1. May the specter in the wings of night when it returns
Renew a pact of contentment and repeat it
١. عَسى الطّيفُ في جِنحِ الدُجى إذ يعودُهُ
يجدِّدُ عهْداً للرّضَى ويُعيدُهُ
2. We intend to meet in fantasy when it flows
To come near even if the pilgrimage place is far from it
٢. نَرومُ اجتماعاً بالخَيالِ إذا سَرى
ليَدْنو وإنْ شطّ المَزارُ بَعيدُهُ
3. I was amazed that it does not toss in my bed
While the embers of passion are fueled in my heart by it
٣. عجبْتُ لهُ إذ لا يُلمُّ بمضْجِعي
وجَمْرُ الجَوى يُذْكَى بقَلبي وَقودُهُ
4. By the fire of my heart it found its way in the dark
And in the tears of my eyelids are my roses from it
٤. بنارِ فؤادي في الظلامِ اهْتداؤُهُ
وفي أدْمُعِ الأجْفانِ منّي وُرودُهُ
5. Leave my tears to protect whenever life was stingy
And the beloved shortchanged the quarter with its generosity
٥. دعُوا أدمُعي تهْمي متَى بخِلَ الحَيا
وأخْلَفَ ربعاً للحَبيبِ تجودُهُ
6. Oh but those covenants by which
We had a pact of intimacy that fulfilled its praise
٦. ألا بأبي تلْكَ المعاهِدُ إذْ بها
لنا عهْدُ أُنْسٍ قد تقضّى حَميدُهُ
7. Even though the patience of separation after you waned
Its vigors faded and its generosity chained
٧. على أنّ ربْعَ الصّبرِ بعْدَك قد عَفا
تَهائِمُهُ قد أقفَرتْ ونُجودُهُ
8. I traveled from the homelands so tears could not find
A pact with that intimacy except its promises
٨. رحَلتُ عن الأوطانِ فالدّمعُ لم تَجُدْ
مَعاهدَ ذاك الأنسِ إلا عُهودُهُ
9. Time has estranged me from you deliberately
And which beloved's pillar does not suffer?
٩. رَماني زماني منكَ بالبُعْدِ عامداً
وأيُّ حَبيبٍ ليسَ يَشْقى عَميدُهُ
10. It is the way of days to deny wishes
And to grant what we do not want
١٠. ومنْ عادةِ الأيامِ أن تمنَعَ المُنَى
وأن تمنحَ الشيءَ الذي لا نُريدُهُ
11. But our Master the Caliph Yusuf
Increases your honor whenever you seek it
١١. ولكنّ مولانا الخليفَةَ يوسُفاً
يَزيدُكَ عِزّاً كُلَّما تسْتزيدُهُ
12. Especially one like me, for my Master's palm
Is generous and my thoughts excellent in praising him
١٢. ولا سيّما مِثلي فمَوْلايَ كَفُّهُ
لجودٍ وأفكاري لمَدْحٍ تُجيدُهُ
13. So O supporter of Islam and the king whom
His nearby aid encompasses the seekers and his generosity
١٣. فَيا ناصرَ الإسلامِ والملِكَ الذي
يعُمُّ نداهُ القاصدين وَجودُهُ
14. It is as if the efforts of the guardians of blasphemy failed
And their valleys were destroyed and their wanderings chained
١٤. كأنْ بوَليّ الكُفْر قد خابَ سعْيُهُ
وقُدّتْ هوادِيهِ وقيدَ شَرودُهُ
15. Through you the upright religion sought victory so its
Armies renewed the pact of jihad
١٥. بك اسْتَنصرَ الدينُ الحَنيفُ فأصْبَحَتْ
تُجَدِّدُ عهْداً بالجِهادِ جنودُهُ
16. And no amazing structure you built
Brings closer the hopes of the frightened far from it
١٦. ولا مثْلَ مبْنىً مُعْجِبٍ قد وضَعْتَهُ
يقرّبُ آمالَ المَروعِ بعِيدُهُ
17. And you took charge with your noble self of its matter
That is a pride whose splendor does not fade
١٧. وباشرْتَ بالنّفسِ الكريمةِ أمْرَهُ
وذلكَ فخْرٌ ليسَ يَبْلى جديدُهُ
18. The composer of prose and verse aspires to describe it
