
Oh you who yearns to visit this land and its beauty

ألا يا مشوقا يمم الربع والمغنى

1. Oh you who yearns to visit this land and its beauty
Congratulations, for your beautiful face greets with beauty

١. ألا يا مَشوقاً يمّمَ الرّبْعَ والمَغْنى
هنيئاً فوجْهُ الحسْنِ حيّاكَ بالحسْنى

2. You turned towards my steps in submission
And gifted an elegant, eloquent response

٢. عطفْت على سلمَى الرّكابَ مُسلّماً
فأهْدَتْ جَواباً رائقَ اللفظِ والمعْنَى

3. Oh how you often turned away and did not bend a coat
Yet you delighted when I pulled you, a tender branch

٣. ويا طالَما صدّت ولم تَثْنِ مَعطِفاً
ولذّتْ وقد جاذَبْتُها غُصُناً لَدْنا

4. As for when your radiant beauty appeared
From a rising moon and a blossoming meadow

٤. وأمّا وقد لاحَ المحَيّا وحُسْنُهُ
فمِنْ طَلْعةٍ تُجْلَى ومنْ دوحَةٍ تُجْنى

5. We walked slowly with the mounts in the night
And the star of dusk did not know fatigue

٥. وقِدْماً سرَيْنا بالرَّكائِب مَوْهِناً
ونجْمُ الدُّجى بالأفْقِ لمْ يعرِفِ الوَهْنا

6. Imaginary mirages lead us into the sea of mirage
So blessed are the eyes that saw the sea and ships

٦. تخوضُ بنا بحْرَ السّرابِ ظعائِنٌ
فللّه عيْنَا مَن رأى البحرَ والسُّفْنا

7. I have not forgotten her standing in the permitted quarter
Its people are meanings, so what do I want with poetry?

٧. ولم أنْسَ بالحَيِّ الحِلالِ وُقوفَها
وسُكّانُه المعْنَى فمالي وللمغْنَى

8. My passion for description is only because
Through it I compare one who has inspired meaning in me

٨. وهل شغَفي بالبانِ إلا لأنّه
بهِ شَبَهٌ ممّنْ كَلِفتُ بها معْنَى

9. She is a gazelle in form and a staff in intimacy
She captivated me without condition or exception

٩. هيَ الظّبْيُ جيداً والقَضيبُ تأوُّداً
ثنَتْنيَ مِلْكاً دونَ شرْطٍ ولا اسْتِثْنا

10. The brightness of her mirror and beauty of her stature
When she appears, puts moons and branches to shame

١٠. بنَيِّر مرْآها وحُسْنِ قوامِها
إذا ما تبدّتْ تُخْجِلُ البدْرَ والغُصْنا

11. Oh if only her phantom would visit me in the darkness of night
For who can I hope when sleep has befriended my eyelids?

١١. فيا لَيْتَ منْها الطيْفُ قد زارَ في الدُجى
ومن لي بهِ والسُّهْدُ قد ألِفَ الجَفْنا

12. Yearning flew away with my heart after she left
It did not make in my chest a den or abode

١٢. أطارَ فؤادي الشّوْقُ بعْدَ بِعادِها
فلمْ يتخِذْ في الصّدْرِ وكْراً ولا وَكْنا

