
Congratulations, congratulations to the Imam of guidance

هنيئا هنيئا إمام الهدى

1. Congratulations, congratulations to the Imam of guidance
And succor of existence and rain of dew

١. هنيئاً هنيئاً إمامَ الهُدَى
وغَوْث الوجودِ وغيث النّدَى

2. And good tidings of one who has come
With glorious nobility reaching the furthest extent

٢. وبُشْرَى بوافدةٍ قد أتَتْ
لها شرَفٌ حازَ أقصَى المَدَى

3. After one who strove in his path
And the fates contended with him

٣. على إثْر مَن جَدّ في سَيْرِهِ
وحادِي المَنايا بِهِ قدْ حَدا

4. And if he could be ransomed, then
The souls of the innocent would all have been ransom for him

٤. ولو كان يُفْدَى لكانَتْ لهُ
نُفوسُ البَرايا جميعاً فِدا

5. This one emerged when
She saw his sword lying sheathed in the ground

٥. لقد طَلعَتْ هذه عنْدَما
رأتْ سَيْفَهُ في الثّرَى أُغْمِدا

6. He was a cloud when hoped for
And was a meteor by which one is guided

٦. وكان سَحاباً إذا يُرْتَجَى
وكان شِهاباً بهِ يُهْتَدَى

7. So if the full moon of nightfall vanished radiantly
Then the sun of morning, its light has appeared

٧. فإنْ غابَ بَدْرُ الدّجَى مشْرقاً
فشمْسُ الضُحى نُورُها قد بَدا

8. It illuminated and it is of its nature that
Whenever it rose, no gloom was left

٨. أنارَتْ ومنْ شأنِها أنّها
متى طلَعَتْ لمْ تَدعْ فرْقَدا

9. So derive good fortune through it and bless
Its rising and aggrandize and honor his birth

٩. فأيْمِنْ وأسْعِدْ بها طَلْعَةً
وأعْظِمْ وأكْرِمْ بهِ مَوْلِدا

10. And O helper the folds have come desiring strife
Seeking the support of the helper

١٠. ويا ناصِراً جاءَ يَطْوي الفَلا
يُجدُّ السُّرى طالباً للجَدا

11. Incline your respects to the abode of the Imam of guidance, Yusuf
Unfurl your banner, protector of the helpless

١١. بمثْوَى إمامِ الهُدَى يوسُفٍ
أنِخْ رَكْبَكَ المُتْهمَ المُنْجِدا

12. And direct toward him the thirsty
You will find in his shade and springs

١٢. ويمِّمْ على ظَمإٍ بابَهُ
تَجِدْ عندهُ الظِّلَّ والمَوْرِدا

13. None who attained his loftiness slipped
And none who was guided through his guidance went astray

١٣. فما ذَلَّ مَنْ بعُلاهُ اعْتَلى
ولا ضَلَّ منْ بهُداهُ اهْتدَى

14. As for the helper of religion, he who never ceased
To bring dew and answer calls for help

١٤. أما ناصِرُ الدّينَ مَنْ لمْ يزَلْ
يُنيلُ النّدى ويُجيبُ النِّدا

15. As for the helper of religion, whose palm
Is life for the meek and death for the aggressive

١٥. أما ناصرُ الدّين منْ كَفُّهُ
حَياةُ العُفاةِ وحَتْفُ العِدَى

16. Some people rose to help the Messenger
Helper of the oppressed, he made them sit

١٦. من القومِ قامُوا بنَصْرِ الرسولِ
قِياماً ولِيَّ العِدَى أقْعَدَا

17. So how often when a loyal one came to give them life
Supporting them against the transgressors

١٧. فكمْ وافدٍ إذْ أتى حيَّهُم
على المُعْتَدينَ بهِمْ أُيِّدا

18. And Yusuf after them came
So he was generous and renewed their covenant

١٨. ويوسُفُ منْ بعدِهمْ قد أتَى
فَجادَ وعَهْدَهُمُ جَدّدا

19. So how many breaches he sealed in the borders
And arrows for the war against the enemy he made ready

١٩. فكمْ خَلَلٍ سَدَّهُ في الثُّغورِ
وسهْمٍ لحرْبِ العِدَى سَدّدا

20. And how much sanctuary he protected and how much
Struggle by which he exhausted himself

٢٠. وكمْ منْ حِمىً قد حَماهُ وكمْ
جِهادٍ به نفْسَهُ أجْهَدا

21. And how much construction by its building
He demonstrated the features of the religion of guidance

٢١. وكمْ من بِناءٍ بتَشْييدِه
أبانَ مَعالِمَ دينِ الهُدَى

22. And you are the one hoped for bestowing bounty
Whenever the times overstep

٢٢. وأنت الذي تُرْتَجى مُنْعِماً
يُجيزُ إذا ما الزّمانُ اعتَدَى

23. So neither has fortune humbled except to honor
Nor has misguidance led astray except to guide

٢٣. فما ذلّلَ الدّهْرُ إلاّ أعزَّ
ولا ضلّلَ الغَيُّ إلا هَدَى

24. The patron of the oppressed will grant you leading
Reins for whatever you desire led

٢٤. سيُعْطي وليُّ العِدَى راغِماً
زماماً لما شِئتَ أو مِقْوَدا

25. Whenever the steeds harbored against him approach him
They obtain what they seek

٢٥. متَى قصدَتهُ الجيادُ التي
تُضمّرها نالتِ المَقْصَدا

26. If they raid against his opponents
Fear raids with them or supports

٢٦. إذا ما أغارَت على خيْفِه
أغارَ بها الخَوْفُ أو أنْجَدا

27. By your mention faces bow
Prostrating to their Lord

٢٧. بذِكرِكَ تعْنُو وجوهٌ غدَتْ
إلى ربّها رُكّعاً سُجَّدا

28. Through love of you the hearts of mankind
Have bowed, behold a gathering has confined uniqueness

٢٨. بحُبّكَ دانت قلوبُ الوَرى
فها هِيَ جمْعٌ حَوَتْ مُفْرَدا

29. And your praise wandered repeating
So every tongue has chanted it

٢٩. ومدْحُكَ هامَتْ بتَرْدادِه
فكلُّ لِسانٍ به قدْ شَدا

30. You are congratulated however you seek highness
Deeds have subdued the envious

٣٠. فهُنّئْتَها كيفَ تبْغي العُلَى
صنائِعَ أرْغَمَتِ الحُسَّدا

31. And you continue to revive the marks of benevolence
As you have willed and protected against corruption

٣١. ولازِلتَ تُحْيي رُسومَ النّدَى
كما شِئتَهُ ووُقِيتَ الرّدَى

32. You build me a monument to acceptance
So my tongue recites it

٣٢. تُشيّدُ لي معْلَماً للقَبولِ
فيغْدو لِساني بهِ مُنْشِدا

33. Other than you, when fate was unkind
We do not find a helper or supporter

٣٣. سواكَ على الدّهْرِ إذْ جارَ لمْ
نَجِدهُ مُعيناً ولا مُنجِدا

34. If your days have been slow with me
Then you have fulfilled for me the promise

٣٤. لئن مَطَلَتْ بكَ أيّامُهُ
فقَد أنجَزَتْ منكَ لي المَوْعِدا

35. And you continue answering the call of the meek
With what you hope of abundant benevolence

٣٥. ودُمْتَ تُجيبُ نِداءَ العُفاةِ
بما تَرتجي من جَزيلِ النّدَى