
Congratulations on an achievement towards which victory strides,

هنيئا بصنع نحوه النصر قد خطا

1. Congratulations on an achievement towards which victory strides,
Spreading for it sevenfold, not falling short,

١. هَنيئاً بصُنْعٍ نحوَهُ النصْرُ قد خَطا
تَرامى لهُ سبْعاً وما قصَرَ الخُطا

2. And advancing willingly towards the opening, not hesitating
From the farthest goal, nor discouraged,

٢. وأقبَلَ طوْعَ الفتحِ لا مُتوانياً
عنِ الغرَضِ الأقْصى ولا مُتَثبِّطا

3. Through your obedience kings became eminent, so they hastened
Quickly to what you wanted, unfailing,

٣. بطاعَتِك اعْتزّ المُلوكُ فبادَروا
سِراعاً إلى ما شِئْتَهُ ليسَ بالبِطا

4. And which cloud on the horizon does your lofty hand not bestow
A sea of gifts upon it?

٤. وأيُّ غَمامِ الأفْقِ ليسَ يُمِدُّهُ
ندَى يدِكَ العُليا ببَحْرٍ منَ العَطا

5. By your mention the guide of the travelling party in the wilderness set forth
And made the ears happy with pearls and treasures,

٥. بذكرِكَ حادي الرّكْبِ في البيدِ قد شَدا
فحلّى بهِ الأسْماعَ دُرّاً وقرّطا

6. And one who is like Nasr, favouring, hoping,
Giving generously and benefiting kindly and openly,

٦. ومَن كابْن نصْرٍ مُنْعِماً متطوِّلاً
يجودُ ويُجْدي رأفةً وتبسُّطا

7. When terror frowns he becomes gently smiling,
And if hands of aid are withheld he holds them outstretched,

٧. إذا عبَس الروْعُ اغْتدَى متَبسِّماً
وإنْ قُبضَتْ أيْدي النّدى مُتَبسِّطا

8. His munificence quenches the tie of aid from his palm,
By God, how he quenches it from a joiner of gifts!

٨. روى جودُه عنْ كفِّه صِلَةَ النّدى
فللهِ ما يرْويهِ عن واصِلٍ عَطا

9. And if a family deviates from the path of truth,
His rule over them the next day is by sword and captivity, equitable,

٩. وإنْ عدَلَتْ عن منْهَجِ الحقّ أُسْرَةٌ
غَدا حُكْمُهُ بالسيفِ والسّيْبِ مُقْسِطا

10. With his determination he embraced the countries, so none
Is seen more compassionate among kings, or more protective,

١٠. بعزْمَتِه حاطَ البلادَ فما يُرَى
بأعْطفَ منهُ في المُلوكِ وأحْوَطا

11. Kind, merciful, beneficent, gracious,
Noble, clement, forgiving sins and mistakes,

١١. رؤوفٌ عَطوفٌ منعِمٌ متفضِّلٌ
كَريمٌ حَليمٌ يغفِرُ العَمْدَ والخَطا

12. He is the just, the pleasing, he is the arbiter
Who when he administers dominions judges most equitably,

١٢. هوَ العادلُ الأرضَى هوَ الحَكمُ الذي
إذا قسَطَ الأملاكُ في الحُكْمِ أقْسَطا

13. His errors lead astray while his right hand
Is more guiding to the paths of noble deeds than steps,

١٣. يَضِلّ مُناويهِ وإنّ يَمينَهُ
لأهْدى لطُرْقِ المَكْرماتِ من القَطا

14. And how his resolve marched ahead to meet victory,
An impregnable march for the enemy,

١٤. وكمْ قد سرى يستَقْبِلُ النصْرَ عزمُهُ
سُرىً ليسَ يُلْفَى للعدوّ بِها سُطا

15. He attains sublime heights by highlands other than one
Who transcended the precipice of dangers for glory and mounted,