Yet his rhymes and his ode fall short of it
١٨. يَرومُ وليُّ النّظمِ والنّثْرِ وصْفَهُ
فيعجِزُ عنهُ سجْعُهُ وقصيدُهُ
19. The lips of the dear smile at it delighted
By an appearance of honor from you, your might and presence
١٩. تبسّم ثغرُ الثّغْرِ عنهُ مسرّةً
بمظهَرِ عزٍّ منهُ عزَّ وجودُهُ
20. And a meteor shone high upon it for one guided
Matching the full moon rising from you its good fortune
٢٠. ولاحَ بأعْلاهُ شِهاباً لمُهْتَدٍ
تُقابِلُ بَدرَ الأفقِ منكَ سُعودُهُ
21. Whenever the enemy of religion lurked in its midst
And intended to steal a hearing, his hand was severed
٢١. إذا ما عدُوُّ الدّين جاسَ خِلالَهُ
ورامَ اسْتِراقَ السّمْعِ كُفَّ مَريدُهُ
22. Like a beautiful woman who reveals her beauty to the eyes
So she initiates the meaning of her beauty and repeats it
٢٢. كحسْناءَ تستجْلي العيونُ جمالَها
فتُبْدِئُ معْنى حُسْنِها وتُعيدُهُ
23. She gestured with a palm, inviting you hastily
To destroy the transgressors, may their immortality vanish
٢٣. وقد أوْمأتْ بالكفِّ تدْعو ضراعةً
لمُلكِكَ أن يُفْني العُداةَ خلودُهُ
24. Near a mountain whose cliffs were tied down
By the blood-stained palm, its generosity
٢٤. لدَى جبَلٍ بالشّهْبِ نِيطَتْ هِضابُهُ
فصافَحَتِ الكفَّ الخضيبَ نُجودُهُ
25. It smelled the far-reaching glory, its dignity and banners
Calm, and its standards and troops passing by
٢٥. أشمَّ بَعيدَ الصّيتِ بادٍ وقارُهُ
ومُرتاحةٌ أعْلامُه وبُنودُهُ
26. The gusts of wind pass through it bending
As its towering ascent has blocked their climb
٢٦. تمرُّ به هُوجُ الرّياحِ فتَنثَني
وقد سدّ مسْراها الرفيعَ صُعودُهُ
27. They aspire to sublime above it while below it
Falling short of what they desire and seek from it
٢٧. ترومُ سُموّاً فوقَهُ وهْيَ دونَهُ
فتَقْصرُ عمّا تشتَهي وتُريدُهُ
28. You called the people of jihad so they came obediently
As its pilgrims circle the Ancient House and its delegations
٢٨. دعوْتَ لهُ أهْلَ الجِهادِ فأهْطَعوا
كما زارَتِ البيْت العَتيقَ وُفودُهُ
29. And the armies circled it as if it were
A girdle around a waist, enhancing its unique one
٢٩. ودارَتْ حواليْهِ الجُنودُ كأنّها
وِشاحٌ علَى خَصْرٍ يروقُ فَريدُهُ
30. Alighting from it in flocks like wild doves
Pleasant is its shade and roses from your freshness
٣٠. تَحُلُّ كأسْرابِ القَطا منهُ موْرِداً
يَطيبُ بجَدْوى راحتَيْكَ وُرودُهُ
31. With its Mashrabiyya* your heights are at ease, shading
Repelling the transgressing enemy and blocking it
٣١. بمشْرَعهِ ارْتاحَتْ عواليكَ شُرَّعاً
تَرُدُّ العدوَّ المعْتَدي وتَذودُهُ
32. As for its meaning, its people have not solved its riddle
Rather it is an enigma preserved by its lions
٣٢. فما هُو مَعْنىً حَلّ مغناهُ أهلُهُ
ولكنّهُ غيلٌ حمتْهُ أُسودُهُ
33. And beneath you my Master are of it precious pearls
So my verse is a necklace its good fortune polishes
٣٣. ودونكَ يا موْلايَ منها لآلئاً
فنَظميَ عِقْدٌ صفحَةُ الطّرْسِ جيدُهُ
34. And you who still support the religion
Your kingship the times' kingdoms are your servants
٣٤. وأنتَ الذي مازلتَ للدّين ناصِراً
ومُلْكُكَ أمْلاكُ الزّمانِ عَبيدُهُ