1. She whose love has captivated my heart
Has made the nights prolong their call
١. إنّ التي شغَفَ الفؤادَ هواها
قضَتِ الليالِي أن تُطيلَ نَواها
2. How strange that with her distance
She has captivated a longing heart that was her dwelling
٢. عجَباً لها إذْ أتْلَفَتْ ببِعادِها
قلباً مَشوقاً لمْ يزَلْ مَثواهَا
3. Oh, if only she had mercy on a loving soul
Who did not know the meaning of passion but through her
٣. يا ليتَها رَحمَتْ مُعَنّىً مُغْرَماً
لمْ يدرِ ما مَعْنى الهَوى لوْلاها
4. The beauties claimed my heart was in love
They spoke true, but it desires none but her
٤. زعَمَ العواذِلُ أنّ قلبيَ عاشِقٌ
صدَقُوا ولكن لا يُريدُ سواها
5. Never shall it hope to find solace in another
After what her eyes have done to it
٥. هيْهاتَ يطْمَعُ أن يدينَ لسَلْوةٍ
بعْدَ الذي فَعَلتْ به عَيْناها
6. They said you forgot your love when traveling parties
Departed from her, while you cannot forget her
٦. قالوا تناسَتْ عهْدَ وُدّكَ إذْ نأَتْ
عنْها الرّكابُ وأنتَ لا تَنساها
7. So I replied, desist! I do not listen to your rebuke
Or have you not known that I adore her?
٧. فأجَبْتُ كُفّوا لسْتُ أسمَعُ عَذْلَكُمْ
أوَ ما علِمْتُمْ أنّني أهْواها
8. How often I stayed up at night saying, oh if only
She would allow a day to meet her
٨. كمْ بتُّ أسْهَرُ قائلاً يا لَيْتَها
لوْ أنها سمَحَتْ بيومِ لِقاها
9. If only she would generously grant the easiest moment
My hand would gain its wishes from her life
٩. لوْ أنها جادَتْ بأيْسَرِ لحظَةٍ
فازَتْ يَدي من دهْرِها بمُناها
10. If only she was pleased, I would give all
That my right hand possesses for her satisfaction
١٠. لوْ أنها رضيَتْ لجُدتُ بكلِّ ما
ملكَتْ يَميني في سَبيل رِضاها
11. Until she allowed an instant of reunion
The days relented after spurning her
١١. حتى أباحَتْ لمْحَة من وصْلِها
سمَحَتْ بها الأيامُ بعْدَ جفاها
12. She was stingy with union for a time and when
She was generous, fate intended its call
١٢. بخِلَتْ زماناً بالوِصالِ وعندَما
جادَتْ عليَّ نَوى الزّمانُ نَواها
13. The sweetness of union was a fleeting glimpse
Alas, after that, alas
١٣. قدْ كان طيبُ الوصْلِ لمحةَ بارِقٍ
آهاً عليْها بعْدَ ذلك آهَا
14. My pact with her, and the magic is from her eyelids
All restraint from her patience forbids her
١٤. عهْدي بها والسّحْرُ من أجْفانِها
كُلُّ النُّهى عن صَبْرِها ينْهاها
15. My pact with her, and the roses from her gardens
With a glance forbid one who wishes to pluck them
١٥. عهْدي بِها والوَرْد من وجَناتِها
باللحْظِ يُمْنَعُ مَن يَرومُ جَناها
16. My pact with her, and the perfume made fragrant
From her so I revived my soul when she enlivened it
١٦. عهْدي بِها والطّيبُ يُذْكَى عَرْفُهُ
منْها فأحْيا النّفْسَ إذ حيّاها
17. She depicts the gardens, verdant, with features
And so I yearn when the morning breeze stirs her
١٧. تحْكي الحَدائِقَ نضْرَةً وشمائِلاً
فلذاكَ أصْبو إذْ تهُبُّ صباها
18. She depicts the stars, lofty and sparkling
So I refused to burden her, though she eased my burden
١٨. تحْكي الكواكبَ رفعةً وتهلّلاً
فأبيتُ منْ كَلَفٍ بها أرْعاها
19. By Allah, her rising that arose
And outshone the lovers, the sun in its clarity
١٩. لله طَلْعَتُها التي قد أُطْلِعَتْ
فجَلتْ على العُشّاقِ شمْسَ ضُحاها
20. By Allah, how beautiful are her face’s charms
And her meaning is most subtle and her mouth most sweet
٢٠. للهِ ما أحْلى محاسِنَ وجْهِها
وأرقَّ معْناها وأعْذبَ فاهَا
21. By Allah, how beautiful are her features that
Left my heart infatuated with her dream
٢١. للهِ ما أحْلى شمائِلَها التي
ترَكَتْ فُؤادي هائِماً بحُلاها
22. How wondrous that she has captivated the heart of a depressed lover
Burdened with other thoughts, not contemplating her
٢٢. عجَباً لها حلّتْ فؤادَ مُتيّمٍ
كلِفٍ بغيْر الفكْرِ لا يَلْقاها