١٥. ينالُ المعالي بالعَوالي سوَى الذي
عَلا صهْوَة الأخْطارِ للعِزِّ وامتَطا

16. And one who woos the most high with steadfastness and return,
Does he desire compromise?

١٦. ومَن خَطَب العلياءَ بالسُّمْرِ والظُّبا
ويمّمَ أقْصاها أيَبغي توسُّطا

17. None but the decisive turns toward victory
And none but the strong turns toward glory and mounts,

١٧. فلا صارِمٌ إلا إلى النّصْر مُنتَضىً
ولا صاهِلٌ إلا إلى العزِّ مُمْتَطا

18. Determinations - if implemented they would enable the full moon to rise
And the turbulent sea to be controlled and the ages mastered -

١٨. عزائِمُ لو أُعمِلْنَ للبَدْرِ ما ارتَقى
وللبَحْرِ ما اسْتَعْصى وللدّهْرِ ما سَطا

19. Rush at the summons of guidance, faster than
The twinkle of lightning and livelier,

١٩. تهبُّ إلى داعي الرّشادِ جيادُهُ
بأسْرَع من لمْعِ البُروقِ وأنْشَطا

20. So one whose sorrel is like the dawn when it follows darkness
And leaves it to the morn stripped bare,

٢٠. فمِنْ أشهَبٍ كالصُّبْحِ إذ تَبعَ الدُجى
وغادرَ منهُ الفَوْدَ بالفجْرِ أشْمَطا

21. And his bay recounts when daybreak's steeds are lively
Darkness, and when saddled his ornament,

٢١. وأدْهَمَ يحْكي والصّباحُ حُجولُهُ
دُجىً والثُريّا حَليُهُ حينَ يُمْتَطا

22. With his lofty ones sight wanders and rests when
He becomes deliverer from dread spread wide,

٢٢. بعُلْياهُ تاهَ الطِرْفُ وارْتاحَ عندَما
غدا مُفْرِجاً خَطْباً من الروْعِ مُفْرِطا

23. He was not satisfied in the River of the Pleiades to alight
Or opposite the flowers of the stars to tether,

٢٣. فلمْ يرْضَ في نهْرِ المجرّةِ مَوْرِداً
ولا بإزاءِ الأنْجُمِ الزُّهْرِ مَرْبِطا

24. And one who is like the Helpers of the Messenger who guided
To the right path those who had strayed and mixed,

٢٤. ومَن كابْنِ أنصارِ الرّسولِ الذي هدَى
إلى الرُّشْدِ مَنْ ضلّ السّبيلَ وخلّطا

25. And one who made the Trustworthy Spirit his companion
When he conversed secretly and mounted the Heavenly Steed,

٢٥. ومَنْ جعل الرّوحَ الأمينَ مصاحِباً
إذا هُو ناجَى والبُراقَ إن امْتَطا

26. And goodness until the Day of Resurrection will remain
When he sheltered in it and departed,

٢٦. وطابَتْ إلى يومِ القِيامةِ طيْبةٌ
بهِ عندَما آوَى إليْها وافْرَطا

27. So it became permitted, however much sins are forgiven through it,
The mistakes of created beings when it takes effect,

٢٧. فأضْحَتْ حِلالاً طالَما اغْتُفِرَتْ بِها
خَطايا البَرايا إذ لَها تُعْمِلُ الخُطا

28. And a horizon to the Wise Remembrance, and a rising place
And a destination to the Noble Revelation, and a place of descent,

٢٨. وأُفْقاً إلى الذّكْرِ الحكيمِ ومَطْلِعاً
ومَرْمىً إلى الوَحْي الكريمِ ومَهْبِطا

