1. My Master, good tidings of the forthcoming time,
And of the radiant dawn that has emerged.
١. مَوْلايَ بُشْرى بالزّمانِ المُقْبِلِ
وبما جَلا من وجْهِهِ المتهَلِّلِ
2. A time whose good omens bring joy,
Wherein every boaster and retarder rests.
٢. زمَنٌ لبُشْراهُ ورائِق بِشرِه
يرْتاحُ كُلُّ مكَبِّرٍ ومُهَلِّلِ
3. A time whose dawn has revealed its face, as though
It were the midday sun appearing to the stranded.
٣. زمنٌ جَلا وجهَ الفُتوحِ كأنّهُ
شمْسُ الظّهيرةِ قد بدَتْ للمُجْتَلي
4. It has fully realized the manifest conquest, with all
That dazzles intellects, leaving no stronghold.
٤. وافَى من الفَتحِ المُبينِ بكلّ ما
بهَرَ العُقولَ ولمْ يدَعْ من مَعْقِلِ
5. The banners of jihad rest,
Blown by the eastern wind and the late summer breeze.
٥. ترْتاحُ أعْلامُ الجهادِ خَوافقاً
تهْفو بها ريحُ الصَّبا والشّمْألِ
6. This jihad, whose exemplar you emulate
In the footsteps of the Messenger, the Envoy.
٦. هذا الجهادُ وإنّ مِثْلَك يقْتَدي
فيهِ بآثارِ النّبيّ المُرسَلِ
7. This guidance, whose morning light has shone
Guiding the path of rectitude for every stray.
٧. هذا الهُدى قد لاحَ نورُ صباحِهِ
يَهْدي سبيلَ الرُشْدِ كُلَّ مُضَلّلِ
8. These conquests, their concealment now revealed,
With the state of affairs explaining the ambiguous.
٨. هذي الفُتوحُ تجلُّ عنْ إخْفائِها
فالحالُ ناطِقَةٌ بشرْحِ المُجْمَلِ
9. It has come to you, lowering its wings,
The pillar of your kingdom elevated and lofty.
٩. وافَتْكَ خافِضةً لديكَ جناحَها
وعِمادُ مُلْكِكَ يسْتقِلّ ويَعْتَلي
10. So arise for what you desire, with none to repel,
And by your felicity open every locked door.
١٠. فانْهضْ لِما قد شِئتَ غيرَ مُدافَعٍ
تفْتَحْ بسَعْدِكَ كُلّ بابٍ مقْفَلِ
11. The enemies have taken refuge in a protection
You have confined them to, by your accepted struggle.
١١. حلّ العُداةُ بمأمَنٍ أجْهدتَهُمْ
فيهِ بيُمْنِ جِهادِكَ المُتقَبَّلِ
12. To God belong your outstanding qualities,
Transcending the realms of early time.
١٢. للهِ منكَ مناقِبٌ بصِفاتِها
طاولْتَ أمْلاكَ الزّمانِ الأوّلِ
13. To God belong your noble deeds and great exploits -
Who can match the judicious and reliant?
١٣. لله منْكَ مكارِمٌ ومآثِرٌ
مَن للرّشيدِ بها وللمُتوكّلِ
14. A face, when the rays of its light shine forth,
Dispelling the gloom with its dazzling dawn.
١٤. وجْهٌ إذا لاحَتْ أشعّةُ نورِه
يُجْلى الدُجى بصباحِها المتَهلِّلِ
15. A palm whose generosity benefits the seekers,
Thereby sparing the tribulation of distressed time.
١٥. كفٌّ تعُمُّ القاصِدينَ هِباتُها
فتكُفُّ غائلَةَ الزّمانِ المُمْحلِ
16. You brandish your sword in the fray, making it seem
A torrent pouring in the valley's basin.
١٦. تُنْضي حُسامَك في الوَغى فتخالُهُ
نهْراً بدَوْحٍ للقَنا متهَدِّلِ
17. You shake your dripping blade, upright
In the dark night, like a flaming meteor.
١٧. وتهُزُّ ذابِلَك المقوَّمَ وهْوَ في
ليلِ العَجاجةِ كالشِّهاب المُشْعَلِ
18. So you are victorious, your sword dominant,
Your protector trustworthy, your destiny ascendant.
١٨. فلأنتَ منصورٌ وسيْفُك قاهِرٌ
وحِماكَ مأمونٌ وقدْرُكَ مُعْتَلي
19. A way for the Prophet's helpers, its newness
Relayed from early to late.
١٩. شيمٌ لأنصارِ النّبيّ حديثُها
يرْويهِ منكُمْ آخِرٌ عنْ أوّلِ
20. And for al-Andalus's people, you are the victory
Whereby they attained the sweetest watering place.
٢٠. ولأهْلِ أندلُسٍ بكَ النّصْرُ الذي
وردُوا بهِ للفتْحِ أعذَبَ منْهَلِ
21. A king like our Master Caliph Yusuf -
A king whose perfection was never concealed.
٢١. من مِثْلُ مَولانا الخليفةِ يوسُفٍ
ملِكٌ صِفاتُ كمالِه لمْ تُجْهَلِ
22. A king who apportions his war or peace
Between scripture and brigades descended.
٢٢. ملِكٌ يقسِّمُ حربَهُ أو سَلْمَهُ
بينَ الكتائِبِ والكتابِ المُنزَلِ
23. He did not look upon the horizons,
Except to unravel every complex affair.
