1. To whom are the ships sailing towards Ramah
After long contemplation and hesitation
١. لمَن الرّكائِبُ نحْو رامةَ ترْتَمي
منْ بعْدِ طولِ تأمُّلٍ وتلوّمِ
2. Bent like palm trunks, determined spears
No matter how high they aim, they hit the target
٢. عُوجاً كأمْثالِ القِسيِّ ضَوامِراً
مهْما ارْتَميْنَ يُصِبْنَ شاكلَةَ الرّمي
3. Bearing the youth of chivalry, bound
To the passion of love and its symbol
٣. يحْمِلْنَ من أهْلِ الصّبابةِ أسْرَةً
كلفَتْ برَبْعٍ للغَرامِ ومَعْلَمِ
4. The talk of every heart's vigil stirs
Sleep from the drowsy eyes
٤. من كُلّ يقْظانِ الفؤادِ حديثُهُ
يزَعُ المنامَ عنِ العُيون النُّوَّمِ
5. Smitten by the scattered beauty
Infatuated by the charms of the beloved
٥. من كلّ منفردٍ بمجموعِ الهَوى
مُغْرىً بأشْتاتِ المحاسِنِ مُغْرَمِ
6. Pillowing over the riding-beasts in yearning
Imploring in chant in the dwellings
٦. متوسّدٍ فوقَ الرواحلِ بالحِمى
متوسّلٍ في ربْعِهِ متوسِّمِ
7. Contemplating the distance in agony
And resigned to passion in submission
٧. متأمّلٍ لبِعادِهِ متألّمٍ
ومسلّمٍ لغَرامِه مُسْتَسْلِمِ
8. They are the sighs of ardour, not sins, for when
They shot arrows at the precious aim
٨. هُنّ الحَنايا لا الحَطايا إذْ رَمَتْ
منْها إلى الغرضِ القصيّ بأسْهُمِ
9. And the covenants of intimacy in which
Patience was annulled in every knot
٩. ومعاهِد الأُنْسِ التي وقفَتْ بها
للصّبْرِ حلّتْ كُلَّ عقْدٍ مُبْرَمِ
10. Why, when guided to its smooth course
Do they not cease, belonging to the excused?
١٠. ما بالُها إن أُرْشِدَتْ لسُلُوِّها
لا تنْتَهي ولأهْلِ عُذْرةَ تنْتَمي
11. They awaken the tears' pacts from their lids
Passionately, by the memory of days gone by
١١. تُزْجي عُهودَ الدّمْعِ من أجْفانِها
وجْداً بذكْرى عهدِها المتقدّمِ
12. They did not deny the passion its lawfulness, but
By their madness, they realized it after illusion
١٢. لمْ تُنْكِرِ الحيَّ الحِلالَ وإنّما
بهُيامِها عرَفَتْهُ بعْدَ توهّمِ
13. The witness of the two encampments halts their journey
While the people waver between thought and pain
١٣. وعقيلةُ الحَيَّيْنِ تُوقِفُ ركْبَها
فالقوْمُ بينَ تأمُّلٍ وتألّمِ
14. They turned to the planets when they reflected
So the journey is between pillowing and imagining
١٤. مالُوا على الأقْتابِ حين تأمّلوا
فالرّكبُ بين توسّدٍ وتوسّمِ
15. I followed her with my gaze when she was coy
So the glance is between refusal and delight
١٥. أتْبَعْتُها نظَري غَداةَ تمنّعَتْ
فالطّرْفُ بينَ تمنّعٍ وتنعُّمِ
16. It kindles the red of tears on my youth
Thus the heart is between streaming and chanting
١٦. يُذْكي بمُحْمَرِّ الدموعِ صَبابَتي
فالقَلبُ بينَ تضرُّجٍ وتضرُّمِ
17. How many halts has passion compelled upon it
Thus fervour is between obligation and control
١٧. كم وقْفَةٍ حتَمتْ عليهِ بالهَوى
فالوجْدُ بيْنَ تحتّمٍ وتحكُّمِ
18. The sun appears in the clouds and disappears
Thus the horizon is between setting and glooming
١٨. والشّمْسُ تبْدو في السّحابِ وتخْتَفي
فالأفْقُ بينَ تغيُّبٍ وتغيُّمِ
19. The birds sing and the gardens sway
Thus the orchard is between humming and chanting
١٩. والطّيرُ تشْدو والحدائِقُ تنثَني
فالدّوحُ بينَ ترنُّحٍ وترنّمِ
20. The rain drags its tail over the hills
Thus the clouds are between gathering and frowning
٢٠. والغيثُ يسحَبُ ذيلَهُ فوقَ الرُبى
فالسّحْبُ بين تجمّعٍ وتجهّمِ
21. The flowers bloom as the breeze rends their dresses
Thus the meadow is between smiling and breathing
٢١. والزَّهْرُ قد شقّ النسيمُ جُيوبَهُ
فالرّوضُ بين تبسّمٍ وتنَسُّمِ
22. Like the bending of Joseph who paved the dew
Thus generosity is between hope and purpose
٢٢. كثَناءِ يوسُفٍ الذي شرعَ النّدى
فالجودُ بيْنَ مؤمَّلٍ وميمَّمِ
23. A king, when the exploits of his reign are recited
Thus the pearl is between threading and arranging
٢٣. ملِكٌ إذا تُلِيتْ مآثِرُ مُلكِه
فالدُّرُّ بيْنَ منضَّدٍ ومنظَّمِ
24. The assembly is inaugurated by the mention of his virtues
Thus the description is between sanctity and precedence
٢٤. يُسْتَفتَحُ النادي بذِكْرِ خِلالِه
فالوصْفُ بينَ مقدّسٍ ومُقدَّمِ
25. How many wisdoms have called out his swords of jihad
These enemies have exhausted, so arbitrate!
