain in life what none can attain,

٢. فإذا كنتَ مُسعِفاً كُلَّ قصْدٍ
ومُنيلاً في الدّهْرِ ما لا يُنالُ

3. Why then this verse composition, O leader of mankind,
Has the flow of words from your hands ceased?

٣. فلِمَ النّظْمُ يا إمامَ البَرايا
أصْمَتَ النُّطْقَ منْ يَدَيْكَ النّوالُ

4. Thus the words of slaves are praise and gratitude,
And supplication to their Lord, and heartfelt prayer,

٤. فكلامُ العبيدِ حمْدٌ وشكرٌ
ودُعاءٌ لربِّهِمْ وابْتِهالُ

5. That God may make you an Imam enduring,
Of whom beauty and perfection shone forth,

٥. أن يُديمَ الإلَهُ منكَ إماماً
راقَ منهُ الجَمالُ والإجْمالُ

6. You remained the defender of the faith from its enemies,
Archers and high hopes thrill for you.

٦. دُمْتَ للدّين ناصِراً منْ عِداهُ
ترْتجيكَ القُصّادُ والأُمّالُ