٢٣. ما جالَ في آفاقِها متطلِّعاً
إلا وحَلّ كُلّ خَطْبٍ مُعْضِلِ
24. O Defender of the Faith, whose existence
Announced good tidings to every hopeful soul.
٢٤. يا ناصرَ الدّين الذي بوجودِه
نادَى الهُدى بُشْرَى لكُلِّ مؤمِّلِ
25. You have sent perpetuating mercy into the far horizons -
How excellent an existence with its ceaseless generosity!
٢٥. أرسَلْتَ في الآفاقِ ديمَة رحْمةٍ
نَعِمَ الوجودُ بجَوْدِها المُسْتَرْسِلِ
26. You have uplifted your brother, your successor in grace,
Heir apparent and most righteous, my father Abu Hassan Ali.
٢٦. ورفَعْتَ قدْرَ أخيكَ تاليكَ الرّضى
قُطْبِ الرّحى الأهْدَى أبي حسَنٍ عَلي
27. You supplemented him with an army of your victory,
Whereby the schemes of the deceitful unbeliever are weakened.
٢٧. أتْبَعْتَهُ منْ جُنْدِ نصْرِكَ ما به
أوهَنتَ كيْدَ الكافِرِ المتحَيِّلِ
28. Its firm resolutions have narrowed the horizons
Of the transgressors, like the setting of a departing star.
٢٨. فرعَتْ ثَنايا المُعْتَدينَ كُماتُهُ
بعزائمٍ تمضِي مَضاءَ المُنصُلِ
29. By you, guidance was found in war whenever
The faith took refuge in its most impregnable asylum.
٢٩. وبك اهْتدى في الحرْبِ لمّا أن بدَا
والدّينُ قد آوَى لأمْنعِ مَوئِلِ
30. By you, guidance was found in terrifying the enemy
When zeal left the souls of the first brigade.
٣٠. وبكَ اقْتدى في الرّوْعِ لمّا حلّ من
صدْرِ الكَتيبةِ في الرّعيلِ الأوّلِ
31. When the two armies met in hostile land,
And you cast them with severe, hastening might,
٣١. لما الْتَقى الجَمْعانِ في أرْضِ العِدى
ورمَيْتَ جمعَهُمُ ببأسٍ مُعْجِلِ
32. It called out to the warriors of jihad - come forward!
Surveying them with the gaze of one who contemplates.
٣٢. نادَى بأبْطالِ الجِهادِ ألا اقدُمُوا
وأجالَ فيهِمْ نظرةَ المتأمّلِ
33. So they eagerly raced to the caller of guidance,
While the Romans despaired of the paths of salvation.
٣٣. فتسارَعوا طرّاً إلى داعِي الهُدَى
والرّومُ عن سُبُلِ النّجاةِ بمعزِلِ
34. Their land narrowed around them and they halted,
As the water gathers itself into streams.
٣٤. ضاقَتْ عليْهِمْ أرضُهُمْ فتوقّفوا
والماءُ يجمَعُ نفسَهُ في الجَدولِ
35. The groups of enemies then turned and bent,
Some routed, others worn down.
٣٥. وتجمّعتْ فِرَقُ العِدا ثمّ انثَنَتْ
ما بيْنَ مُنْهَزِمٍ وبيْنَ مُجَدَّلِ
36. Their ostriches fled quickly after they had stood
Like the stance of a submissive, humiliated creature.
٣٦. شالَتْ نَعامَتُهُمْ سريعاً بعْد ما
وقَفوا وُقوفَ الخاضِعِ المتذَلّلِ
37. They slipped away in flight, while their army
Was left between disgraced and misguided.
٣٧. وتسلّلوا طوْعَ الفرارِ وجَمْعُهُمْ
قدْ رِيعَ بينَ مذلَّلٍ ومُضلَّلِ
38. Then the desired arrived, achieving what he wished
Of noble aims and most beautiful works.
٣٨. وأتى وقد نالَ الذي قد شاءَه
من مَقْصَدٍ أسْنى وصُنْعٍ أجْمَلِ
39. So congratulate his arrival and grace in coming
To your lofty abode in the most noble dwelling.
٣٩. فاهْنأْ بمَقْدَمِه الرّضى وحُلولِهِ
من دارِكَ العُلْيا بأشْرَفِ منزلِ
40. Congratulations on the happiest season; rejoice in it!
For its arrival fulfils long cherished hopes.
٤٠. واهْنأ بأسْعَدِ موسمٍ وانعَمْ بهِ
فوُرودُهُ يقْضي بنَيْلِ المأْمَلِ
41. And to you - the best of those whose hands I have grasped
With the most generous and munificent Bestower.
٤١. وإليْكَها يا خيْرَ مَن وثِقتْ يَدي
منهُ بأكْرمِ واهِبٍ مُتفَضِّلِ
42. By the kingdom you have attained, O King Contentment
It is not by what I profess to you that I implore favor.
٤٢. وبِملْكِ رِقّي أيُّها المَلِكُ الرّضَى
لكَ لا بما أُبْدي لديْكَ توَسُّلي
43. You remain, standards victorious, divinely supported,
Vanquishing enemies in present and future times.
٤٣. لازِلتَ منْصورَ اللّواءِ مؤَيّدَا
تكْفي العِدَى في الحالِ والمستَقبَلِ