٢٥. كمْ حِكْمَةٍ نادَتْ سيوفَ جِهادِهِ
هَذي العِدى قد أجْهَدَتْ فتحَكَّمي
26. How many ambitions towards the stars ascend
On the day of spears as the processions aspire
٢٦. كمْ همّةٍ نحْو الكواكِبِ ترْتَقي
يومَ الطِّعانِ وللمَواكِبِ ترْتَمي
27. With the awe of magnificent west to the leading
And the stirring of war belonging to the brilliant
٢٧. بمَروعِ غَرْبٍ للسّوابِقِ ينْتَهي
ومُثيرِ حرْبٍ للبَوارِقِ ينْتَمي
28. Of a driver who guides the enemies to demise
Or outstanding, refined and intrepid
٢٨. من سائِقٍ يهْدي العُداةَ إلى الرّدى
أو سابِقٍ فذِّ الشِّياتِ مطهّمِ
29. So when gleams shine on the swords in fright
They reveal every dark matter in the fray
٢٩. فإذا استَنارَت للسّيوفِ بَوارقٌ
في الرّوْعِ أجْلَتْ كلَّ خطْبٍ مُظْلِمِ
30. And when stars shine on the tongues in the skirmish
They show every ambiguous meaning in the battle
٣٠. وإذا تجلّتْ للأسنّةِ أنجُمٌ
في النّقْعِ أبْدَتْ كُلَّ معْنىً مُبْهَمِ
31. And if war is waged and its banners unfurled
Against blasphemy, it dissolves every covenant
٣١. والحربُ إن عُقِدَتْ لها راياتُهُ
للكُفْرِ حلّتْ كُلَّ عهدٍ مُبْرَمِ
32. He ordains with unchallengeable royal command
He goes forth with resolve like swords decisive
٣٢. يقضي بأمْرٍ في المُلوكِ مُحكَّمٍ
يمْضي بعزْمٍ كالحُسامِ مُصمِّمِ
33. The billows of the towering waves were not shadowed in the fray
Except by the poles of the broken lances
٣٣. ما ظُلّلتْ لُجَجُ السّوابِغِ في الوَغى
إلا بأدْواحِ القَنا المُتحطّمِ
34. The ostrich eggs were not stripped in the battlefield
Except when clad in red blood
٣٤. ما جُرّدَتْ بيضُ الظُّبا في المُلْتَقى
إلا لأن كُسيَتْ بمُحْمَرّ الدّمِ
35. O saviour of kingdoms with resolve that
Showed the way to the saviour and the bold
٣٥. يا مُنجِدَ الأمْلاكِ بالعزْمِ الذي
أبْدَى السّبيلَ لمُنجِدٍ ولمُتْهِمِ
36. These enemies seek the blessing of your hand that
Is the refuge of the shelterless and treasure of the destitute
٣٦. هذي العِدى ترْجو نَدَى يدِكَ التي
هيَ مورِدُ الظّامي وكنْزُ المُعْدِمِ
37. They inclined to peace only after
The world surrendered to you fully submitted
٣٧. لم يجْنَحوا للسّلْمِ إلا بعدَما
ألْقَتْ لك الدُنْيا يدَ المُسْتَسْلِمِ
38. How many nations after their defiance
Sought your pardon, a gift for those arriving
٣٨. كمْ أمّةٍ أمّتْكَ بعْدَ خِلافِها
لتَنالَ عفْوَكَ تحْفَةً في المَقْدَمِ
39. You granted them from your forbearance, bounties that
The hands of the evildoer and criminal obtained
٣٩. فأنَلتَها من حِلْمِكَ النعْمى التي
ظفِرتْ بهنّ يدُ المُسيءِ المُجْرِمِ
40. You gave them security, while the people waver between
Demoralized by fate and anxious