29. They supported him when he sought asylum with them
And prevented the profligate transgressor,

٢٩. فهمْ نصَروهُ حينَ آوَى إليْهمُ
وكفّوا الغَويَّ المسْرِفَ المتخمِّطا

30. So each is seen where the spears bend
To repel the enemies, roused and rousing,

٣٠. فكُلٌّ يُرى حيثُ الذّوابِلُ تَنثَني
لِلُقْيا الأعادي منشِطاً ومُنشّطا

31. And each is seen where the swords flash
Superabounding for his pleasure, not failing,

٣١. وكُلٌّ يُرى حيثُ الصّواهِلُ ترتَمي
لها في رِضاهُ مُفْرطاً لا مُفرِّطا

32. Qays ibn Sa'd left no one behind, mixing
Disbelief with the pure religion,

٣٢. وقيْسُ بْن سعْدٍ لم يَدَعْ متخَلّفاً
بكُفْرٍ عن الدّين الحَنيفِ مُخَلِّطا

33. If an apostate deviated from the path of guidance,
Persisting upon the clear truth and coveting,

٣٣. إذا حادَ عن نهْجِ الهِدايةِ مُلْحِدٌ
تَمادَى على الحقّ المُبينِ واغْبَطا

34. He would restrain him if he was awed in terror,
And steady whoever seeks flight, preventing it,

٣٤. وإن مال في الرّوعِ المروعُ أقامَهُ
وثبّتَ من يبْغي الفِرارَ وثبّطا

35. They begot from the Supporter of the Religion, Yusuf,
An imam surpassing clouds in bounty and gifts,

٣٥. وقد أنْجَبوا من ناصر الدّين يُوسُفٍ
إماماً يفوق السُحْبَ في البَذْلِ والعَطا

36. You see the light of his essence and the munificence of his right hand
Whether the full moon gives light or rain pours down,