23. And if I am burdened with a fragment of her, then my longing
Is for her meaning, to her singing
٢٣. ولئنْ كلِفْتُ برَبْعِها فتشوّقي
من أجْلِ مَعْناها إلى مغْناها
24. And I respond to one who blames me for mentioning her
The home of the beloved is most deserving of passion
٢٤. وأجيبُ من قدْ لامَني في ذكرِها
دارُ الحَبيبِ أحقُّ أن تهْواها
25. She is the noble presence of the Caliph Yusuf
The honored king, her master and guardian
٢٥. هي حضرةُ الموْلَى الخليفَةِ يوسُفٍ
شرَفِ الملوكِ إمامِها مَولاها
26. His traveling parties departed at dawn from her abode
And victory escorts her to her claim
٢٦. رحَلتْ ركائِبُهُ ضحًى عن ربعِها
والنّصْرُ يَقدُمُها إلى مَدْعاها
27. She proceeds with determination to the lofty mountain
Virtues refused to cast down her pride
٢٧. تُنْضي إلى الجبلِ المُنيفِ عزائِماً
أبَتِ المكارِمُ أن تَفُلَّ ظُباها
28. She aims for the far goal with arrows
Loyalty has pulled her towards its target
٢٨. ترْمي إلى الغرَضِ القَصيّ بأسْهُمٍ
نزَعَ الوَفاءُ بها إلى مَرْماها
29. To take its peak as she seeks the heights
And to be rid of the party of misguidance, their disgrace
٢٩. لتَحُلَّ ذِرْوَتَهُ كما تبغي العُلَى
وتحُلَّ من فئَةِ الضّلالِ عُراها
30. Or are not her determinations a morning that whenever
They deviate from the straight path, it guides her?
٣٠. أوَ ما عَزائِمُهُ صباحٌ كُلّما
حادَتْ عنِ النّهْجِ القَويمِ هَداها
31. She has made the trustee a protecting master
Who fulfilled the rights of glory when he reached her
٣١. حلَّ المَعاهِدَ منهُ مولىً ناصرٌ
وفّى حُقوقَ المَجْدِ إذْ وافاها
32. Damn them! They did not appreciate the worth of the one
Whose right hand was generous with its overflowing seas
٣٢. تبّاً لهمْ لمْ يَقْدُروا قدْرَ الذي
جادَتْ به يُمْناهُ منْ جَدْواها
33. She is the one who did not contend with the clouds of life
Except to surpass the rain-clouds with her showers
٣٣. فهِيَ التي ما ساجَلَتْ سُحُبَ الحَيا
إلا وفاقَ الغادِياتِ نَداها
34. Or are not of your attributes the qualities that
Kings boast of when mentioning her?
٣٤. أوَ ليْسَ من أوْصافِكَ الشّيمُ التي
غَدتِ المُلوكُ بذِكْرِها تتَباهَى
35. Or are not of your attributes the resolves that
The brilliant stars seek their ascension?
٣٥. أوَ ليْسَ من أوصافكَ الهِمَمُ التي
تبغي النُجومُ النيِّراتُ عُلاها
36. And O Allah, what a Grenada!
A house we repeat in our intents and remember it
٣٦. هَذا ويا للّهِ من غَرْناطَةٍ
دارٌ نُعيدُ على النّوى ذِكْراها
37. When my master left it, it changed
Its state and dreams transformed
٣٧. لمّا نأى موْلايَ عنها أصْبَحَتْ
وقدِ اسْتحالت حالُها وحُلاها
38. For wherever the victorious, satisfied king settles
We find generosity, nobility, and grandeur
٣٨. إذْ حيثُ حلّ الناصرُ المَلك الرِّضَى
نلقَى المكارِمَ والعُلى والجاها
39. It did not arouse longing for him when yearning
Except his determination prevented meeting her
٣٩. ما رجّعَتْ شوْقاً إليْهِ حَنينَها
إلا وصدّ العزْمُ عن لُقْياها
40. Nor did intense longing thirst in its ruins
Except the rain of tears watered it
٤٠. ما أظْمأ الشّوقُ الحَثيثُ بِطاحَها
إلا وغيثُ الدّمْعِ قدْ روّاها
41. The clouds of tears whenever life was miserly
Remembrance spurred them on to irrigate it
٤١. سُحُبُ المَدامِعِ كلّما بخِلَ الحَيا
تحْدو بها الذكْرى إلى سُقياها
42. So the hearts of its people churn with love sickness
When protection was aloof from its haven
٤٢. فقلوبُ أهْليها يُقلِّبُها الجَوى
لمّا تحامَى بالبِعادِ حِماها
43. And the souls of its people roam remembering him
Burdened with all he bestowed and endowed
٤٣. ونُفوسُ أهْليها تَهيمُ بذكْرِه
كَلفاً بما من رِفْدِه أوْلاها
44. It extended its palms in your victory to supplicate
And asked for your eternity from God as a gift
٤٤. بسطَتْ بنصْركَ للدعاءِ أكُفَّها
واستَوْهَبتْ لكَ في البقاءِ اللهَ