٤٠. أمَّنْتَها فالقوْمُ بينَ مُهوّنٍ
للخَطْبِ في دَعَةٍ وبيْنَ مُهَوِّمِ
41. You bestowed upon them from your generosity, bounties that
Abundant, never depleted your munificence
٤١. أوْلَيْتَها من جودِكَ النّعَمَ التي
جلّتْ فلا عدِمَتْ وجودَ المُنْعِمِ
42. This, by God, is your purpose that
Exalted the most noble symbol of the religion of God
٤٢. هذا ويا للهِ وجْهَتُكَ التي
أعلتْ لدينِ اللهِ أشرفَ مَعْلَمِ
43. You launched the ships by the aid of good fortune
Moving, traversing like the stars
٤٣. أعْمَلتَها طوْعَ السّعودِ رَكائِباً
تسْري وتَنتقِلُ انتِقالَ الأنْجُمِ
44. And anchored atop the sea the mightiest stronghold
Where the planets rise and fall
٤٤. وحلَلْتَ فوقَ البحْرِ أمْنَعَ مَعْقِلٍ
حيثُ الكواكبُ ترْتَقي أو ترْتَمي
45. As if it forever gestures to it with a blood-stained palm
Like one fully submitted
٤٥. قد قابَلَ الكفَّ الخَضيبَ كأنّه
أبَداً يُشيرُ لها بكفِّ مُسَلّمِ
46. And you established the palace in which by its generosity
Safety is found by the saviour or the bold
٤٦. وأقَمْتَ بالقَصْرِ الذي بنُجودِهِ
يُلْفَى الأمانُ لمنجِدٍ أو مُتْهِمِ
47. You see the creek below the horizon
Meeting the winds with gaping mouth
٤٧. فتَرى الثّنيّةَ دونَ مظْهَرِ أفْقِهِ
تلْقى رياحَ الجوّ فاغِرَةَ الفمِ
48. Then you moved to the bank of the valley which
The sea is fed by its comfort
٤٨. ثمّ انتقلْتَ لضفّةِ الوادي الذي
منهُ تُمِدُّ البحْرَ راحةُ منْعِمِ
49. You pursued therein every straying vagabond
Fleeing towards death advancing
٤٩. طارَدتَ فيها كُلَّ أطْلَسَ شارِدٍ
متَهَيّبٍ نحْو المنيّةِ مُقْدِمِ
50. And you headed to the seat of the kingdom which
No description of its beauty is concealed
٥٠. وقدِ انثَنيْتَ لحضْرةِ المُلْكِ التي
ما وصفُ غُرّ خلالِها بمُكتّمِ
51. You reached it, so congratulations on the happiest destination
You arrived in it, so greetings on the happiest arrival
٥١. وافَيْتَها فاهْنأ بأسْعَدِ وِجْهةٍ
وقدِمْتَها فاهْنأ بأسْعَدِ مَقْدَمِ
52. My lord, your virtues cannot be counted except
By the verses of the Book, precise
٥٢. موْلايَ لا تُحْصى خِلالُكَ في العُلى
إلا بآياتِ الكِتابِ المُحْكَمِ
53. To you thus by eloquence they chose
The rule of poetry without hesitation
٥٣. فإليْكَها طوْعَ البلاغةِ آثرَتْ
حُكْمَ البِدارِ إليْكَ دونَ تلَوُّمِ
54. They came to you from the choicest words as pearls
Flawless in composition and rhyme
٥٤. جاءتْكَ منْ حُرِّ الكلامِ بلُؤلُؤٍ
ما بيْنَ فذٍّ للنّظامِ وتوْءَمِ
55. So you remained as long as pilgrims flowed to Minah
And the Ancient House and Zamzam were filled
٥٥. فبقيتَ ما سارَ الحَجيجُ إلى مِنىً
واحْتَلَ بالبيتِ العَتيقِ وزمْزَمِ