٣٦. ترى نورَ مرْآه وجُودَ يمينِه
إذا البَدْرُ حيّا أو إذا الغيثُ أفْرَطا

37. And if his right hand grasps a sword it decrees that
He spread the shade of security for us and extend,

٣٧. وإن قبَضتْ يُمْناهُ سيفاً قضتْ بأنْ
يمُدَّ ظِلالَ الأمْنِ فينا ويَبْسُطا

38. And if it unleashes a torrent in the heat of war
It pursues one from whom it will not be discouraged,

٣٨. وإن أرْسَلَتْ في حوْمَةِ الحرْبِ ذابِلاً
تتبّعَ من لمْ يبْغ عنهُ تثبُّطا

39. The scope of success is narrowed for every transgressor
When for the wrongdoer he opens wide the way,

٣٩. يضيقُ مجالُ الفوزِ عنْ كُلّ مُعْتَدٍ
إذا هوَ للخطّيّ قد فسحَ الخُطا

40. So for God are the deeds of actors in the conflict,
They are safe from being shaken and annulled,

٤٠. فللهِ أعْمالُ العَوامِل في الوَغَى
لقدْ أمِنَتْ من أن تُراعَ فتَحْبَطا

41. The heroes have been arranged where its lines
Are drawn, doubling for the high-minded a place of descent,

٤١. وقد صُفّتِ الأبطالُ حيثُ سُطورُها
تُخَطُّ فتثْني الخَطّ للهامِ مَسْقِطا

42. Lines - the edge of the sword reached their letters -
For it to interpret and the engraver to dot,

٤٢. سُطورٌ عَلا حَدُّ الحَسام حُروفَها
ليَشْكُلَها والسَّمْهَريُّ ليَنْقُطا

43. And Yahya whom God separated from his group
So he fled to the furthest lands and abandoned,

٤٣. ويَحْيَى الذي قدْ فرّقَ اللهُ جمْعَهُ
ففرّ إلى أقْصى البِلادِ وفرّطا

44. And for his Master great rights remained
Upon him, too momentous to be ignored or concealed,

٤٤. وكان لمَولاهُ حُقوقٌ عَظيمةٌ
عليْهِ وجلّتْ أن تُضاعَ وتُغْمَطا

45. But one whom his treacherous deeds please
When he desires to please God is enraged,

٤٥. ولكنّ منْ تُرْضيهِ أفْعالُ غَدْرِهِ
إذا رام أنْ يرْضي الله أسْخَطا

46. So no former hope remains except disappointing
And no later work except annulled,

٤٦. فلا أملٌ من قبْلُ إلا مُخَيِّبٌ
ولا عملٌ من بعْدُ إلا وأُحْبِطا

47. His state deserted him, strength failed him,
Stuck in the quagmire of his betrayal,

٤٧. فقد غادرَتْهُ حالُه واهِيَ القُوى
وفي وَحَلٍ منْ غدرِه متورّطا

48. He showed ostentatious piety at times and became
Wretched, despised, erring of opinion, muddled,

٤٨. وأظهر تَقْوى اللهِ حيناً وقد غَدا
لَئيماً ذَميماً فائِلَ الرّأي أمْعَطا

49. And deceived by returning to Him - so when
He was alarmed in Hellfire's blaze trapped,

٤٩. وخادَعَ بالرُجْعى إليْهِ فعِنْدَما
تروَّعَ في نارِ الجحيمِ تورّطا

50. And called from afar to his brother, who came to him
And dissolved his protection, after it coagulated,

٥٠. ونادَى على بُعْدٍ أخاهُ فجاءَهُ
وحلَّ حِماهُ بعْدَما كان أحْلَطا

51. Truly they flailed blindly when they sought that
Through which every evil in existence consolidates,

٥١. لقد خَبطا عشْواءَ إذ خَطَبا التي
بها كُلُّ شرٍّ في الوجودِ تأبّطا

52. They desire guidance through betrayal, yet it
Decrees their straying and confusion,

٥٢. يَرومانِ بالغَدْرِ اهْتِداءً وإنّهُ
لَيَقْضي دُجاهُ أن يَتيها ويخْبِطا

53. The spark of zinc was kindled in the strife in which
It later decreed their humiliation and downfall,

٥٣. وأُذْكيَ سِقْطُ الزّنْدِ في الفتْنَة التي
قضتْ بعْدُ فيها أنْ يَذلَّا ويَسْقُطا

54. It paralyzed their hands with shunning words
And they knew no path nor left one,

٥٤. وخَطّتْ بهُجْرِ القَوْلِ شُلّتْ يَداهُما
وما عَرَفا خطّاً ولا تَرَكا خَطا

55. So the tongue of discourse said, as it flowed within them:
"Demand, if you wish today, and scheme,

٥٥. فقالَ لسانُ الخطْبِ إذ جارَ فيهِما
ألا فاخْطُبا إن شِئْتُما اليوْمَ واخْططا

56. Fate has brought them unwillingly to misery
And the deluded one from where he was lively became cast down

٥٦. أتى بهِما المِقدارُ قَسْراً إلى الرّدى
وقد أُنْشِطَ المَغْرورُ منْ حيثُ أنشِطا

57. He thought the earth would protect his repositories
To become in it remorseful when lowered,

٥٧. فظنّ بأنّ الأرضَ تحْمي ذمارَهُ
فأصْبَح فيها نادِماً حينَ أهْبِطا

58. Good tidings of mysteries of the Unseen that were veiled
By the attainment of wishes - their covering is lifted -

٥٨. فبُشْرى بها أسْرار غيْبٍ تحجّبَتْ
بنَيْلِ المُنى عنْهُنّ قد رُفِعَ الغِطا

59. And below you, my Master, are rhymes from them
That hope for some acceptance from you enlivened,

٥٩. ودونَكَ يا مَولايَ منها قَوافِياً
تؤمِّلُ حظّاً من قبولِكَ مُنشِطا

60. So my lot has been brought near to hopes
And my expression made welcome to hearings,

٦٠. فحظّيَ للأطْماعِ أمْسى مقَرِّباً
ولفْظيَ للأسْماعِ أمْسى مقَرِّطا

61. You remain destroying disbelief however the dawn glows
And the wilderness cuts off the watering-place.

٦١. بَقيتَ تُبيدُ الكُفْرَ ما وضحَ الضُحى
وما قطعَ البيْداءَ للمَوْرِدِ القَطا