13. I'm amazed it befriended her despite her distance
And did not take rest except when she came close

١٣. عجِبْتُ لها إذْ أتْلَفَتْهُ ببُعْدِها
وما اتخذَتْ لمّا نأتْ غيرَهُ سُكْنى

14. She excused me then was stingy to unite
The most amazing thing is one who excuses yet is stingy when fate comes

١٤. لقد عذَرَتْني ثمّ ضنَّتْ بوصْلِها
وأعْجَبُ شيءٍ عاذِرٌ بالمُنَى ضَنّا

15. The slanderer has cast doubts and lies
So who excuses yet is stingy or who doubts yet accuses?

١٥. وقد رجمَ الواشي ظنوناً كَواذباً
فمنْ عاذِرٍ قدْ ضنّ أو عاذلٍ ظنّا

16. The most unique thing is the ring dove calling loudly
Reminding of the beauty and excelling if it sings

١٦. وأبْدَعُ شيءٍ طائرُ الدوحِ صادِحاً
يُذكِّرُ بالمغْنى ويُبْدِعُ إن غَنّى

17. I listened to it and hearing is a gateway to its song
So it returned and did not know a veil or permission

١٧. أذِنْتُ لهُ والسمعُ بابٌ لسَجْعِهِ
فثابَ ولمْ يعرِفْ حِجاباً ولا إذْنا

18. It circled with odes as if
It wove Joseph with praise so was self-sufficient

١٨. وطوّق بالأنداءِ جيداً كأنّهُ
حَبَى يوسُفاً مَوْلايَ بالمَدْحِ فاسْتَغْنى

19. He is the Highest King, the Victorious Supporter
Whose lofty glories established the foundation

١٩. هوَ الملِكُ الأعْلى هو النّاصِرُ الذي
مَعالِي عَوالِيهِ مؤسّسةُ المَبْنى

20. It is enough for east and west kings that He
Hopes for their safety, both far and near

٢٠. فحَسْبُ ملوكِ الغربِ والشّرقِ أنّهُ
يُؤمّلُه الأقْصى من الخلْقِ والأدْنى

21. When the full moon rises with light and loftiness
I see its value highest and its rising most sublime

٢١. إذا ما تبدّى البدْرُ نُوراً ورِفْعَةً
أرى قدْرَهُ أسْمى وطلعتَهُ أسْنى

22. It makes easy the ease for the asker of purpose
And extends its favors for the hopeful of safety

٢٢. تُيَسِّرُ يُسْراهُ لسائِلهِ المُنى
وتَبْسُط يُمْناهُ لآمِلِه الأمْنا

23. So it defeats its enemies and revives its chastity
With either a generous act or a waged war

٢٣. فيُرْدي أعادِيهِ ويُحْيِي عُفاتَهُ
بمَكْرُمَةٍ قدْ سَنّ أو غارَةٍ شنّا

24. Its support enriches me with hopes and wealth
So I am self-sufficient and need not ask others for meaning

٢٤. حَباني بالآمالِ والمالِ رِفْدُهُ
فأغْنَى وعنْ تسْآل مَنْ دونَهُ أغْنى

25. My praises of it were means to become rich
So praise belongs to Allah for what enriches me and sustains me

٢٥. مدائِحُهُ كانتْ وسائِلَ للغِنى
فللّهِ ما أغْنى وللهِ ما أعْنَى

26. My Master, you have given me all that I sought
With abundant bestowal whose generosity shames misers

٢٦. أمَولايَ قد بلّغْتَني كُلَّ مطْلَبٍ
بِفَيْضِ نوالٍ جَوْدُهُ يُخْجِلُ المُزْنا

27. Why not, when your sign which is marked with beauty
In adding to beauty, arrived to intercede?

٢٧. ولمْ لا وقد وافتْ علامَتُك التي
لها الحُسْنُ في شفعِ الزّيادةِ بالحُسْنى

28. You were generous in fulfilling the hopes of a servant
So thanks for what you bestowed of the best aims

٢٨. وجُدتَ بما قد أمّلَ العبْدُ مُنعِماً
فشكراً بما أوْليْتَ من مقْصَدٍ أسْنى

29. And you ennobled a servant who came submitting
Seeing prosperity in kissing your right hand

٢٩. وشرّفْتَ عبْداً قد أتاكَ مُسلِّماً
يَرى اليُمْنَ في تَقبيلِ راحَتِك اليُمْنى

30. Your bestowal suffices, securing every asker
To whom meanings in life are forgotten with neglect

٣٠. نوالكَ كافٍ كافِلٌ كلَّ سائِلٍ
لهُ في الورى معْنىً تَناسَوْا بهِ مَعْنا

31. A blessing upon the one who hurried his Mount at Mina
And the one who performed Pilgrimage of God's House, the Stone and the Corner

٣١. يميناً بمنْ حثّ الرّكائِبَ في مِنىً
ومنْ حجّ بيت اللهِ والحجْرَ والرُّكْنا

32. And the one who journeyed by night to speak privately to His Lord
Until he hung two bow lengths or closer

٣٢. ومنْ قد سَرى ليْلاً لتكْليمِ رَبِّهِ
إلى أن تدَلّى قابَ قوسيْن أو أدْنى

33. Neither the brilliant full moon nor life
Radiate or bestow from you beauty or bounty

٣٣. لما ساجَل البَدْرُ المُنيرُ ولا الحَيا
يَلوحُ ويَهْمي منكَ حُسْناً ولا مَنّا

34. And through praise her beauty surpassed
Every lovely singer in beauty

٣٤. ودونكَها بالحمدِ راقَ جمالُها
وبالمَدْحِ فاقتْ كُلَّ غانِيةٍ حَسْنا

35. So the servant praised you again and again
To where time turned with what he praised

٣٥. فأثنى عليْكَ العَبْدُ بَدْءاً وعوْدَةً
إلى أن ثَنى صرْفَ الزّمانِ بما أثْنى